Chapter 43 - Avoided

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I wore full sleeves and a high neck top with a pair of jeans. Because Callahan left me a lot of hickeys on my neck, collar bones, and on my upper chest and more than that, his claimed mark was so deep that I couldn't put on concealers. It was looking like someone had punctured my neck.

I came out of my room and the first person I met was Miory. She looked at me for a moment as my body became rigid. Then her eyes bulged out from her sockets.

"You-" She halted.

"Me what?"

"Did Callahan have-?"

I looked away as my face heated. She gasped.

"Wow! I... He claimed you?!" She exclaimed.

"And how do you even know that?"

"I can literally smell him on you and not to mention I can see his mark." She looked at the place even when it was covered by the cloth.

"You can?" I was surprised.

She nodded. "Mmhm." Then she added, "But why did he claim you? He had never done that before."

"Err... So, he had many encounters, eh?"

"Of course. We live for centuries. We had many encounters." She said matter-of-factly.

I nodded, "Well, as long as my parents don't find out, I am good."

I came downstairs and saw the living room was lively. The devils were chatting with my mom and dad while Andrew was playing a video game with Droy. As I came down, Gretarioth and Droy's eyes fell on me and I could see in their eyes they just knew it.

Callahan looked at me as well but he didn't smile instead he became busy with chatting with my dad. Did he just avoid me?

Gretarioth's narrowed down eyes moved between me and his brother and I went to the kitchen as mom and dad said, "Morning, sweetheart."


"Did you sleep well?" Dad asked and I nodded at him and saw Callahan's eyes were on the newspaper. Strange...

I ate as Miory joined me and we started to talk but all through the morning he didn't once come to me nor did he glanced at me. I felt a little hurt as I decided to give Avaloth a visit. Probably give her some food.

When I was about to go upstairs, my mom said, "Today we will go to the festival."


And I went up. I went to Avaloth and saw she was still sleeping so I put the food on Andrew's table as I went back to my room.

Why was he acting like that? He would always come to me even if there was mom and dad present. My mind couldn't rest at ease as thoughts ran. Was it because he had gotten what he wanted?

My heart fell. But I knew Callahan wasn't like that. There must be something else.

As morning went by noon came yet he didn't even crash on my bedroom. That was really strange since he would always come whether to tease or to talk. He would come to check on me but he didn't. When it was lunch time, I went down to help mom and saw he returned from somewhere and behind him stood a man with a giant body. He was even taller than Callahan and he bore a grim expression as his dark eyes watched everyone and then his eyes fell on me. For a while he looked at me then he diverted his attention.

Gretarioth, Droy and Miory looked at him with their narrowed eyes and I knew he was a devil. Probably another one like them. Was he here because of the enemy? Maybe that was why Callahan was busy. My heart felt at ease.

My mom and dad went toward them as they asked, "Ah! Callahan, where have you been?" They looked at the giant entity and asked, "Who is he? A friend?"

Callahan smiled and said, "He is my bodyguard, K'han. He came here for a small business. He will be returning soon."

"Oh! Then invite him here for lunch." My mom said she greeted him.

"No, ma'am. I would have to go back. I just came here for a little discussion and to drop Mr Diavolus." He said with a thick voice.

My mom and dad nodded as my eyes went toward Callahan.

Our eyes met but he moved his eyes away from me immediately. My brows furrowed at his reaction as he indulged in a conversation with K'han and my parents. Then he went outside to see off that massive entity whom he introduced us as his bodyguard.

As we sat on the table. I looked at him but not a single time, he looked at me. I felt like he was ignoring me. He didn't even talk as he only chatted with my dad and the others.

I even went to him to give him the dessert after lunch but he refused instead he said, "I am full."

I asked in a low voice only he could hear, "Why are you avoiding me?"

He looked at me for a moment then said with a cold voice, "I am not."

Before I could say another word, he dashed away toward Andrew. I stood there with the plate in my hands as my heart fell.

