Stalker Devil Part 1

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As the target completed so without a delay i m back with this update.




Sanskar comes inside the building and goes inside his cabin. He doesn't find his black coffee on table.

Sanskar sits down on his chair.

Sanskar (on the intercom button ):alia send mr alok inside the cabin. (he off intercom and starts thinking about swara while putting a deadly smirk on his face):how u forget mr sanskar mahesweri u have love a stubborn angel. Swara swara u did really bad for not coming here. U r really playing with my ego baby u really hurting it but u have to be punished now.

Sanskar heard knock on his door. He makes himself presentable.

Alok(from outside ); sir may i come in

Sanskar (while working on laptop ):ya mr alok come inside

Alok comes inside the cabin.

Sanskar (while working on laptop):mr alok (sees him )u r working with me from my starting career so i trust u the most. So i want to take an advise from u actually we got a huge deal from himachal pradesh government and its a great achievement for our company so i m thinking to distribute sweets to my whole company i just want a pure indian homemade kind of sweets. Can u suggest me perfect place for this big work.

Sanskar puts a mysterious smirk while talking with mr alok as he knows what mr alok going to say.

Alok:sir if u don't mind can i suggest u something

Sanskar (smile. ):ya mr alok don't hesitate u can say ur suggestion

Alok(smiles):thank u sir actually my friend shekhar has started his sweet shop its really famous in whole chandani chowk sir in just a month it has gain great popularity in that area. Sweets r prepared by his mother and wife so u can have made homemade flavor sweets sir.

Sanskar :great so say mr shekhar to prepare there famous sweets for my Union workers. I need them on Navratri. Is that clear

Alok:sir its great idea u r doing great work for poor Union members thank u sir i will inform shekhar About it

Sanskar nodes and alok leaves from there.

Sanskar laughs a little devilishly and gets up from his chair and goes towards his cabin small bar side area. He takes out whine and pours the wine on glass. He takes the glass on his hand.

Sanskar (while drinking wine):so baby girl i have stricken my first trump card. U don't know what consequences u r going to face after leaving this job. (angrily )its only my right to take someone or expel someone from my company. But first ever in 4 year of this company someone try to go from here my giving his resignation its just a slap on my pride baby. I love u its doesn't mean u have right to play with the sanskar mahesweri pride. U already damaged much by ur ego baby and now enough ur tantrums its time to play with u my angel. Time for first stroke

He takes out his phone and dial a number.


Swara comes to her sweet shop and restaurant with her family. She holds her dada ji hand in happiness after huge sweet shop.

Swara (in happiness ):ohh my god dada ji its so big and awesome how u all made it in short time, period.

Dada:this shop already build up when we buy it we just renovated it. This whole shop credit goes to ur dadi and ur mom their handmade sweets and food make it famous. They even sold all their jewellery for this shop and god listen our prayers and now we have not to worry about money.

Swara smiles thinking about new shining happiness in her family life. She doesn't know that devil has planned something for her.

Swara (while seeing sweets):baba this one i want this one also and this one also

Shekhar; swara beta calm down this whole shop is urs only so eat how much u want to eat.

Durga(smiles seeing swara antiques):baba i Think swara will empty this shop. Shona control ok

Swara(while making childlish face):haa di i will take all of them

They enjoys whole day with each other.


All family members r going to sleep after dinner  but suddenly gadodiya house door bell ringed. Swara dadi is going to open the door but before that she goes towards door swara stops her.

Swara (while going towards door ):
Dadi u go and sleep i will see who is there.

Dadi nodes her head and leaves towards her room.

Swara opens the door and find no one there.

Swara (while seeing everywhere after opening the door ):aree here no one

She sees a red rose bouquet lying on floor with a box.

Swara (bends down to take them with a confused face); who has, put it here. (sees turns her hair and takes the, box in her hand. She opens it and become hell shocked to see her picture on it. Its swara whole day out pictures. Her smiles, her antiques picture some, pictures swara family s showing but there faces r blur. Only swara face is cleared in every pic. She sees the picture in horrified condition  . Sweat coming out from her forehead.

Shomi(from inside the house ):swara what happened beta who is there.

Swara (stands up immediately while taking bouquet and, photos in fear. Difficulty to say):maa woh (puts photos on box)naughty neighborhood rahul comes over here u know na he always run away after ringing the bell. I m just scolding him. I m coming u go sleep

Shomi(from inside ):ok come soon inside shona and make rahul go home don't scold him much

Swara comes inside the house. All of the members r gone to sleep. Swara shies in relief and goes outside the house. She throws the flower on road garbage and she tears up the, photos in small pieces and throw it on garbage and leaves to her home.

Sanskar (who is sitting in his sport car sees this and smirks):ohho scaring baby. Wow its fun to see fear in ur eyes but u did wrong sweetheart  . Don't u know baby in how much difficulty i make my fashion photographer to click ur beautiful pictures but its ok u have right to throw these, expensive photographs of urs. Because my money is urs but still u did wrong do this act. So u need another dose as punishment.


Swara is going to sleep on her bed after drinking water. She puts comforter on her. She starts thinking about the parcel.

Swara :who has send it. (she thinks keenly About the person who has sent it)may be sanskar sir. No no why he willTARGET

. I m not so much important in his life. But what about that incident that happened in shimla. No swara he will not do anything don't think like this. He is No 1 Asia businesses tycoon. He has Much more important than thinking about u.

Swara chains of thoughts stopped after listening beep sound on her mobile. She avoids it. But suddenly continuing beep sounds starts coming. She become little scared thinking about the person who is messaging this time. She thinks about the photos and than these messages.

She takes deep breath and takes the, mobile. She opens the mobile and becomes shocked to see other picture when was picking bouquet.

She sees messages :u love the, Pictures because i love them the most.

Swara (message back in fear):who r u.

Message :u forget me so soon but i don't forget u baby. I always think about u everytime

Swara (sees the message in fear she breath down and in):swara
Don't think much ok. Just make the person shut by ur reply that he will get to know what kind of girl u r.

Swara (messaged back):listen whoever u r. Don't try to message me ever again otherwise i was  filed a police complaint against u so don't try ever to message here ever again.

Swara blocks the number after sending the message and sleeps thinking that now message her but she doesn't know what mess is coming towards her life in name, of sanskar mahesweri.

SAnskar (Starts the car):so baby didn't recognized me(starts driving the car)u forgot me swara but i don't forget u. U didn't remember my words baby carefully. What i have said i will not leave u i will not leave u darling. Now time for sweet shop dhamka

Sanskar smirks while driving.

Screen freezed on sanskar smirking face and swara sleeping face.


350+Votes and comments. 

Precap:shomi(while, putting glass, on dining table):swara open the door beta our guest has come.

Swara opens the door and becomes shocked to see the person in front of her.

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