Chapter two: The Day Shiganshina Fell

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Under major editing

Yunaka's P.O.V
  I never thought that I would feel so weak, so... helpless. I'll tell you how it went down from when I had finally had gotten home. When I arrived to Shiganshina everyone was looking at me the same way the Fairy Tail members did when I walked into their guildhall, but I didn't care.

  I had a hooded cloak on so no one can know who I am. I headed straight to the house I remember living in to see if my family is still there. When I got there I could smell four different people. When I used my dragon hearing that I got from the dragon slayers I heard three familiar voices.

  The voices belonged to my mother, my father, and Eren my brother. They sounded like they were fighting about Eren's dream of joining The Scout Regiment. 'So they found out, huh.' Then my father said he had to go on a job, and he opened the door and walked out.

  Then he noticed me when he closed the door and he smiled and waved. Then he said, "Hello, Yunaka. We've missed you. There's a lot to tell you but I have to go do a job. You should go inside, say hi, get caught up, make your mother and Eren happy, and meet Mikasa."

  I made a confused face and asked, "Who's Mikasa, and why is mommy mad about Eren's dream when you and mommy told us to dream big and to follow our dreams?"

  He then told me, "Mikasa is a girl Eren saved from being sold, and for your second question she just doesn't want to loose Eren to the outside like what happened to you." I then got sad because Eren is getting yelled at about my mistake and I said quietly to myself, "It's all my fault. If I had chosen to stay at home this wouldn't have happened.," I then looked up at him and forced a smile saying, "Thanks daddy. Good luck with your job."

  He smiled back at patted me on the head like he did when I was younger and said, "Your welcome. I'll see you when I return. Also, I'll show you and Eren what's in the cellar if you behave, okay?"

  I then did a real smile as he walked away and said, "Yeah! I'M ALL FIRED UP NOW!!!!," while pumping my fist in the air. I heard him chuckle and I heard the house door open, so I hid next to the stairs, which is where I hid before, and saw Eren run out.

  "Eren come back here! Mikasa go after him and make sure he doesn't hurt himself. You know how he gets when he's mad." I heard my mother say. "Yes Mrs.Jaeger." I heard a girl, who I'm guessing is Mikasa, say. Then the girl ran off. I then said, "I'm not sure if he still does this, but I remember three years ago he would always go find Armin, who was usually being bullied, and fight the people who are bullying him. Then he got beaten up until I yelled at them about fighting my brother and friend. Then they would tell me not to cry and then they would start running like big babies. Is he still like that, or no?"

She looked at me suprised, probably because she thought I was dead or it's because she might be thinking that this is a dream. She then said, with suprise evident in her voice, "Y-Yunaka?!" I replied saying, with a smile and some tears streaming down my face, "Yeah." Then she started to cry. She hugged me and said, "I-I've missed you so much." I returned the hug, started crying, and said, "I missed you too. I'm stronger now then I was before, and I'm following my dreams. One step at a time." Then she got out of the embrace, looked at me and said, "Where have you been? You must be tired and hungry. Come inside and relax." We went inside and sat at the table.

  I then started to explain to her only a few parts of my journey. "When dad and I were on our way to get the ingredients outside of the walls, I fell out of the cart. Not to long after, he got too far away for me to be able to run after him. After about an hour, maybe an hour and a half, a titan came and picked me up. I was kinda scared, and I thought that he would eat me but he didn't. Instead he put me on his shoulder and took me to the forest east of the walls. There I met the Gomaina titan clan and became a part of the clan. I then became known as Yunaka Gomaina. I got to go on adventures to other... places you could say. I met new people who now are awesome friends of mine. Two of them basically adopted me and now my name is Yunaka Jaeger-Kirigaya. I came back because I had a vision that something terrible would happen and I couldn't let that happen. Actually let me rephrase that, I won't let that happen. I also missed home. I missed you, daddy, and most of all I missed Eren-nii."

  Then there was a tremor coming from the wall. We went outside and looked at the wall. There we saw the top of a titan's head and part of it's hand. Then he kicked the wall. What happened next went so fast. The house got crushed by a boulder. My leg was completely crushed, but I couldn't feel any pain. My mom, on the other hand, was crushed from the waist down.

  "Amurasu! Sword form!" I said as I summoned my cursed gear. I tried to cut the rubble around my leg, but couldn't get enough of it cut. Then I heard someone yell, "Mom!," in the distance. Then I saw Eren-nii trying lift up the rubble on mom's side.

  "Mikasa! Help me get mom out!" Eren yelled at Mikasa. She went to lift the rubble on the opposite side of Eren. She saw me and said, "Eren! There's someone else on this side!" Eren couldn't hear her.

  I kept on using Amurasu to slice the rubble. With Eren and Mikasa lifting the rubble I was able to get out. Then I heard footsteps. When I looked to see what was causing them, I saw a titan.

  To make things worse, it was the same one from my premonition. I gathered up some courage and ran towards it. I heard Mikasa say for me to come back. But I can't let this titan kill them. Either I kill the titan or buy Eren and Mikasa enough time to get mom out of here.

  "Amurasu! Bow form!" I commanded Amurasu as she transformed. "What if this doesn't work?" Amurasu asked me telepathically. "It has to. I must protect my family. If I don't, I'll never forgive myself." I replied as I got in position to shoot. I must do this. For Eren.

  I pulled back the string as an arrow appeared. I took a deep breath and released. It hit in the head. Yes! I saw that it was regenerating. Oh come on!

I ran back to where the others were. "I tried to do it. I'm sorry I should've tried looking for the weak point." I said to them while crying a bit. "Its okay. Just try to help us lift this." Eren told me.

I nodded and decided to help my own way. "Amurasu! Twin swords form!" I had Amurasu transform and started to cut the rubble.

I was so busy with trying to free mom I didn't notice that someone picked me up. I watched as we got further away from mom.

While the person was running, I saw the titan pick up my mom. No..... Amurasu.... what do we do? I asked my demon. She replied with, we get even stronger. Train until we have enough knowledge and power to kill the titans. The titan bit my mom in half. Before I knew it I was crying and couldn't stop.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't notice that I was on the ground. When I did notice, Mikasa had her hand out towards me. I grabbed it and she picked me up into her arms. I hugged her tight as we were led to the boats.

When we got on them we sat down and I sat in Mikasa's lap. "I can't believe it. I thought I could help," I started to cry harder, "I'm so sorry!!" I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I looked at who it belonged to and saw Eren. "It's okay. It's not your fault. I'm gonna kill all the titans. No matter what." I wiped my tears and smiled at him. "I will too. And that's a promise I won't break. You can count on it. I'M ALL FIRED UP!!!" Mikasa and Eren chuckled.

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