Chapter 04

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To: Praedo, current leader of propaganda.

Your position permits you a unique opportunity as television and streaming devices allow us to broadcast everything we want right into the homes of those who oppose us. Never have such breaches existed in defensive lines before, and we must take full advantage of them.

Misinformation or outright lies are one of the key ways to lead the humans astray. Remember, it doesn't matter what is actually the truth as numerical superiority and volume will win. For example, if every media outlet were to report the North Pole was a scorching desert with blistering temperatures, only the scientists who are actually there and in the process of recording record snowfall would know the truth. Their information won't reach as far or as loud as ours, and as long as all the lies agree in greater numbers than those telling the truth, humans will believe the majority

If there is a situation where the truth is going to come out, muddy the waters. Create a number of similar stories intended to be discovered as false. When they are revealed as a fraud, they will create a foundation of mistrust, and when the truth is heard, it will be just as quickly disregarded as yet another lie. Humans have a tendency to believe what they're told first or repeatedly, so be sure to do both and we will capture their minds easily.

Using this tactic, you must expand your operations to strike at the structure of the human family. Focus your attacks on breaking the unity between them, isolating the individual members where they can more easily eliminated by our warriors lying in wait.

For starters, every effort must be made to degrade the image of men, particularly fathers. The humans refer to Him as Father, and for this reason alone the very title and all it represents must be ruined. Portrayals of men and fathers should be that of either incompetent fools, bunglers, or idiots with brainpower little better than an amoeba. General classifications of men as slobs or dogs are also useful, but do not miss the opportunity to show how they mistreat others, specifically women. The more hatred we can generate toward men and fathers, the more we can drive the humans away from each other and especially away from Him.

Our warriors on other fronts have made business and the accumulation of wealth, especially when packaged under the guise of trying to help one's family, a priority of life. As a result, many men are not present in the home for long durations, allowing our image of them to be the dominant theme children come in contact with. If our forces can make the fathers tired or better yet irritable when they come home, your portrayal of terrible fathers in movies and TV will only reinforce this belief in the receptive minds of the young.

Some fathers have been unable to deal with the stress and responsibilities and have simply given up, abandoning their families. This is something that needs to be constantly mentioned, shown, and represented as common. Even if it isn't the norm, we can make the humans think it is.

With overworked fathers or deadbeat dads, we have removed them from the equation. With the cry of women's liberation in the world, we can use the current social climate to our advantage and remove the mother as well.

By having both parents in the working world, it leaves the raising of the children to hired help who will feel no obligation to teach the moral or religious ideals of the parent to the child as they are but hourly keepers until their time of service has ended.

Once the children go to school, they will again be distant from the parents' watchful eyes and be vulnerable to our intensive indoctrination. Parents too busy with work will have no time to review what their child is bringing home, and without an opposing viewpoint, the foundation will be laid to lure them out of the Enemy's hands and firmly into ours.

In addition to filling media with examples of working families, single parent families must be promoted as happy and successful. Although some can be, they're very much like a human with only one leg - a well-placed shove can more easily topple them. Boys without a sufficient father figure in their life will look for any definition for how to be a man, and we shall be more than happy to provide. Stories of gangs and organized crime offering a family like structure can be used to push the impressionable in that direction.

The family was built to provide balance and guidance, and if we can encourage an upset to that balance, we can take the reins and guide the humans where we want them to go.

Government, police, and fathers are all symbols of authority, bringers of the law and definitions of what is and is not allowed; the Enemy is also, so in order to destroy the people's willingness to follow Him, attention should be given to destroying the human's confidence in and compliance with human authority. Symbols of the law must be torn down and ridiculed. They should be constantly shown as either inept, ineffective, or corrupt. The more rebellious and defiant we can encourage the humans to be, the less likely they'll be to accept His guidance. And, if we can get them to refuse having anything to do with Him, they are already within our grasp.



The Devil's Hand

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