Meet Me

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Hey guys this is my second story hope you like it.....
Her pic at top


Hey my name is Solange Unknown. Yes that is my last name my last name is not unknown. Well anyways I am 6'10 have Black hair and blue/purple eyes. Pretty if I do say so myself and most of the boys at my blended school. My adopted parents are the Alfas of my pack. Yes I'm adopted I was found in the woods left alone to fend for myself, before I was adopted I was called monster many times abused at the orphanage and hidden when the Alfa couple came. They saw me and took pity on me and was upset with the orphanage mother.she was almost executed until I saved her. They decided to adopt me because of my kind heart. And when I said that they called me a monster I guess you could call me a monster but please not so harsh. I am a mix of all the differences. Werewolf, magic user, dragon, animal, healer, witch, vampire, and demon. I don't know how I happened because it is extremely rare for the different Differences to fall in love and even have kids. It was conformed that I am not a test tube baby but like I said they almost never fall in love witch is where I am confused mainly for the demons they don't fall in love at all.
"Solange time to head to school"that was my older brother. When he was younger he was lonely so the Alfas got him a sister to love and care for, Me.
" coming Max" as I rushed down stairs to the main floor of the pack house I was confronted by my guard/servant.
" hello lady unknown how's your morning"
"Good thank you and yours?"I asked.
" Good thank you be sure to get your breakfast cub" I smiled back at him I like it when he calls me cub it's a fun name.

Once I got downstairs Max was waiting for me.
"Hia sis how you doin?" Max is a pure werewolf and knows I'm adopted but he always called me sis.
" Hi max come on let's go find the limo." As we were heading out the door Tiffany had come out of her house.
"Oh great its Tiffany" I heard Max mumble. Tiffany was the beta's daughter and or maybe the way she puts it Max's mate. She would do anything at anytime to try to swoon Max to love her but it never worked. And when I say anything I mean Anything. Today she was wearing a werewolf outfit(pic is Tiffany and outfit) and believe me you've seen better

"Hey Maxiepoo " yup she got the nick names.
"Hi Tiffany" my brother mumbled as she threw her bag at her butler and walked over to Max eyeing every inch of him.
"How's my MATE" ok that's it I can't stand Tiffany some times. So my demon/werewolf kicked in my eyes turned red and Ii got over protective.
" Tiffany scram"i said as she whimpered and went to go find her limo, max looked scared to see me that way so I changed back to my normal wolf ears and tail.
"Sorry Max" I said as he calmed down from the shock my wolf 'Red' wasn't helping ,there you go showing her what she is to Max,shut it wolf ,well looks like someone gotta temper hmpf fine be that way, haha.
" it's ok Solange just please don't do that a lot ok "
"Ok" I responded Red started yapping off again ,come on Solange we have to go find our mate, oh yea it's my 16th birthday in the 11th grade yup that's me miss smarts.

Time skip to school arrival

Yup that's my school all of a sudden I caught this amazing scent of patchouli and Irish clover. Max called me a couple times but my wolf was louder ,Mate Mate come on Solange go find that wolf, shush Red we have to wait for him to find us and now that I think about it he could be any one of the differences vampire,werewolf,etc..

Time skip B/c I'm lazeh to lunch

Mate :not found yet
It's lunch and my mate hasn't found me yet I'm siting at my lunch table when someone taps me on the shoulder I turn and find Darren and a couple of other guys I knew sense 6th grade.
"Hey cherry have you found your mate yet hoping it was me"he says while motioning to himself I laugh and playfully push him away. I love nicknames except towards Max. When I was younger I was a small girl and I would where red dresses a lot and I would play with flower stems, one time one got stuck on my head and I didn't notice at all.
"No sorry it's not you" he whimpers and makes a puppy face, I laugh and he smiles.
"Glad to wish you a happy birthday" I said my thanks to all of them then it was time to head to class.

