Chapter 5: Hello, little Light

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The next morning...
Kuoh, Japan
April 14
Blue POV

I woke up a bit earlier than normal this morning. I just decided to go on a small walk. Well, woke up isn't really accurate. I hadn't slept all night. How could I? I'm in alternate reality, I have a duty to protect humanity in my reality, I just found out that I inadvertently wrapped myself up in a three way war, Rias makes me an offer to join her little club when I'm not sure if I can, and to top it all off, a strange woman somehow knows exactly who I am, and I'm pretty sure I've never met her before... well, I say that, but something about her was somewhat... familiar.

All in all, I've had a busy week. Traveler, this just like when I was resurrected. First I knew nothing and it pissed me off, now I get a whole bunch of exposition dumped on me and my head hurts. At this point, Crota could somehow rise from the grave and attack this world and I wouldn't be surprised.


What the hell was that?!

I quickly run to the source of the scream. It came from an alleyway just up ahead. When I turn the corner, I see three men mugging... a small... girl...

What in the hell happened to decency?

"Hey, jackasses!" I call.

The three and the girl, who I think might be nun, turns to look at me.

"Beat it kid! We're having some fun." One of them growls.

"Oh, mugging a defenseless little girl? Yeah, real tough guys here." I say.

"Lookie here! We got ourselves a hero, boys." The second guy snickers.

"And they come complete with corny as shit lines." I quip.

"That's it!" The third guy says.

He then proceeds to rush me with a dingy little knife. He attempts to stab me, but I block it. Then, and I admit I didn't see this coming, he quickly drops the knife, grabs it with his other hand, and stabs me. Apparently someone's seen Game of Thrones.

"Gah! You son of a bitch!" I exclaim.

I then headbutt the guy, which I immediately regret. Apparently Paul Blart was right: nobody wins in a headbutt.

Anyway, after headbutting him, I grab his head and slam it into a dumpster. His friends rush me, but I punch one in the throat, which was enough to take him down. And the second didn't even reach me, as he was apparently a klutz, given that he tripped on a cinderblock and knocked himself out.

I take a minute to breath, then immediately wince as I'm suddenly reminded that I got stabbed.

"U-um... t-thank you, sir."

I turn and see the girl looking at me.

"Yeah, don't mention it. You just try and stay out of more trouble, okay?" I say.

"I will. And thank you again. God is grateful for your kindness." She said.

God... there are a lot of gods. Some good... plenty bad. Given her outfit, she kind of reminds me of some illustrations I've seen of Pre-Golden Age nuns. Recalling what I've read about them, they belonged to one of three religions who all worshiped the same God (who varied in actual name).

"Right." I say, accidentally kinda coming off as rude.

I then continue to walk to Kuoh. At least, that was what I planned on doing. But I once again got a friendly little reminder that I was just stabbed.

"You're hurt!" The girl exclaims.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me." I say.

"But... you've been stabbed!" She exclaims.

"I've, uh..."

The Plaguelands, Cosmodrome
Many years ago
3rd Person POV

Blue jumps up and down on a tank that's dangling hundreds of feet in the air inside the facility. Meanwhile, a Hunter is trying to get him off.

"Will you stop pissing about, you idiot?!" The Hunter groaned.

"Why is there a tank here?! This shouldn't be here! A tank weighs tons! This shouldn't just be dangling up here! What were they thinking?!" Blue ranted as he kept jumping up and down on the dangling tank.

Suddenly, the cables holding the tank in the air snapped, and the tank and Blue began falling down hundreds of feet.

"SHIIIIIIIIIIiiiiiiiiii-" Blue screams as he falls.



"Guardian down." Blue's Ghost says to the Hunter.

Kuoh, Japan
Present Day
Blue POV

"... been through worse." I say.

"O-oh... still, please, let me help you." The girl insists.

She then hovers her hands above my wound. I don't really know what that's supposed to-

Her hands suddenly emit a green glow. Next thing I know, my wound is healing. After only a few seconds, I feel good as new.

"Wow... that feels so much better, I-... thank you. How did you do that?" I ask.

"U-um... I-" She begins.

Her hood/blanket thing then blows off of her head, and she chases after it. I simply watch with a small smile. Then I notice something about her. Once again, it's an odd feeling coming within her. It's nothing like Rias' or Yumma's, though. This is much different. This is much more comparable to Light, with an innocent and caring aura to match.

