3 | Big, Crazy, Weird

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When Zeke opened the door to his room, he was clearly surprised to see me.

"Hey, we're all going to Big Crazy Fun Night. Want to go with us?"

His eyes shifted. "Who is 'we?'"

"Well, everyone, pretty much."

"Y-you're going, right?"

I couldn't help but smirk. "Yeah... Otherwise, I wouldn't be the one inviting you."

He dropped his eyes, embarrassed. "Right."

Zeke had said he didn't have a problem with me, but I wondered. Chanel said he had friends but I figured it was good for him to get along with the people on his floor, regardless. "Probably, me, Dylan, and Chanel will stick together."

"O-okay... I'll come."

"Cool! Then, uh, meet us in the lounge in an hour?"


I smiled and waved, then went back to my room.

"Zeke said he's coming," I told Dylan who was refreshing his hairstyle with gel. Meanwhile, my hair just sat atop my head in the slightly curly, dark mess that it was.

"'Kay. Thanks for the shirt, by the way. I promise I'll pay you back."

Earlier that day, we'd gone to the bookstore so Dylan could pick up his last books. I'd already ordered all mine at cheap prices off Amazon so had extra money from the stipend I got thanks to the post-9/11 GI Bill. Moving every few years sucked but not having to worry about money was great. Dylan didn't like the UMBC shirt we'd gotten at orientation but really liked one he saw at the bookstore. Unfortunately, science textbooks were more expensive than he'd realized. I bought the shirt for him.

"You don't have to pay me back. Just like, buy me some Starbucks or something."

"Dude, then I'd have to do it, what, 5 times?"

"I dunno, I suck at math."

"I'm going to try to get in a match before we have to leave." He put down his comb and went over to his computer.

"Do you have time?"

"If my team doesn't suck." He picked up his phone and started texting. Probably Chanel.

I used the free time to doodle on my Surface Pro. Dylan was cursing a lot so I assumed his team did in fact suck. It came time for us to leave and he was pounding at his keyboard. "Tell them I said give me five minutes!"

"Okay." I opened the door to find Chanel and Zeke both standing outside of it. "He said to give him 5 minutes."

"A match?"


Chanel leaned into the room. "Dylan, why would you start a match when we're going to this thing?!"

"We're losing horribly! It'll be done in 5, no---dumb fucker---2 minutes---agh!"

"Did he just call me a dumb fucker?" Chanel asked, jokingly.

Despite being there at 8, it looked like we arrived a bit early. However, it wasn't long before the Commons was ridiculously packed. We walked around, pouring our powder candy art into our mouths and figuring out what to do next.

"Slide?" Dylan proposed, looking towards the ceiling-high inflatable ride.

"I kind of want to go to the art station," I said.

"Karaoke," Chanel announced.

"I don't sing," both Zeke and Dylan replied at the same time.

"I'm down for Karaoke," I decided. Maybe if Dylan came, he and Chanel could do a duet.

The four of us went to the second level's Sports Zone. A curly-haired, lanky guy was on stage singing Whitney Houston's 'I Will Always Love You' amazingly off-key. Worst of all, he was clearly serenading a girl in the front row who was fidgeting. Half of the audience looked uncomfortable and the other half was laughing---I couldn't tell whether at him or with him. As we sat down near the back, someone's curly fade caught my eye. Ben.

"This is hard to watch," Chanel whispered with a wince.

Two days ago, that might've been me on stage. If I had, Ben would've walked out. Despite the awkwardness, when the song finished, he was showered with applause.

Dylan pointed to a table beside the stage. "I think we sign up for a turn over there."

"We?" I wiggled my eyebrows and Dylan's eyes widened in regret. "Are you going to sing a duet with Chanel?"

"Wait, whoa---"

"That'd be so cool!" Chanel bounced up and down in her seat. She grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the row. "Let's go!"

Zeke glanced at me from the two empty seats away. "Are you going to sing?"

