Annoying Girl

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Here's the next chapter......


Lucifer could hear loud Japanese rock music playing in that woman's room, and still she never gave him her name.
"That music isn't half bad."
Lucifer mutters to himself.

Her music stopped and instead a different music played.
I can't get peace and quiet for my book!"
He heard her shout.

"Hello, Captain McFuckYourself Pizzeria here, we cut balls off men, and serve em hot as pizza toppings here.
Awe they hung up."
He heard her say.
"Gets them everytime."

Her humor is to my taste yet again.
Lucifer thought to himself.

My laptop froze!"
She screamed.
"I didn't save yet!!
Fucking gawddamnit!"

Upset over a little bit of technology?
She sure has a temper.
Lucifer thought to himself.

"I was really on a roll too!"
She bursts out of her room, her looking upset.
"I'm beyond seething!
I wanna castrate someone!"
She yelled more.

"Shall I make that wish a reality for you?"
Lucifer chuckled darkly at her, as she then humphed, her going to the fridge, and pulled open the bottom freezer area, and took out a packaged fudge bar.
She unwraps it and sucks on it.

"Eating chocolate ice cream soothes me when I'm pissed."
I say to him, as he gave me a weird look.
"By the way my name is Karen."

Lucifer asked me.

"Karen Singer."
I say to him.

Lucifer goes wide eyed.
"Is your father Bobby Singer?"
Lucifer asked me.

"Yeah, why?
He knocked my Mom up years ago, then my Mom had me.
So how do you know my father?"
I asked Lucifer.

Lucifer smirked a mischievous smirk.
"We go way back."
I blink at him in confusion, and suck on my fudge bar.

I pull my mouth away from the slim fudge bar.
"How do you know him?"

"He helped lock me in a cage in hell."
Lucifer says to me.

I giggle at him.
"You're funny.
So funny you need to be a psyche ward honey."

"Again I told you I am an angel."
Lucifer says to me, him looking annoyed.
"One who was cast out of heaven, and yet you don't believe me."

"Nope, cause monsters, and demons, and angels don't exist.
They only exist in anime or TV shows."
I sass him, pointing my fudge bar at him, then sucked on the top of it, swirling my tongue along it.

"Then you are a naive human."
Lucifer sassed me.
"I am a monster that can kill you with a snap of my fingers."

I shrug at him.
"Then if you could kill me that way, then why haven't you?"
I sass him back.

She's right.
Why haven't I killed her yet?
Something inside me is telling me not to kill her, and I don't know why.
Lucifer thought to himself, him puzzled by these feelings.

"Anyways, I think you won't hurt me."
I tell him honestly.
"You haven't so far, since I saved your life by taking you into my house."

She has a point.
There would be no point in drawing attention to myself by killing her, especially with Castiel's army breathing down my neck.
Lucifer thought to himself.
Especially with Crowley working with Castiel.

"So I think you tolerate me though you claim to hate humans, though you claim to be the literal devil, which I hardly believe that you are the literal devil, because if you were the literal devil, you would in fact of killed me immediately once I brought you here to my home."
I say to him.

She knows me all too well by just being around me in just a few hours, which is quite interesting to say the least.
Lucifer thought to himself, intrigued by her ability to read him like a book.

"I need a new laptop, that one was turning to shit anyways."
I say to Lucifer.
"I was meaning to get a new one, but I don't have enough money at the moment.
My job is I'm a writer, and I don't always get paid glamorously, but I get by."

"A writer?
That's an idiotic job."
Lucifer says to me with all his sassiness.

"My dream was to become an author, and well it happened.
Though I'm only a highschool graduate, I learned my writing skills on my own to say the least."
I sat next to him on the couch.

I grab the remote, and ask him next.
"Mind if I change it to something else?"

He waved his hand out.
"Go ahead."

I flip the movie he was barely watching to Dragon Ball Super, the first episode, the anime playing in English.
"Hmmmmmm.....this looks interesting."
Lucifer looked to be interested in the show, and puts an arm on the couch behind me.

"This show besides Yu Yu Hakusho is my favorite."
I say to him.

"It is very entertaining."
He admits honestly to her.

"Wanna know which character is my favorite?"
I ask him.

He looked to me.

"Beerus The God Of Destruct Of Universe Seven.
The Earth that the characters are on is Universe Seven's Earth.
There are different Earth's like this one in the show."
I tell him, and I cover my mouth.
"Sorry, I won't spoil anymore, but you'll like the show, trust me on it."

We were thirteen episodes in, and Lucifer was quiet, him enjoying the show, and I paused it, my bladder screaming for mercy.
"Sorry, I gotta go to the ladies room."
I get up, and quickly walk to the bathroom, shutting the door behind me.

Lucifer watched her go into the bathroom, then he sighs, this show reminding him of bad memories entirely.
How he told his father humans were full of flaws, that they are abortions of nature, and he will not bow down to such creatures, that they will in the end destroy each other, and he was right, humans war at each other for resources, land, over who's religion is the almighty one, including warring over hate, all flaws humanity has, and he warned his father of this, but his father; God, would not listen to Lucifer, so God had Michael cast him to the pits of hell, where he broiled in hatred for humanity and other angels, including Michael himself, that Lucifer wanted to rip apart the very planet his father loved, wanting the Apocalypse to occur, and it did, until he was thrown in hell's cage by Sam Winchester and Dean Winchester, but in the end Lucifer returned, and he wanted to conquer heaven, yet Castiel was ahead of him, with his army of loyal putrid angels, Castiel once again cast Lucifer down from heaven, but this time to Earth, where Karen discovered him, her claiming he was an alien from outer space, and though he tells her who he is, she don't believe him because of her atheist ways.

He was brought back to reality from his inner lost thoughts when she sat next to him, her sweet smelling floral fruity scent hitting his senses, that made his mouth water at the sheer smell of her, which was barbaric to say the least to him, furthermore he has been feeling strange since he met her, he can't help but steal glances of her within only the past few hours she has met him, and it was strange to say the least to him.
He do not understand these raging feelings within himself.

She asks him, and he nods, watching her unpause the show, and he looked to the screen, but as it got later in the night, she eventually fell asleep, her leaning her body against him, her head against his shoulder.

He sighs in his annoyance that she fell asleep so helplessly against his body, and he then gently picks her up into his arms, and he carried her into her room, which he places her gently in her bed, covering her up in her covers of her bed.

He left out of her room, and sat in the living room, and he noticed earlier that she had a blanket on the couch for him, as well as a pillow for him to rest.
Angels don't sleep like humans do, so he will require no sleep.
So he busied himself with watching the movie library she has on her TV, keeping the TV on low to not wake her.
But his mind was on the matter of how he will hide himself from other angels, knowing if they discovered her here, they will kill her if she is his weakness.
He will make sure she does not become his weakness.


To be continued.....

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