Normally I'd say that this is nothing, but considering the revelations that transpired yesterday, I know better. But it might be best to save it for a later date. After all, this poor girl was just attacked. I don't think an older boy asking about Devils and Angels is what she needs right now.

I then decide to continue walking to Kuoh. Still, I can't get my mind off of something. Yes, feeling a hint of Light come from someone else is... refreshing, for lack of a better term, but that little girl isn't what I have on my mind right now.

Who was that woman last night? She seemed so familiar, yet at the same time I feel like I've never seen her face before. And the raw power I felt emanate from her. I've felt power similar to that before, but it was always the Darkness wielded by beings believed to be gods. But her...she felt like she wielded the Light. Not only that, but she seemed incredibly humble. She spoke to me as though she were an equal rather than a superior being. It makes me wonder what the Speaker would say if he met her.

I also feel like I've met her on this world before that interaction. Her awe-inspiring aura, the graceful way she carried herself... that voice sounded so familiar...






It's... a woman...

A blond woman in a blue dress...

Due to my blurred vision, I can't make out a single feature on her.

She kneels down beside me. I feel the gentlest hands I've ever felt cup my cheeks. She then leans in, and I can feel her lips gently press against my forehead.

The last thing I hear before blacking out are the only words she spoke to me...

"Your story isn't over yet. This is only the beginning of your destiny. Eyes up, Guardian."


It was her...

She was the one that saved me when Yumma left me for dead...

But... how? And why?



I look and see that I bumped into...

"Issei?" I say.

He looks up at me and smiles.

"Oh, Blue, it's you." He sighed in relief.

Something was off... he seemed on edge... and a bit ashamed. Which, knowing his favorite pastime, is a bit disconcerting.

"Are you alright?" I ask.

"Yeah... I just hope President isn't still mad at me." He says.

Wait, what? Why would...

"Why would Rias be mad at you?" I ask.

"After I ran an errand for her, I got attacked by a Fallen Angel." He explains.

"What?!" I exclaim.

"Don't worry, I managed to fight her off... but I think I may have caused trouble for the President." Issei continues.

"Okay... that still doesn't tell me why she would be mad at you." I say.

"Huh?" Issei asks, clearly missing what I'm trying to say.

"Were you looking to fight a Fallen Angel?" I ask.

"N-no." He replies.

"Then you're not the one who caused the trouble." I explain.

He thinks about this, then smiles a little.

"Yeah... yeah, I guess you're right. Besides, it's not like..." He starts to rant.

But I tune him out. Not intentionally, mind you. It's just that I feel something... something a bit off to my right. I look and see...


That... that woman...

She's standing in a clearing in the woods, watching us. She then smiles warmly at me. Something about it... I-I don't know how to describe it. Something about her seems so... divine.

"Blue?" Issei says.

I look to him.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"You see her, right?" I ask.

"What?" He asks.

"That woman over there, do you see her?" I ask again, pointing towards the woman.

He looks to where I'm pointing.

"Uh, there's no one there." He replies, giving me a weird look.

What? How can he not see her she's right...


She's not there anymore...

"Are you okay?" He asks.


"I gotta go check something out. You just get to School." I say as I head towards the woods.

"Wait, Blue!" He calls after me.

I'm much too focused on this woman however. Can you blame me? This woman shows up out of nowhere, somehow revives me (I assume twice), somehow knows that I'm a Guardian, also knows about some of the more personal aspects of my life... not to mention that awe-striking power that emanates from her. And I don't know how many times I can say it, but there's something so familiar about her, which is very odd, considering that I'm pretty sure I've never met or even seen her.

It's honestly driving me kind of nuts, especially after when I met her last night and she didn't give me a straight answer as to who she was.

Even more aggravating is the fact that I can't seem to find her whenever I'm actually looking for her. Like right now, for instance. I've been looking around whilst thinking, and I see no trace of her. How does she just disappear like that?

Who is she? What is she? There's no way she can be a Devil. Nor an Angel, Fallen or normal. She exudes a a far stronger power, and her aura seemed to be a lot more benevolent. And that's saying something, because Rias seemed very kind.

Well, whoever or whatever she is, she obviously doesn't like it when I try to go to her. So, after letting out a sigh, I turn back around and start heading back to the school.


Class finally ends and all the students start doing their own things. A few girls had come up to me and attempted to subtly ask me out on dates in various ways... they weren't very subtle at all, but I applaud effort. Much to their heartbreak, I had to inform them all that I am already spoken for.

