- Attempt, Failure and What?! -

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(Y/n)'s POV

I took deep breaths, calming myself down. I was worried about what was going to happen soon.

I turned around and nearly screamed when I saw the black tanned face of Koro-sensei.

"AHHHHH!" I screamed. "Koro-sensei? What the hell?!"

The students were shocked, too. He explained something that I don't remember because I zoned out, worried about the assassination attempt that going to happen tonight.

I hope everything is gonna be fine.

Timeskip~ brought to you by..... Nagisa's smile~

I played with my hands nervously, as sweat formed on them. Koro-sensei entered the cabin room that was away from the hotel where the assassination attempt was gonna take place.

I smiled when he looked at me. He looked surprised to see me there. Well, of course, I am not an assassin.

They made him sit and turned on the TV and played the movie of his embarrassing moments. I have to say, I didn't expect this from him..... Or maybe I did. Who knows?

By the end, Koro-sensei was on the ground and hiding his face. I put a hand on my mouth, to show how disappointed I was.

"The kids called me to watch this," I said softly. "I am frankly quite disappointed in you, Koro-sensei. I never thought I would see such an uncouth behaviour from you. Shame on you"

Koro-sensei looked at me for a second, before going to the corner of the room to sulk and sob. He took out his handkerchief.

Any moment now....

And before I could see it, the attempt had already started. I started going out, not wishing to be caught in the crossfire.

Kaede-chan helped me out. As soon as I came out, I ran all the way up to where Irina and Tadaomi were.

"Where do I wait?" I asked quickly.

"Right there," Irina pointed out. I went to that place. I was really afraid of the result.

Two things can happen.

Either Koro-sensei will die, or the kids will fail. If Koro-sensei dies, I will not be able to hold in much. I can manage, but barely.

If the kids fail, though, they might feel really bad that all of their efforts went wasted. Of course, they will come out of it right away.

I was anxious and worried at what was happening inside. When will it end?

I kept playing with my silver bracelet, fiddling with the balls on it. Be safe, all of you.

After what felt like an eternity to me, the cabin glowed and I had to close my eyes from the light.

What happened? I could not think of anything except Koro-sensei's death. Tears were trying to well up in my eyes, but I held them in.

No, it's too early to comprehend. I half-ran, half-walked to the cabin. The students came out and I came ahead.

"What happened, guys?" I said.

"We lost, I think," said Yuma-kun. I tilted my head,confused.

"And what was that light?" I said. Tadaomi came forward with something in his hand. "What's that, Tadaomi?"

He looked quite disapproving of the name I had given him, but I didn't care. I looked at closely and gasped.

"Hello there, (y/n)-sensei," said the balled up Koro-sensei. "It's my ultimate mode, which I go into when there is no other way out. You cannot use the weaknesses I have on me while I am here. Although, the disadvantage is that I cannot undo this for 24 hours and cannot move on my own accord."

I was too shocked to speak. The hell is going on?! I calmed myself down and turned to the students. They all looked tired.

Before I could speak anything, one or two of them at started vomiting and a few collasped. I hurried to them.

"What's wrong?" I said, hiding the panic in my voice barely. "Tadaomi, what's going on?"

"I am not sure," he said, kneeling down and checking one of them. I just fanned Rio as I looked back at him.

"Where's the hospital? Clinic? Anything?" I said, slowly going into panic mode.

"This is a rather tiny island, ma'am," said the receiptionist
guy. "There are none here. We will have to call them from-"

Suddenly, Tadaomi's phone rang. He picked it up and and since I was beside him, I heard some of it.

"Looks like your students are doing great, huh?" The voice was hoarse and thick. It sounded a teensy bit familiar, too.

I was too worried to remember the whole conversation, but it looked like the people wanted Koro-sensei and the kids were injected with some virus that will kill them.

"What are we gonna do now?" I said. Irina looked at Tadaomi.

"We have to hand him in"

To Be Continued

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