Chapter 2 - The Devil makes a Contract

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"Is there a surname like this?" I asked for the tenth time as I gulped down my fifth shot. The liquor ran down smoothly in my throat and my mind felt dizzy as if I was floating in the air.

Yes, there was music and there were people underground. A lot of people. Some were dancing, some were drinking and a few were also glancing at me. Probably because of the smudged mascara. The air smelled of smoke, weeds and alcohol but the most delicious one was the musky scent of Callahan. It stirred something in my stomach. 

As we entered, Callahan led me through the crowd and went to the counter, pouring two glasses with translucent liquid for both of us. He was a bartender here. No wonder, he knew where the drinks were.

"Well, you can call me anything, Carson." He said as he poured his glass but his eyes stayed on me. My stomach fluttered again and if my cheeks were red before, it must have been looking like tomatoes now. The way he was sending his looks made my knees wobble. His eyes had some mysterious power that made me feel like watching them all the time.

We had been drinking for-I had no idea for how long but it seemed I hadn't had enough of him. The more I looked at him, the more I felt wanting him. I had never felt like this toward Fred. Speaking of Fred, my phone was vibrating all along and it was him. I ignored his calls as a question popped in my head.

"Wait, when did I tell you my name?" I asked.

"Just now." One corner of his lip curled up in a devious smirk as if he knew what was I thinking.

"So, from when are you working here?" I asked to divert my crazy hormones toward more decent topics.

"For many years." He came from the counter and sat beside me taking a stool. As he sat his thigh muscles twitched that I could see from his black jeans. 

Divert your eyes, Carson! I scolded myself and drifted my eyes at the crowd of crazy dancing people who were entangled around each other. Some were even kissing as if they hadn't eaten anything for years. And some were about to turn the bar into their making out ground. I cringed and gulped the remaining shot.

I glanced at him and saw even after eight shots, Callahan was still stable. There was something about him that was calling me as if in a silent voice trying to say, go to him and have your fun. Yes, I did want to have fun but casual hookups were never my thing.

My phone started to vibrate again as I was about to cut it again. But Callahan stretched his hand and I ask, "What?"

"Let me handle it." 

I was a bit hesitant to give him my phone but I gave him anyway as he answered the phone, "Hello."

"Carson is busy with me and I don't want you to call her anymore." He told Fred out of nowhere as my jaw smashed on the floor and he added, "Have I got myself clear?" 

His eyes didn't leave me as if he asked me as well and the next he cut the call and gave me the phone, I asked, "Why did you say that to him?"

"Why? Did you want to tell him another thing?" 

"Err... No." Well, I did want to tell Fred that don't call me anymore and Callahan saying that to him made it seem weird as if he was my boyfriend.

"I should go home now." I said and he raised a brow.

"It's strange." He said.

"What's strange?" I was just about to stand from my stool but Callahan's face came near. So near that there was no place for air. He was on his stool and bent forward as his musky scent mixed with alcohol invaded my nose and all my blood pumped to my cheeks.

I stiffened. 


"You wanted fun. Why are you running away?" He asked, his voice was in a dangerous husky tone. His dark eyes were hooded in half lids as his breath fanned on my face. I gulped.

"I-" I gasped as his lips brushed mine and he smirked. His deep eyes glinted in the dark and his smirk confirmed that he knew he was affecting me.

"Carson... Let's go have some fun." 

His voice rang in my ears as an order and my body moved on my own as if they had gotten their own brains. His lips were just an inch away and it was hard to resist it.

But I was Carson McAllen, I had protected myself from distractions from all these years- especially in my academic years- and despite everything screamed at me to kiss him, hold him or do some other adultery things, I placed my hands on his shoulders and stood up. There was a frown on his face but it couldn't compare the frown I had as I felt his taut muscles beneath my palms. 

"I- I think, I should go." I immediately pulled my hands away as if I got stung by bees; however, my hands wanted nothing more than to touch all of them. Feel those hard muscles he had built in the gym.

