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It was a mid-winter night, with winds piercing like knives dancing on one's skin. A lone figure can be seen walking in the dimly lit alleyway of one of the slums of Seoul. 

His name is Kim Jaejoong. 

At 23 years young, he is struggling to find a job and get out of this neighborhood. Lady Luck hasn't been very generous with him besides giving him a pretty face. To him, it just means trouble since every company he applied for has yet to take him seriously due to his girly features and fragile frame. 

Rushing home from a 10-hr work day at Heaven Hotels, Kim Jaejoong cannot wait to cook himself a hot cup of ramen noodles stacked in his kitchen cabinet and crawling into the warmth of his bed. He started to feel excitement when he noticed that he was getting closer to his lovely home. 

'Just past this alley.' Jaejoong thought. 


Jaejoong fell on his arms. Scrunching his eyebrows, he looked around and saw something on the road. Upon a closer look, Jaejoong was horrified to find that it was a body. 

No, not a dead body. But close to dying. 

Taking a cautious step, Jaejoong started inching closer to the body 5 feet from him. 

'Is he dead?' Jaejoong thought. 

"Ex-excuse me..." Jaejoong started quietly. 

.... No answer

"Excuse me..." This time Jaejoong spoke a little louder

.... Still no answer 

'Oh no, he must be dead.' Jaejoong thought again. Looking around, he couldn't see any houses nearby, so he pulled his phone out and dialed 119. 

Suddenly a hand grabbed a hold of his wrist, causing him to drop his silver flip phone. 

"... Don't... call..." It was a deep, velvety baritone. That voice sends shivers down his spine. 

"I... I don't.... " Jaejoong drifted off again

"Home... take me... home..." That same baritone again. But what home? There aren't any houses nearby. The only building was Jaejoong's apartment complex. 

"Ok but where do you live?" Jaejoong tried to ask him. It's not like he doesn't want to help, he just doesn't know how. 

"..." No answer again. 

"You need help... I'll call the ambulance..." Jaejoong tried reasoning with the man and reached for his phone a few feet away. 

"N..o... just don't..." The voice sounded weaker and weaker. Jaejoong was confused. He had no idea what to do. He noticed that the man was squeezing his eyes shut, indicating that he was in pain. 

That's when Jaejoong took a closer look and saw what the man was holding. A wound. On his left stomach. It was bleeding profusely. 

"You're bleeding. Please let me call..." Jaejoong picked up the phone and tried calling for help again. A hand came up and slapped the phone out of his hand, sending it flying. 

"...." After exerting so much energy, the man was unconscious. His breathing was rough and cold sweats started pouring. 

Jaejoong started running to where his phone was at to find that the phone has broken in half, making it useless. 

Sighing, he looked over the unconscious body. He was both angry and worried. Angry about his phone but worried about the man's life.

Huffing, he stood up and walked over to the man again. He started inspecting the still body. He started checking for a pulse. Found it. 

' You're lucky I'm nice.' Jaejoong thought as he wounded the man's arm over his shoulders and started making his way back to his apartment. His phone lied a distance away.

With much difficulty, Jaejoong managed to get both of them inside and set the man down on his bed. He started cooking hot water so he can use to clean the wound later. Moments later, he started cleaning the wound and bandaging it up. 

'Hopefully, this will stop the bleeding' Jaejoong thought to himself. After checking for a fever and found none, he sat down next to his bed to take a closer look at the man. He was blown away. 

The Gods must be really generous when they created him. 

Small face, sharp cheekbones, high nose, and sunkissed skin. He was too beautiful. 

Jaejoong was starstruck. 

'Did I save a celebrity?' Jaejoong thought briefly. He chuckled to himself at his own stupidity. Why would a celebrity be lying in the middle of the road with a bleeding wound? 

Jaejoong shook his head and got up. He momentarily forgot how hungry he was. He walked into the kitchen to make himself that hot cup of noodles he promised himself earlier. He finished the bowl in record time. Of course, it was his second meal of the day. 

After finishing his meal and cleaning up, he changed out of his work clothes. He looked over to his bed to see that it was already occupied. Sighing, he decided to grab his bath towel and laid on the floor. It was cold but Jaejoong was tired so he didn't mind the uncomfortableness and just drifted to sleep. 

The sun was rising from the trees. Bright sun rays made its way into the open window near Jaejoong's bed. A figure started to move slowly. Dark orbs started to open. Jaejoong sighed. 

Another day.

He sat up from his place on the cold floor and took a peek at the clock. 5:00 am. 

Jaejoong has a habit of waking up early because he was the paperboy and had to deliver newspapers at around this time. He glanced over at the figure on his bed. Still deep asleep but his breathing seemed to have slowed down and his face is starting to gain color. 

Jaejoong walked over to the man and checked for a fever. It was gone. Jaejoong smiled softly and made his way to the bathroom to change. Then he walked into the kitchen and made a simple breakfast. Since there was not much in the fridge, Jaejoong ended up cooking soup and fried eggs. After he was done, he packed himself a meal and left a note on the table for the man. Then he was out the door, ready for another workday.

An hour after Jaejoong left, the figure on his bed started to move. His eyes opened slowly, revealing dark orbs. He looked around and saw that he was in an unfamiliar place. His eyes started to scan the room. It was small but homely. He concluded.

He tried to get off the bed but his movements caused him great pain. He glanced down and saw that someone has bandaged his wound. A little clumsy but it'll do. Then he saw his black suit jacket resting on a chair in the corner.  He tried his best to ignore the ache in his abdomen and grab the jacket, pulling out a jet black phone laced with a golden dragon on the rims. 

"Boss, are you ok?" He could hear his man frantically asking. 

"I'm fine." He said to his man on the phone. 

"Give us a moment, we'll come immediately." His man assured him. 


The conversation was cut short. He knew that his men would be able to trace his location simply by tracking his call. 

Just then he could smell food. His stomach started rumbling. 

He made his way to the white table in the kitchen. He could see something that looks like soup and a half-cut out piece of fried egg. He scoffed. No way in hell is he putting that in his body. But then his stomach churned like crazy, begging to be fed. 

He was Jung Yunho, feared mafia boss and respected CEO of the business world.

He decided to try to line his stomach with something at least until his men get here. Sitting down, he removed the cover and saw a note. 

'If you're awake, please eat this. Soup is very good for the body after an injury.'

It was simple but it somehow warmed his heart. 

He picked up the spoon and tried a little bit of the soup. It was made with black beans, which was to help with recovering energy. He tried the egg and to his amazement, it was better than he thought. He finished the entire bowl of soup along with the fried egg. He was full. 

Just then the entrance was slammed open and men in black poured in. They saw him sitting at the table and rushed to his side. 

"Boss, we apologized for our failure. Please punish us as you see fit." The man in the front bowed his head and so did the rest.

"Your punishment can wait. Take me home." Yunho demanded. 

Moments later, the group exited the house with Yunho leading and his gang of men trailing behind. He glanced back at this place for a bit before leaving. There was a mischevious glint in his eyes but it was gone before anyone can see it. Yunho slid into the black, bullet-proof window and started planning his revenge. 

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