My eyes traveled towards Ben again. What would his reaction be if I sang? What would I even sing? For some reason, Girls & Boys by Blur popped into my head. "Probably not." I smiled.

A few more people did their thing---old Lady Gaga, new Drake, some 80s band. Then my friends got on stage. It wasn't surprising to see Dylan nervous. I shouted a "Woo! Go Dylan!" and he smiled.

Ben whipped around in his chair. Of course, he'd recognized my voice. As soon as we made eye contact, he turned back around.

'The Boy Is Mine' by Brandy and Monica? People would have a pleasant laugh at that, plus LGBT-awareness, yay. I'd have to do that with Chanel; there was no way Zeke or Dylan would do it with me.

Chanel and Dylan began their song: Wild Ones by Flo Rida featuring Sia. The song was a perfect choice and the audience went crazy, dancing and clapping to the beat. From the way Chanel could yodel, I should've known she had lungs. 'Able to carry a tune' was an understatement. Dylan was so startled that he missed his first lines. His rapping wasn't bad at all and his awkwardness and lack of swagger were adorable. How could Chanel not fall for him?

I'd sing Sam Smith if I was talented. Ben was whispering to the guy beside him who twitched his head in my direction at the same time Ben lightly hit his arm.

I wanted to wave and say, 'Yep, I'm the ex-boyfriend in the back row.' This was so stupid. Why couldn't we even be friends?

Maybe I could sing, 'I Believe in a Thing Called Love?'

The less awkward I acted and the more space I gave Ben, the easier every day would be. Let his balloon go off to wherever, steer mine in whatever direction called me...

I went to the sign-up table and wrote down my name and song choice. After 3 more acts, it was my turn.

When I was called, I stepped onto the stage, expression flat as my hand wrapped around the microphone. The intro began, and the room filled with laughter and groaning.

My performance was amazing. I sang in the most doldrum voice I could manage and made sure to twerk on "fun, fun, fun, fun" at one point. Every "Friday" was replaced with "Tuesday," because... well, it was Tuesday. When the song ended, everyone clapped and half the audience decided it was time to move onto other entertainment.

"That was amazing." Chanel grinned as she slapped my arm and wiped her eyes. "Oh my god. You're amazing."

Dylan flinched then smiled at me. "I never thought you were the type to twerk on stage... Then again, you did take off your shoe at the first floor meeting."

I ran my hand through my hair and glanced around for Ben, but he was nowhere to be found.

"Have you ever been in a drama club?" Zeke asked.

"No." Why was he asking? More gay stereotyping?

"Your acting was awesome. It was like you were performing a skit. Like, Michael in the Bathroom vibes"

Why was I so cynical? Wait, Michael in the what? "Thanks. But nah, art is more my thing."

We took the stairs back down to the main level. Dylan and Chanel were talking excitedly about something, paying us no mind.

"You said you're interdisciplinary studies, right?" Zeke asked. "What are you planning to do?"

"I want to be a children's book author. Like, self-help, educational books."

He frowned. "Wow, that's really cool."

That wasn't a face that said 'that's really cool.' "Is it?" I scratched behind my ear, hoping he'd be more honest.

"Yeah." His eyes glued themselves to the floor. "I---I'm doing psychology but not because I want to help people. I mean! It's not like I don't want to help people. I just... Like, I didn't want to do Jewish Studies. And, I don't know, I thought my parents would be happy with psychology. They seem happy..." He finally raised his eyes. "Sorry. I'm talking about myself."

The phrasing of his apology said even more than the apology itself. "No. It's cool." I assured with a smile. "You can tell me anything. So long as you're comfortable. You could even promote me to Friend Status if you wanted." I nudged his arm with my elbow.

A red tinge weaved its way through Zeke's cheeks and he turned. "Wh-where did Dylan and Chanel go?"