It was evening already but he never once dropped by.

I wore a crop top and a jacket on it to hide the marks as I went down. Everyone is present except for Callahan and Andrew.

"Where is Andrew and Callahan?" I asked.

"Oh! They went to buy a new game that was released today. Andrew said he has plans so he won't come with us." My mom said.

"Did Callahan say anything?" I asked.

"No? Why?" My mom queried as I shrugged and told her, "Let's go."

Gretarioth was driving the car I rented the other day and I sat in the passenger seat while Droy and Miory were in my mom's car.

"So, my brother finally claimed you." He didn't ask, he just said.

"Maybe... Ask him."

"Can't ask him why he did it because he has been acting strange lately."

I looked at him and asked, "How strange?"

He glanced at me, "Very strange."

I didn't know what he meant by that exactly but I could say he was acting strange and he wasn't even speaking to me.

We reached the festival as the whole beach was decorated with lights. The shops were already crowded and they even set up a stage. I heard some famous singers were coming. They had invited a band and a singer. They were the main attraction for this summer festival and tomorrow a sea surf competition will be held. After that a boat race. It will start to get more crowds tomorrow.

I went with mom and dad and when I looked behind I saw Gretarioth and Miory was nowhere to be found while Droy had attracted a few girls already and he was talking with them. More like, flirting with them.

My mom and dad met up with the others from the town as they engaged in a conversation while they asked how I was and it had been a long conversation and many other topics but I wasn't feeling good to engage in chats as I sat far beside them on a chair, lonely.

Great! And here I thought I was going to enjoy this year. I sighed. It had been lonely without him. I was so accustomed to him that each and every moment felt like passing slowly.

What was I thinking? Just because we had sex doesn't mean he felt something for me. As Miory said he had done it many times and with me it was just like another time.

My lips quivered as tears rumbled in my eyes but I wiped it away immediately. I was just getting my hopes high because I was happy when he claimed me.

As I was thinking about all those moments I had spent with him, a voice came. "If it isn't Carson. Is it?"

I looked up and saw it was Fred. Oh great! When I thought my summer festival couldn't get any worse, he came.

My face twisted at the sight of him and I saw his mom and dad came as well.

They joined the gathering as they sat beside us taking the seats and my parents seemed a bit rigid in their presence. They chuckled nervously as they greeted them.

Fred sat beside me and I cursed under my breath. I didn't want to get near him and I didn't want him around me.

"Mr and Mrs McAllen, it has been months, you haven't come to our house." Fred's mom said.

"Well, life has been pretty busy I guess." My mom said with a forced chuckle.

"Still. We were expecting a visit."

They said as if they were the king and queen and my parents would go visit them to explain everything. Well, they certainly held power as Fred's father was a political figure but that didn't mean my parents had to wiggle tails to them.

They engaged into a conversation as the others--most of them--pampered their egos and showered them with compliments and pleasant words as I diverted my attention.

"Where is that tall boyfriend of yours?" Fred asked, "Didn't he come?"

"He has. He had some business." I said with a short reply as I didn't want to keep a conversation with him.

"Sad..." he cooed as I looked at him with a disgusted look on my face.

"He should have come at least since he liked to tag along." Fred said which made my blood boil in my veins.

"That's none of your concern." I said through clenched teeth.

"How is it not my concern? You are my girlfriend after all."

I snapped my head at him as I glared. "I. Am. Not. Your. Girlfriend."

He chuckled. "Of course, you are not. Because you are just a slut who keeps sleeping around rich guys."

That was it! I had enough of him as a slap echoed through the gathering and every eye fell on me. Some gasps erupted from their mouths as whispers started.

Five finger marks printed on his pale cheek as he looked at me with an anger filled gaze. If I were like my old self, I would have been cowering back but I wasn't the old Carson anymore. I stood there with even angrier gazes.

Fred's father and mother came immediately as my mom and dad came after them.