Time to skip again heading home

I was heading home with my group of friends all of there wolfs were the color of there eyes. Purple was Gina, blue was Dante , and black was Seath (he is the name of my first friend in my other book ( A Missing Mind)be sure to check it out).😅
"So Rose you found your mate yet"Gina asked and got glares from Dante and Seath I laughed and they blushed.
"No but as soon to be secondary Luna I have to wait for him to find me" I smirk.
"Well he better treat you right" said Seath.
"One thing I feel bad to you about is the shifting, you know it hurts the first time I'm still getting over it" he turned sixteen a few weeks ago his mate rejected him, Tiffany, she only wanted Max.

Time skip

I was in my room getting ready for my introduction this afternoon mine is going to be different because my mate could be any difference vampire, werewolf,etc...
"Welcome lord Vampair" I heard my father greeting the lord of vampires. I was wearing a beautiful red and black dress

I was fixing my hair when Max came in and said it was time to go he posted his arm out for me to take as I took it I was happy because I caught sent of my mate and Red was not helping ,Solange it's your mate go get him, I rolled my eyes at my wolf. By law when you meet your mate you have to be in your purified form so I had wings red eyes and wolf ears and tail. As Max and I walked out on to the stairs all the differences looked up at us in awe currently I am portraying demon eyes and wings,werewolf ears and tail and I'm supposed to be shifting. Soon I'm supposed to be proving magic, dragon, animal, healer, witch, and vampire. We walked down the stairs and it looked like Max found his mate, I feel happy for him. I scented patchouli and Irish clover ,Solange it's him come on hurry up and walk lady, shush Red think about how you will look when I shift you'll be a red wolf now go get him Red be patent.
"Hello Solange. "Dad!
"hi daddy." my Dad was communicating with me through parent wolf or I'm talking to his wolf. ,be sure not to look so scared ok., Yes sir ok don't look scared I put on a big smile we reached the bottom of the stairs. And every one went back to business except for the lords of each difference they approached me in there secretive ways vampire teleport,werewolf walking, demon flying, there sons were informed to stay away from me and stay with my friends to try and get to know me through them.
" Hello my dear girl I am lord Vampair " he stuck his handout for me to shake. For him I have to drink blood. We walked over to the vampire section of punch the Blood of rabbits. He picked up a cup and passed it to me with it full of blood.
" after you my dear " I took the cup thanked him and drank. With me I have side effects to stuff like this so my eyes turn black with red centers ( my iPad won't let me spell the word right ) lord Vampair jumped up startled.
" ok my dear you have passed " I thanked him and went of to my next test witchcraft lord wicked was standing by a contraption that helps you make potions.
"Hello my name is Salcar I would like for you to make a love potion" hm one of the easiest potions you take (this is made up ) Rosemary, potion of fragrance,and Thai, put rosemary and Thai crush it up in a bowl and pour potion of fragrance in let sit for 20mins in the sun.
"Wow good job Solange your next test is magic since you can't shift yet" I can't do dragon or animal because I can't shift. As I head over to Macalister I run into Damian sun of demon, I'm not supposed to talk to them yet.
"I'm so sorry miss are you ok?!"
"Yes I'm fine" he realizes who he's talking to and rushes of to met Gina she's part demon.
"Hello Macalister how are you?"
" good and you?"
"Good,now what magics do you have?"
"I have control and fire."
"Ah those are good ones" he wants me to put out all the candles in the room and then light em up again. I complete my task with flying colors. And we head back to the stairs. Once we get there they all except for dragon and animal say that I passed. Then a bone near my rib cage popes out loud everyone looks at me as I rush out side I can sent Gina following me as I rushed out side. I crouch over in pain as more bones pop into place of an animal. Once I'm done and no more bones are popping I get up ,Solange look, I look up to see a white wolf staring at me he ha beautiful blue eyes and black flecks in his eyes. I know I'm not dead and I know he is not Gina. But who is he????..........

Hi guys hope you like it


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