I looked around. Whaaaat? We were supposed to stay in a group. How could they just leave like that? Well, maybe they were off somewhere flirting, so I forgave them.

"Let's find out how I can win one of those inflatable doughnuts." I pointed to the Commons' Information desk where the Student Events Board was housing a crapload of inflatables. When we got to the desk, a dimpled guy in an SEB shirt smiled. "Hey, having fun?"

"Yeah." I smiled back. "I was wondering how I can get one of those doughnuts."

"Doughnuts are the most popular so you want to get enough tickets quickly," the student events board member told us.

"Now I think I want that chili pepper." It was cheaper. Also, I liked chili peppers. The print on my socks proved it.

"This your first year here?"

Zeke and I nodded. "I'm a freshman. He's a transfer."

"Oh, cool. What's your major?"



He leaned forward on the desk. "How do you like it so far?"

There was an awkward silence. Zeke and I exchanged expressions.


The SEB member's lip twitched. "Yeah?" He was staring at me hard and it made me feel a little funny.

I turned to Zeke. "Let's go win some tickets."

"Wait, what's your name? What are your names?"


"Nice to meet you, Alistair. I'm Quinton."

Oh my god. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I was not ready to be flirted with, so whipped around. "Bye, Quinton."

To my relief, Zeke didn't say anything about what had just happened. "Uh, what should we play first?"

Between giant bowling, obstacle course racing, trivia, and corn hole, Zeke and I secured enough tickets to get a chili pepper each.

"Do you like chili peppers?" I asked, hugging mine under my arm.

"Uh..." Zeke shrugged. "Why not."

"Alistair! Zeke!" We turned around from the Info Desk to see Chanel running towards us with Dylan, Kevin, Fadliah, and everyone else behind her. An inflatable doughnut was positioned around her waist. "You two got chili peppers?!"

She was beaming. Dylan was wearing a balloon hat that looked a little inappropriate. "Uh... is that supposed to be---"

"Don't ask." Dylan glanced at Chanel who was chatting with Zeke then scooted up to me to whisper, "I gave her my tickets so she could get the doughnut."

"Good for you," I whispered back.

He gave me a funny look. "You and Zeke got matching peppers."

I returned the funny look. "You're overthinking things."

"I wasn't implying anything," he muttered.

Yeah, right. Then why mention it? "I guess we're friends now."

Dylan stopped whispering. "College is weird. We've all known each other literally four days and we're all, like, best...― Kevin is making out with his inflatable alien."

"I see that."

Kevin grinned. "I'm gonna put a wig on this and call it Gamora." He licked the vinyl.

Raj and Soyoung were cracking up, but Kelly and Fadilah looked grossed out.

"You don't know where that has been," Fadilah advised then tossed the last bit of popcorn she held into her mouth.

Kelly put her hand on her hip with eyes narrowed towards her roommate. "Okay, but that's not even the real problem here."

"Should we head back?" I asked. "This shuts down in about 30 minutes, anyway. And classes start tomorrow."

Soyoung sighed. "My earliest class is 9:00."

Raj stuck out his tongue. "Mine's 10:30."

"Perks of being a junior," Chanel remarked and she and Raj high-fived.

We all started heading back across campus to the dorm. Fadilah extended her arms into the sky. "We're in college. This is so weird."

Kelly snorted. "Why is it weird?"

She shrugged. "College is weird."

College was weird. Like Dylan had pointed out, we all became friends within four days. I'd already seen Kevin in his boxers twice (not that I minded; he was nicely toned). And Zeke had divulged that he was going to invest four years in a major he wasn't interested in. It was like another universe and I could only imagine what it'd be like once classes started.

When outlining my course plans, my goal had been to make as many general education requirements fit my interests and major as possible. However, math, physical education, and science were still mandatory. I could only handle so much boredom per semester and so chose science for the Fall. Biology 100, Concepts of Biology. It was a class for non-majors so everyone else in there was just as bored as me.

