- Song, Video and 1k?! -

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(Y/n)'s POV

We were down at the assembly. Second term officially starts today. The kids have 6 months to defeat Koro-sensei.

The Virtuous Five (?) were bullying my students and man, did I want to pull their hair and karate kick them to America where they can speak all the glutty English that they know.

After assembly was over, we went back to the class. I looked at my time table. Double periods today.

Well, today is gonna be fun...


"Soooooo.... I hope everybody's done with the lyrics?" I smiled at them. They nodded. "Good. Now, one by one you will all come up and sing the song while I play the melody on my phone. The one with the most votes win. Clear?"

They nodded. And our search began. To be honest, some were really good but some were senseless. I couldn't make head or tail of those lyrics and honestly wondered how did they.

We pondered and nearly took up the whole period, but finally ended up with having the most votes on Nagisa-kun, Kaede-chan, Sugino-kun and Kanzaki-san's group song.

It's name was Midnight Moonlight and the lyrics went something like this-

The wind blows into my ears softly,
As if saying, "Where were you so long?"
I smiled and replied with ease,
"Ah, I thought of you all along."

The wind blew as if laughing,
And I laugh along, too.
"The stars are bright tonight."
My words complete is two.

Teasing me with tickles,
"But you are more bright!"
Those words make me smile, then laugh,
The clouds move and comes the moonlight.

The yellow moon at midnight,
Brightly shining for me,
The wind disappears, leaving me alone,
On the cliff by the sea.

In the midnight, the moonlight comes,
I smile sadly knowing I am alone,
The wind passed and the leaves moved,
And then I was gone.

Honestly, now we had to make the video and record this song.

"Okay class," I captured their attention. "This weekend, the singers will come at my house for the recording. I have a room that is voice-tight. We will do the recording there."

"Okay, sensei," the whole class cried. I smiled and rubbed my hands.

"But that's not the only thing," I said. "We have to also make a video. And for that, I am distributing work among you all."

They nodded and I looked over once before starting to dish out the work.

"Takebayashi-san, Okuda-chan, you are for special effects. Yada-chan, Hara-chan and Takaoka-san, for costumes. The video will have Sugino-kun and Kanzaki-chan as the lead. Kaede-chan and Nagisa-kun are the singers..."

We separated all the work and finally, by the end of the day, we were ready with a video idea. I just had to take permission to come up to this mountain at one night with the students to record the video. That I will manage.

The kids were worried about telling their parents, so I offered to personally persuade them, guaranteeing their safety. Wooh.


"And..... Cut!" I smiled. I was in role. Ima director, now! I giggled and watched as Hara-chan sighed. We had to retake 5 times and she had to hold up the fan everytime so that the wind will blow Kanzaki's hair.

"Break, two minutes!" I cried. Everybody sat down and chatted. I drank some water and went to Karma-kun. "How much is done?"

"Most of it," he said, showing me the video clips we had managed to shoot till now. It was a Friday, and tomorrow was a holiday, so we were safe. I nodded. We finished up by 3:00 and everyone was tired and sleepy.

I loaded all the stuff in the borrowed bus and found everyone snoring in there. I smiled at the sight and told Koro-sensei to tell Kara-nii to start driving.

Whenever someone's house came, I woke them up, apologized to their parents and continued to the next house. I reached my own house at 6:00 in the morning.

I flopped down on the bed and it was as if minutes later, my bell was ringing. I woke up to find half the class on my front door. With the realisation that I haven't bathed or brushed and my students were seeing me like this, I ran all the way to the bathroom.

I quickly changed and got ready before we recorded the song. It was finally complete. I left the rest of the work to the video editing committee who were going to place the song and finish the video.

On Monday, we all watched the video in class and were proud of our song and video.

You don't often have such, moments, You know. What with spending time with these kids, I forgot that I have only 4 months to live.

Then boom.

To Be Continued
1 k? Are we for serious, people? You guys are awesome!

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