Not to mention that I had a lot on my mind right now. But you already know enough about that.

I get up and begin to walk out of school. On my way out, I notice out of the corner of my eye Rias and Issei talking behind the stained glass on the 2nd or 3rd floor, I can't really tell which one. It doesn't matter. They must be discussing the Fallen Angel that Issei encountered last night. Whatever. As long as Issei's alive, it's not my business. Right now I gotta clear my own head.

I head towards the school gate. Just before I step through however, I'm stopped by a familiar voice.

"Blue-sama? Could I talk to you for a moment?" The voice asks.

I turn and see that raven-haired girl from Rias' club walking quickly towards me, trying to catch me before I left.

"Oh, hey. It's Akeno, isn't it?" I ask, wanting to make sure I heard her name right yesterday.

"Yes. I'm here to ask you something on the President's behalf." Akeno explained.

"And that would be?" I ask.

"We know you haven't decided whether or not you would like to join our club, but since we explained to you what it is we do, the President figured that you would be most suited to ask if you could help us out. We're a bit busier than usual, but there's an associate of ours on the other side of town who we owe a favor to. Obviously you don't have to help him out, but the President would really appreciate the assistance." Akeno explains, choosing her words carefully due to the public setting.

"Yeah, why not? This seems like an attempt to sway me into joining you guys anyways, so I guess I'll bite." I reply.

She then looks at me with a somewhat surprised look, which I find a bit strange. She wanted me to agree, didn't she?

"Something wrong?" I ask.

"Oh, no, not at all. I was just expecting you to need more convincing, is all." Akeno replies.

"You guys explaining the situation to me helped me out more than you know. I just figured it's only fair if I return the favor." I say.

"Thank you very much, Blue-sama." Akeno replies with a smile.

"There's no need for honorifics, just call me Blue. You said your friend lived on the other side of town?" I ask for clarification.

"That's right. He lives at this address." Akeno responds as she hands me a slip of paper with an address on it.

"Right, I'll pay him a visit and see what I can do for him." I say as I take the slip of paper.

I then continue walking through the gate and away from the school, Akeno waving at me as I do. I can also hear some of the boys and girls starting rumors about how Akeno just gave me her number... it's amazing how many students were watching that whole exchange and not a single one of them were paying attention to what was actually being said.


"Dr. Tokoyama? I'm here on behalf of Rias Gremory. I was told you might need assistance with something?" I call as I knock on the door.

Seriously, what the hell? This is the address Akeno gave me, and I've even asked people in other parts of the building, and they told me that I've got the right place. They also told me that he's still in there, which is why I'm wondering what this guy's problem is.

Maybe his neighbors are wrong and he is out?

"Dr. Tokoyama? You in there?" I ask as I knock one more time.

"Get lost, kid!" A voice finally answers from the other side, rather rudely I must say.

"Hey, I'm here to help you with something! Rias Gremory said you needed help and sent me, so are you gonna let me in?!" I exclaim, not really appreciating this guy's bad attitude.

"I'm no idiot, I know how this works! Either Rias or Akeno always appear out of the magic circle on this flier. They're the ones I called for. Now beat it!" The voice on the other side exclaims, who I assume is Dr. Tokoyama.

Now this guy is starting to piss me off a bit. He calls for help, then when it knocks on his door, he tells it to piss off just because it's not the person he wanted?

It makes me grit my teeth and growl before I reply.

"Listen jackass, you asked for help and I got sent! So either let me in and take the help I'm offering or figure your shit out on your own!" I yell in response.

There's a brief moment of silence before the door finally opens, revealing a man in his mid to late twenties and wearing glasses.

"Fine, come in." He said begrudgingly.

He walks back into his room and I follow. Inside, I look around this guy's room and see a bunch of mathematic equations and scientific calculations, most of them having to do with physics, with a few other subjects here and there. It's probably the most advanced and complex stuff I've seen in this world. If it weren't for the fact that the Golden Age turned all of this stuff into basic middle school curriculum, I wouldn't have understood what half of this stuff meant... and there I go unintentionally sounding condescending again.

"Go ahead and have a seat. Looks like I'll be spending the afternoon teaching rather than getting any progress done." He says, muttering the second part.

I don't comment on it, though. I turn around to sit down, but before I do, a paper on his desk catches my eye. I pick it up and take a look at it. From the looks of it, the stuff on this paper was from the early stages of whatever this project of his is.