The professor had realistic expectations, though. "Do the weekly quizzes on Blackboard―the online portal, pass the tests, and come to class. It's that easy." She clicked her clicker thing to go to the next slide. "Chapter 1. What is Biology?"

Something tapped my should and I looked over to see the guy beside whispering, "Can I borrow a piece of paper and pencil?"

That morning, I had memorized my classes and their locations, so once Biology was dismissed, I headed straight from Sondheim to the building across from it, Sherman Hall. Next was English 226 (Grammar and Usage of Standard English), something actually related to my major. I had to take it as a prerequisite to my first interdisciplinary studies course next semester. As I climbed the brick stairs up to the second level, I noticed everyone was heading in the opposite direction. Interesting.

Even when I stepped inside, the few people in the building were on their way out of the doors. The classroom was empty. The breaks between classes were fairly long, so I decided to use the opportunity to go next door to the University Center and get some Starbucks. But it was ridiculously crowded and waiting in line would make me late for class, so I went back to Sherman. Now, there were people in the classroom---four to be exact.

They were all seated near the front, clustered together. A blonde girl with a buzz cut in a cute sunflower skirt. A girl wearing a paisley hijab and perfectly applied eyeliner. The SEB Quinton from last night.

And a girl with probably the most beautiful face I'd ever had the opportunity to see in person. It was captivating, the plump, rosy lips, full, dark eyebrows, the cute dusting of freckles across her olive nose and cheeks, and sultry eyes. Her long, dark wavy hair was pulled back into a ponytail.

"Heeey." Quinton smiled. "Alistair."

The pretty girl glanced at Quinton and back at me.

"What brings you here?"

"Um..." I pulled my phone out of my pocket to check my schedule. "I have a class..." Dylan had sent me a message:

From: Dylan

Lunch! Where r u?

"Um... it's free hour," a voice said. It wasn't Quinton's. And it didn't really sound like a girl's either.

When I looked up from my phone, they were all staring at me. "What?"

"Free hour," the beautiful person who was possibly not a girl said. "Every Wednesday from 12 to 1."

That was right. They'd mentioned it at the orientations; I'd completely forgotten. Then what time did my class start? I flipped around my phone for my schedule.

The beauty stood up and walked over. They were about 5'8", taller than the average girl. Only then did I notice their flat chest and narrow hips. "Are you pulling up your schedule? Can I see it?"


They smelled really nice too. Their hair was so pretty. "Your class is actually on the first floor. At 1:15."

"Oh. 1:15 not 12:15. And 102 not 201."

When they smiled, a dimple on the right side of their smooth jaw appeared. "Yep."

So pretty.

They raised their eyebrow and I realized I was staring. Whatever gender this person was, they had the most beautiful face I'd ever seen. A face I really wanted to immortalize in my phone's gallery. "I'm Alistair."

"I'm Cameron." They smiled cautiously. "Enjoy your free hour."

Quinton stood up. "Wait. Alistair can eat with us."

Everyone gave him a stiff look. I waved my phone. "Sorry. My friends..."

"Oh." He frowned. "Hey, are you interested in any clubs?"


Cameron rolled their eyes, "Don't pay him any attention," then smiled. "And welcome to UMBC."

I bit back a grin and started backing up. "Bye." I continued to back out of the room, staring at Cameron whose smile grew bigger and more nervous. After nearly running into the doorway, I turned the corner and stopped to eavesdrop.

"So, Quinton, who is that?" Cameron's voice.

"A freshman I met last night."

Another one of the voices said, "Your newest target?"

"Don't make me sound like a playboy. I just think he's cute. And the universe is obviously on my side."

"Maybe you should figure out if he likes guys before you start flirting?" the same voice advised.

"He does. I saw him arguing with his ex."

"Quinton." Cameron's voice sounded serious. "Have some tact. A freshman who just got out of a relationship? Plus, are you sure you want to be an 18-year-old's rebound?"