"Carson, what happened?" My mom asked with a worried face.

"What is this? How dare you insult my son in the middle of the festival?" His mom growled angrily.

"This is outrageous!" Fred's dad yelled, "I can have you all sue right this moment!" He threatened me and my mom and dad in the middle of the crowd.

"Then teach your dear son to behave." I said my voice raising which made my parents and Fred's parents flabbergasted. They never heard me arguing or never talking back at anyone because no matter what, I would always falter back and would apologize immediately. But not this time.

"What do you mean by that?" Fred's mother asked with a twisted face.

"Ask your son!" I hissed.

All of them looked at Fred as Fred clenched his jaw and said, "You are the one who left me for that rich bastard and started living with him."

At that everyone gasped, even my mom and dad looked at me with wide eyes. "So what if I am living with him?" I asked.

"And do I have to remind you who slept with my friends and cheated on me?" I said and now it was Fred's parent's turn to look at him with round eyes.

"I see you have gained some confidence in you." Fred scoffed, avoiding the conversation.

"At least that's what my boyfriend taught me. He taught me to stand for myself. He taught me to live my life however I want. He taught me how to be happy and care less about other jerks." I said as I held my chin higher, "He taught me to be confident and believe in myself. He never disrespected me and he never made me feel low because I was clumsy at everything. He had protected me and he had always been by my side when I needed him."

I said as I recalled every second of my life with Callahan. I loved him. I loved him so much that I knew he was ignoring me for some good reason and I planned to believe in him. I didn't care if we had been intimate because I knew he wasn't like others. Especially not like Fred.

"He is a great person far better than you." I said and hurt flashed through Fred's eyes. It seemed like each of my words cut him into pieces.

His mom and dad were about to say something but Fred stopped them and said, "Let's go."

He left and his mom and dad trailed behind him as they vanished into the crowd.

My mom asked, "Are-are you living with him?"

I turned around and looked into their eyes. But I was ashamed. I nodded and said, "Yes. I live with him."

My parents portrayed a displeased face which hurt me but I said, "He is not a bad person and you know it. Don't you?"

My dad didn't say anything but mom said, "It is not that, Carson. An unmarried -"

"Mom! Unlike Fred, Carson never treated me poorly even if I did something wrong. He never treated you guys poorly." I said that because I was so in love with Fred that I failed to notice when Fred would come home and act like he was a prince and my parents would have to serve him.

Both my parents' eyes turned down as my mother said, "That is true but I still can't allow you to live together with him."

"Does it matter anymore?" I asked with a pleading eyes, "Mom, I know it is hard to think about it but if I don't live with him, how would I know if he would treat me well after marriage. I didn't even live with Fred yet he always belittled me. He belittled you."

Dad nodded, "It is true. Callahan is a good lad and the way he looks at you, we just know he loves you."

Mom still wasn't pleased but dad put his hand on her shoulder and said, "Why don't we let Carson decide for her future, dear?"

My mom looked at me with concerned eyes and said as her lips quivered, "How can I do that?"

I looked at her with a saddened face. I knew mom was going to be displeased. I knew she wasn't going to approve it.

"But dear, it is her life!" My dad said.

"Her life had ended when she was in my womb." My mother said as tears brimmed down and I looked at my parents with a puzzled look. My dad froze and I could see the tension building in them.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"It... It is nothing." My dad said as he was about to take mom away and avoiding the conversation.

I halted their path as I asked, "What did you mean by that?"

"It is nothing, Carson. Let us go. Your mother is overwhelmed, that's all." My dad said with an angry face but I knew he was trying to hide something.

I caught my father's arm with a determined look. "I'm not a child, dad. Will you stop avoiding my question... Please?"

I sniffed because I had enough of being avoided for the day. First, Callahan and now, My dad.

My mom sniffed as she held my arms and looked at me with her tears filled eyes. "You died when you were just 7 months old, in my womb."

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