Almost immediately I spot something wrong with his work. And I must say, the fact that he managed to get as far as he has after making such a basic mistake is both impressive and irritating.

"You gonna sit down and learn something or not?" He asks arrogantly.

"You're a scientist, right?" I ask.

"Of course I am!" He exclaims in offense.

His response was a pencil slamming into his forehead, causing him to fall to his floor.

"Then why the hell are you wasting Rias and Akeno's time with a bunch of bullshit?!" I exclaim.

"Excuse me?!" He replies.

I then hold up the paper for him to see.

"How does so-called scientist like yourself completely forget that the the integral sec y dy from zero to one-sixth of pi is log to base e of the square-root of three times the sixty fourth power of i?!" I scold.

"Any real number applies as a solution!" He defends.

"Yes, but that wasn't your mistake! Your mistake was that you left out the equation completely!" I continue to yell.

He's about to say something again, but stops after he looks at the paper closer and realizes that I'm right.

Out of the corner of my eye, I notice something on the whiteboard on his wall. Needless to say, all I can do after seeing it is groan in frustration.

"You also got this wrong, though it's a much less egregious mistake. It's to the thirty-fourth power of three, not four." I say as I point to the other mistake.


"And so if we raise that square root to the seventh power..." Dr. Tokoyama says, trailing off at the end.

"You find that the solution is sheets, not strings." I finish.

"Of course! How the hell could I have missed this?!" He exclaims as he writes everything down in a notepad.

I just sit down and take a breath as he writes excitedly. You know, once we got past that rough introduction and he found out I was the real deal when it comes to science and math, he's actually pretty easy to get along with.

After he finishes writing in his notebook, he also takes a seat.

"Thanks for assistance. You're a bright kid. Brighter than any others your age. Though, I guess I should have expected as much from miss Gremory." Dr. Tokoyama says.

"Kid, huh?" I accidentally say out loud.

"Right, how could I forget? You Devils age a bit differently than humans." Dr. Tokoyama says.

"Oh, I'm not a Devil. I'm just an associate of Rias'." I reply.

"Really? Then, if you don't mind me asking, what exactly are you?" He asks.

And I'm not entirely sure how to respond. I don't want to waste his time by telling him what a Guardian is and how I got here. There's also the fact that I have no clue what I'd be considered here. Yes, I'm human back home. But would I be human here? In another universe where I don't really belong?

"If I'm being completely honest, I'm not entirely sure what I am." I reply.

He doesn't say anything, but I can see the theories formulating in his head. I can tell he'd make a good Warlock.

"Well, either way, you helped me get this project done. As per my agreement with Rias, I believe it's time I hold up my end of the deal with the pact." Dr. Tokoyama says.

"Pact?" I ask, as I have no clue what he's talking about.

"She didn't tell you about that?" He asks.

"All I was told was that you needed some assistance." I reply.

I wasn't aware of any sort of pact. Did Rias want me to make one for this guy?

"Hm... well, don't worry about it. You've already helped me out plenty. I'll just talk to Rias about it next time I see her." He says.

"If you say so. Anyways, I should probably get going. I've kept you long enough." I say as I stand up from the chair.

"It's no problem at all. In fact, feel free to stop by whenever you like. Talking with you has proven to be the most enlightening I've had in years." Dr. Tokoyama replies.

Afterwards, we say farewell to each other, and I continue on my way back to my apartment. As I walk down the street, I take a look up at the sky, admiring the golden tint that it's taken on.

But of course, as I start to admire some natural beauty, the phone that Rias gave me yesterday just before I left her club building rings. I take a look at who's calling me and see that it's Rias.

"Hello?" I ask after answering.

"Hello, Blue. Sorry for such an out of the blue call, but something urgent just came up. Something that you should probably see. Meet us at the old warehouse on the eastern edge of town, halfway between Dr. Tokoyama's place and the school." She explains.

Given that Dr. Tokoyama's place is on a hill, I just look to the east. I have to squint my eyes a bit, but I can see the warehouse in the distance.

"East side of town, huh? Yeah, I can make it over there." I reply.

"Great. We should arrive there about the same time as you will. See you then." She says before hanging up.

I wonder, what could be so urgent that she needs me to see it? I guess I'll find out.

A.N. I made a small edit to Blue's bio page in the beginning...

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