Chapter 02

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To: Praedo, current leader of propaganda.

By following the instructions I gave you in my previous letter, your efforts in the movie industry have shown promise, but do not believe your work complete. Although movies do reach many, it is only for a couple of hours out of a single day. Television, however, reaches more and on a near constant basis, so you must direct your efforts there as well.

To begin with, it is important to realize how much influence television can have on the viewing public. If done correctly, the glowing box can be more devastating than a high yield bomb. Since you probably have no idea what I'm talking about, for you would've already taken the appropriate actions if you did, I shall explain further.

Television programs are consumed by the human creatures as much as food, and if the shows can be poisoned, the humans will be undone without ever knowing it. For starters, promote things in direct conflict with the teachings of the Enemy, have them be commonplace or make frequent appearances. The general audience will dismiss them as a fad or temporary trend, while the followers of the Enemy will be up in arms. This is of vital importance because if any of the Believers can be made angry, the entire lot of them will be viewed as such. The greater and more rage-fueled fight they put up, the more we can spin it to our advantage.

Promoting homosexuality, drug use, extra-marital affairs, and anything else that can offend them is a perfect way to light a fuse certain to lead to an explosion. If our opponents fight against it, we can make them seem intolerant, but if they don't fight, we can continue to indoctrinate the masses without resistance.

Be certain to portray the religious as fanatics or lunatics in media, so when they zealously object, it will only confirm it. The more the Enemy forces are enraged, the less likely anyone will want to listen to them about anything at all. Those within our power will be protected from being converted, and the odds increase we'll be able to use our foes' frustration and rage to lure them to our side.

Work with all diligence to promote the controversial. Gun control, abortion, immigration, religious fanaticism, whatever can be used to start an argument. Remember, it isn't the issue itself that is important. The anger and the hurt feelings caused during the argument are essential for once these take root, it will be these painful memories the humans will see when they look at each other and when they hear the other's voice. The issue will be forgotten, and resentment will take over.

Like a blood feud, the conflict will grow with each anger filled response, leading to even greater acts of retribution. If done properly, people will hate and fight without ever knowing the reason why. Many of them won't even care about the reasons behind it, simply fulfilling what is expected of them by their associates. Under no circumstances must the issue be allowed to settle. To maintain the conflict, constant agitation is required as anger blinds reason. As long as the humans stay angry, they'll never see the solution, even if it's right in front of their noses.

Politics are an excellent source of conflict. Many people identify themselves more by their political party than religion. Your efforts on this front have been satisfactory, but more can be done, especially through television and the news media. Most of the humans believe their leaders are corrupt, and it's up to you to keep them thinking this. It shouldn't be too hard as many of the leaders are fully within the power of our Master, but what you should focus on is the ones most in the public eye. Have the news media concentrate on scandals of one type or another, keep them constantly in view while those actually serving the people will receive no notice or recognition and those serving our Master will be able to work unnoticed while the public attention is elsewhere.

The Master will promote some candidates strictly for the purpose of discrediting the rest, so make sure they get full attention. Also emphasize the differences between the parties and the stark contrasts on the issues. Divide the humans into camps and make certain they know to deviate from the party marching orders is equivalent to treason. If anyone questions their party, have them shunned by their fellows.

Social media is a great way to accomplish this as it can quickly reach many to create a firestorm of hatred toward someone, even if most of those involved don't even know the person being targeted. People with large numbers of followers don't know most of those trailing in their wake. Similarly, the followers only know a few things of interest or a handful of quotes from the person they're following, creating a false sense of companionship with someone they don't really know at all. This illusionary closeness between user and follower makes loving and hating strangers common, and very easy to manipulate with the right push. When the leader gives the rallying cry to go after a perceived offender, the devoted masses trust them instinctively and tear at their new enemy without ever questioning it.

In every argument, volume is more important than anything being said. If an opponent is trying to debate with reason, simply shout them down and cover their talking points with rhetoric until they give up or the time for the discussion ends. If those following the Enemy cannot be heard, they won't be able to persuade anyone. Humans have always had a tendency to follow the loudest voice, so be sure it is ours they hear.



The Devil's Hand

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