"Resistance, I see." He said with a smirk and stood up taking my hands in his hands. I tried to move it immediately, flustered at how much dirty things were coming into my mind, but he held it in firm grips.

"Why resist, Carson?" Callahan said in a low voice but I could hear everything even in the loud music. "You know what you want. Just a small step and everything will be yours."

What do I want? I wanted to have a life with a caring boyfriend. A person who would always stay there with me. A person whom I would rely on. A partner. 

I closed my eyes and thought, What am I thinking?

"If that's what you want, I can give it to you, Carson." Callahan said, making my frown deeper. I hadn't said that out loudly, had I? 

I chuckled as I couldn't understand what was happening anymore and the alcohol must have started to work already. I shook my head and decided it was time I should really, really go home.

However, Callahan grabbed my waist and bent over to reach my face while my heart did a somersault in my ribs as he said, "Say it, Carson. You know, you've always been resisting everything. It is time, you should stop thinking of others and start thinking of what you want." He pressed his words, "What you truly desire."

His eyes bored into mine as if showing me the whole scenes I had done in my entire life to please others. I had studied finance to please my father and my teachers even though I wanted to study arts, I had learnt all the household works to please my mom so she and dad could brag about their daughter in their family get together, I had been a good girl throughout my entire life so my father, mother, my family, Fred, everyone could feel proud of me yet all I could have was this, a betrayal. The depth of his eyes were magnetic and it was hard to drift my eyes away.

He was right. I desired happiness, freedom, and the courage to do things for myself. I could be a little greedy and his eyes promised me that I could become whatever I wanted to be. 

"Yes." I said as a wide grin appeared on his face.

"Are you certain you want your life to be interesting from now on?" He asked.

"Yes." Adrenaline rushed through me and I didn't want to think of what others would think of me, or what others had been expecting of me.

"Will you give me yourself after the fulfillment of your desires?"

"Err... Yes?" What did he mean by that? I was about to ask him when I found his lips on mine, devouring my mouth as if it was his right. His tongue slipped into mine dominating me as a low moan escaped from the back of my throat. 

He pulled away leaving me breathless and wanting for more as he said, "Great! The contract is sealed."

I nodded and snapped my head at him, "What? What contract?"

"That after fulfilling your desires, your soul and everything that you have will be mine forever." He grinned, showing me his perfect toothy smile.

I blinked at him for a moment and laughed. "You're funny, Callahan."

"Am I?" He asked with his usual smile as I gave him a look. And as I tilted my head toward the dance floor, the ground beneath me vanished. The people had somehow changed into cosplaying demond as all of them had colorful skins. Some had red, blue and green skin with a pair of horns and tails behind them. They didn't have the legs of humans; instead, those were legs of goats. 

I flinched and my back collided against the hard chest of the person behind me. "Wha-wha-what is this?"

"Oh, you can see them now?" Callahan asked from my behind as I tilted my head at him and all the air from my lungs sucked out of it. 

A pair of dark horns rested on his head as if they were a crown and it was larger than the rest of them. A tail wiggled from his behind which had an arrowhead at the end of it. His eyes had no pupil and just darkness resided from one corner to the other and a smile formed on his lips as the canines grew a little large. Yet, he still managed to look so handsome that my heart leaped.

A scream was about to come out but it got discarded as my voice shook. My whole body shook and I could hear my heart pumping in my ears.

"Wha-what are you?" I stammered, stepping back.

"What else? I am the devil, Devionth." He answered.

I nodded as I took my sling bag and was about to run toward the exit but he grabbed my waist and pulled me toward him, "Oh! No, no, no! Carson. You can't get to leave now."

What did he mean? What was happening? If this was a dream I desperately wanted to wake up. I felt panicked as my back hit against his hard chest and he whispered in my ears, "You're mine forever." 

Oh! Shit!

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