- Meeting them all -

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(Y/n)'s POV

Wow, I am so worried. I am finally gonna be a teacher! Isn't that awesome? And I am gonna teach my most favourite subject- Art.

I carefully packed my lunch box and my books. After checking twice that I had everything, I locked my apartment and went out. I took the local bus to Kunugigaoka Middle School.

Upon reaching there, I saw the huge, prestigious school; and beside it, the mountain on which my class resides. Yes, I teach class 3-E. The so called E as in End class. I hate the board chairman and his rules.

I stared my trek up the mountain. By the time I reached the peak, I was completely out of breath. The class was on P.E. lessons right now. I made my way to the black haired adult who was their P.E. teacher, I presumed. The students stopped when they saw me.

I bowed to the man. "You must be Karasuma Tadaomi, correct?"

The man nodded, or rather, Karasuma-sensei nodded. I have a sigh of relief.

"So, um, I think you do know about me? I am (y/n) (l/n)," I said and waited for him to reply.

"Yes, I do. I will introduce you to the class," he said and turned to them. "Class, this is your new teacher, (y/n)-sensei. She is gonna teach you arts, is that clear?"

The class nodded; most of them cheered while some didn't respond. I smiled warmly at them all and bowed to them as a sign that I was leaving. I turned and went to the staff room. In there, I found a blonde woman with huge breasts sitting there.

"Hello," I greeted her. She looked up and smiled. "You must be Irina-sensei, right?"

Her eyes widened and got wet. She hugged me. Eh?

"You are a really good person," she cries. I patted her, confused.

"Uhm, what's wrong?" I asked.

"You are the only one who called me Irina-sensei; the students call my bitch-sensei," she sobbed.

"Well, I don't really appreciate curse words like such in middle schoolers," I mumbled, not lying. She then said that the next period was English so she was gonna go and 'teach' them.

I was placing my stuff when an unfamiliar voice said, "Oh, is this the new teacher? Nurufufufu!"

I looked and shreiked inwardly. It was huge octopus! Wait, is that......

"Koro-sensei?" I said tentatively. He nodded. He was blushing. I wonder why, though? I saw his eyes wander to my big chest. I groaned inwardly. Not a perverted octopus! "I am (y/n) (l/n)"

I introduced and exchanged a few words. Later, I was sitting my Karasuma-sensei alone, sipping some coffee. I paused.

"Karasuma-sensei, will that octopus harm me?" I asked him. He looked up.

"Ah, no, don't worry, he won't," he assured me. I sighed. If life is unfair to anyone, it's me.

Timeskip~ brought to you by Nagisa~

I took a deep breath and entered the classroom. The students were all looking at me.

"Well, hello there," I greeted them. They smiled. It's a good class.

"Good morning sensei!" They said. I sat on the desk.

"Well, let's start with introductions, shall we? Since I don't know you all, you just have to say your name," I suggested. "And please, call me (y/n)-sensei. Any nicknames, that approve of, will be allowed. However, if I don't like it, you can't say it. Any questions?"

"No," the answer was enough.

"Alright then, starting with you," I pointed at the boy in the first bench.

Timeskip~ brought to you by Koro-sensei's gelato being eaten by Karma~

"Alright, I know all your names now," I smiled. "So, now I will introduce the subject of art to you all. Art isn't only drawing, but it is also singing, dancing, sculpting, knitting, stealing and such. Yeah, stealing is an art and so is lying"

I saw a few getting interested so I continued.

"Everyone has a different type of art in them. I have the arts of drawing, cooking, seeing, knitting, singing, lying, etc. Though we won't be doing all, we will be doing drawing, singing and sculpting in this class. And I can assure you, it will be fun"

The class whispered and talked between themselves.

"Since there are only ten minutes left, you may all get the period free. Just, keep quiet, ok? I want to observe you all. Also, if you ever feel like sharing something, anything, you can always talk with me. That's it"

The class whispered between themselves. I just observed them and came to a few conclusions.

Sugino likes Kanzaki
Maehara is a playboy
Rio is good in english
Nagisa is a boy
Koro-sensei is watching us.

To be continued

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