The beauty with angelic looks apparently had a rough side. I thought an argument might start but Quinton just groaned. "Cam, you're too serious... They aren't kids."

"They're fucking babies!"

One of the girls snorted and Quinton said, "Whatever. Anyway, about the meeting tomorrow---"

I left then. Dylan wanted to meet at Chick-fil-A, so I went next door and waited outside. I really didn't know how to feel about what I'd heard. I'd already figured Quinton was interested in me. And Cameron had a point; any relationship now would be like a rebound.

Were us freshmen really babies, though?

"Alistair!" Chanel dodged students to run over and hug me.

"Hi." I raised an eyebrow from over her head at Dylan and he shrugged.


"You too?!" I wanted a mocha frappuccino so badly.

"She already had that 20 ounce one this morning!" Dylan shouted. "No more coffee, Chanel!"

"What about me?" I asked Dylan. "Dad, can I have some coffee?"

Chanel started cracking up. "Daddy," she whined. "Why are you so mean?"

Dylan's entire face lit a fire. Chanel and I froze then exchanged glances.

"Oh, my god, Dylan!" She hugged him. "You're so innocent!"

"He's not that innocent if his mind went there," I pointed out.

Dylan punched my arm. "Dude!"

Chanel didn't seem phased at all. "Chicken and coffee!" She yelled, walking towards the doors. I'd never seen anyone that hyper on the first day of school before.

That night, after dinner, Dylan and I laid on our beds.

"I really like Chanel," he randomly announced, gazing at the ceiling.


"What do you mean, 'yeah?'"

I looked over to see he'd sat up and was staring at me with a serious expression. "I mean, 'yeah, I know you really like her.'"

"Oh." He laid back down.

"Wait, wait." I was the one to sit up this time. "You're not worried about me and Chanel, right?"

He tensed. "No. No, I'm not... I'm just worried about being friend-zoned. Or worse, little brother zoned. She's 21 and a junior and---"

"A confident man attracts confident women." I didn't know where that came from. Maybe I'd read it in a book before. The point was that Dylan was going to sabotage himself by thinking negatively. Dylan was a nice guy---smart and talented, and cute, and not an ass. Would I date him? No. But that didn't mean Chanel wouldn't.

There was a knock on our door and I got up. It didn't bother me, but I seemed to be the one always getting the door, either because my bed was closest or because Dylan was usually busy playing games. I opened the door to see Zeke.


"Hi." His eyes darted as he pulled on his sleeves. "Can I talk to you for a second?"

Oh, oh, oh? "Okay. Dylan! I'm stepping out for a second. Turning the bolt."

"Just take your key."

"My shorts don't have pockets."

Dylan popped up from around the corner and tried to toss me my card key from my desk. It didn't have the aerodynamics to go more than a couple of feet. We met halfway. "Frisbee it next time."

"There's going to be a next time?"

I stepped out of the room and closed the door. "Where to?"

"Um... if you don't mind... could we go to my room?"


I followed Zeke to his room and he led me inside. It was very simple. He didn't have any posters or art on the walls. There was a family photo on his desk and a prayer shawl at the foot of his bed, but that was all as far as personal touches went.

"You can sit down," he said, gesturing to the desk chair. He sat down on the bed.

"So..." I leaned one arm on the desk. "What's up?"

"I was wondering if you're doing anything tomorrow at 5:30?"

"I don't have any plans."

"I... was wondering if maybe... you would go with me to... the..." He was looking around the room. "The LGBTQ+ Dessert Reception is tomorrow at 5:30. I was wondering if you were going?"

I was not planning on going. Making other LGBTQ+ friends was not something I needed, so I didn't see the point. But Zeke wanted to go. "Yeah. I'll go with you." Of course, I'd support him. So, basically, he'd just come out to me?

He gave a small smile. "Thanks."

I grinned back. It all made sense now. Zeke liked guys. "My pleasure."

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