Entry #3

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The male love interest in my life.

Spoiler alert there is none.


BECAUSE NO TEENAGER GUY is (writing in all caps is tiring) because no teenage guy is going to fall for a sick girl. Sorry, nope ain't gonna happen. We don't look good enough to even warrant initial attention so how HOW would they be drawn to us?

I know what you're thinking. But Alex I've read so many books where the guy really understands what she is going through. Or he has his own illness and they bond.

Yeah, well I've read those books too, and found a lot of fault in the stories.

First of all, where are they meeting? Doctors? Nope, wouldn't be always at the same time.

School? Yeah, sure the teenage guy is going to choose the loner girl who has random times of not appearing to hang out with.

You still doubt me, you little hopeless romantic.

Fine. I had a guy who cared enough to spend time sitting with me for hours on end because I couldn't go to school.

Where is he now?

I don't know. One day he left and didn't come back because it was too hard for him. I'm the one in constant pain but sure, it's too hard for him.

So no teenage guys, even if they say they love you, aren't going to stick around.

I kinda feel bad now, like I told you Santa doesn't exist.

Fine, let's pretend there is a male love interest in my life.

He has to have a good name all the best ones do. Jared. Damon. Zander. Theo. The author names on my bookshelf are not helping. Oh, you know what if this is going to be unrealistic then we have to go with a classic, Ryder.

Yup, there it is, his name is Ryder.

Now, this diary can be a proper diary.

Coughs. Clears throat. Though I'm writing this and those gestures are pointless.

Dear Diary (bleh)

Today I sat out on my porch watching the world pass by. (It should be noted for the sake of this pretend love interest I have transplanted my house into the suburbs. Currently, I'm on the edge of town and my house is across from a meadow and a hillside with no street view so you have to understand my need to transplant my house.)

It was later afternoon and the sun sent shadows swaying over the pavement.

(I think I'm going to hurl at these proses)

A gentle breeze scurried down the streets, stirring the leaves in the trees and blowing across my cheeks.

(Not gonna lie all I can imagine is the wind shaped like an old man and blowing air right in my face)

I soak in the day. The peace of it all, letting it soothe my soul.


I'm about to stand when I notice a figure running down the sidewalk. Gradually the figure takes shape.

(Takes shape? Am I blind?! How hard is it to see it's a guy running?)

It's a guy who looks to be around my age running shirtless (nope, I'm keeping this PG. Better yet he's running fully clothes and in an astronaut's costume. No that doesn't work, it would make him quirky and an idiot since he'd pass out from heat stroke)

It's a guy about my age in running clothes. I watch him (like the creepy neighbor that I am, admiring him because naturally, he's hot)

He's hot in a stereotypical way. Hair that is tousled in a natural way (though we all know has so much product in it a leaf blower couldn't move it). A jaw like a cider brick. Broad shoulders because they can't be anything else. Perfect features with a little something extra that sets him apart.

(So yeah all the normal stuff that leads to the definition of hot.)

As he runs past my house he looks my way and our eyes meet.

(Instead of being disturbed that I'm eye-stalking him or the fact that I look like death in human form) despite these things, he smiles at me. Naturally, my heart flutters. And he keeps running on.

Oh dear diary, was it only a passing moment that we will ever share? Will that be all for our story?

Or will I sit outside my house tomorrow on the off chance of seeing him?

Yeah, no question as to what that answer will be, did you not read how I described him?

Heck yea, I'm sitting outside all day hoping to see him again.

Okay, there you go. The start of the fake male love interest saga.

It has such a promising start I truly hope we will be able to survive the hardships in life together. I can already tell he has a great personality.


Heyo Pretty Pansies!

(Pansies should be respected, it's not their fault someone made them an insult)

Thoughts if thoughts are what you have and thoughts can be shared! 🗯💭💬🌸

A pretend male love interest...

Sure, that makes sense. I mean she doesn't seem to have much of a life.  Though it might be weird I'm going to let Alex have it.

After all she's sick, can't really judge her for wanting a cute guy who would care.

Can't say I've ever made up a love interest in my journal. I just make them up in books instead...

Totally not the same.

Besides I don't have to make one up for him not to be attainable, he simply has to live in a completely different country and speak a different language...


Okay, I'm leaving.

Before you go vote, comment, follow because you know Alex  needs all the support she can get.

Diary memes are harder to find than I imagined. Here's just a funny meme.

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