Note: i lost count of what number

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I woke up to banging on my door, I looked over to my clock......"SHIT IM GOING TO BE LATE!!!!" I start to panic, I looked over my essay, I sigh in relief, I remembered to finish it , although I didn't get much sleep, at least I finished that essay. I suddenly remember that there was a banging on my door, I quickly rush to it after grabbing a pair of pants, and rushed to the door, I wasn't surprised to find my mom looking extremely unhappy. " Sean your late , AGAIN , get ready and hurry, you still have time to not be late AGAIN I MIGHT ADD!" My mother yelled. " yes mum" i mumbled and shut the door, as I got dressed my mind couldn't help but think about Mark. As I slipped on my sneakers, I grabbed my bag and headed out,  on the way , I grabbed a piece of  toast, when I got to school, it was already time for English class, 'God damn it ' I thought I rushed to class if I'm late to HIS class I'll be in BIG trouble. As I opened the classroom door, everyone turned their eyes on me,  I became shy all of a sudden, and looked down, feeling the glare from Mark. " and what was so important  that made you late. Mr. Sean?" Mark asked, I gulped nervously, " u-umm well I- I missed the bus so I had to run to School sir" I replied. Nervous as fuck, I started to sweat, "and why'd you miss the buss Mr.Sean? Was it because you slept in?" Or is it because you just don't care about your education?" My eyes widened at that, I did sleep in but I do care about my grades, can't he just see I'm trying my damned best!?!  When I didn't answer he said "whatever it is that kept you , it's your business , if it's family matters then it's fine" I sighed in relief he wasn't going to push on the subject, " but no matter the cause of you being late, you will stay behind after class for one hour. Got it Mr. Sean " I gulped, and nodded " alright then you may take your seat. And Mr.Sean."  " yes sir?" I asked " please try to not fail my class" I was shocked to hear the kindness in his tone. " y-yes sir!" I said hastily, and took my seat,  maybe he isn't so bad


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