Teen Fiction Winners!

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Congratulations to our winning entries! I will be attaching the stickers underneath (PLEASE DON'T STEAL!) and if you have any questions don't hesitate to contact me! I will be working on following and reading your books in the next few days.

Thank you to the fantastic Alana2215 and writeread36 for taking their time to judge these! It means a big deal to us.

Without further ado, I am happy to present the winners for the Teen Fiction Category!

Third Place: Our third place prize goes to...

cherrytree48 for After The Crash!

Overall score: (80/100)

Review: The title relates to the book perfectly. The plot of the story is intriguing and something I don't see often. There aren't many grammar mistakes. The characters are well rounded but the girlfriend and the best friend should have been explained a bit more so the reader can understand the main characters hurt about what they did. 

This was a good read, keep up the good work!

Second Place: Our second place prize goes to...

Imperfect_Godess for Spicy Sugar!

Overall score: (84/100)

Review: The title for this book wouldn't instantly draw me in but it relates perfectly to the book and the cover is very well made. The blurb is good, it tells the reader a little bit about our MC and it also shows us what could happen. There were a few grammar mistakes that a quick read through should fix. There are a few cliches but I'm a sucker for them so it didn't bother me at all and most of what I read was original. 

Overall this was an intriguing book with an interesting concept in it that I haven't seen in any other book so far. Keep up the good work!

First Place: Our first place prize goes to...

Apcaruso for Open Clarity!

Overall Score:(89/100)

Review: The characters are all rounded and fleshed out. The dialogue and actions are realistic. I didn't see any noticeable grammar mistakes. The descriptions in the book paint a clear and vivid picture inside the readers mind. Sometimes I would find myself skimming over some of the scenery descriptions as they could go on a bit but other then that I was completely sucked into the story. The title relates to the book but the cover doesn't really tell me anything about the book and its something I would probably skim past if I was searching for a book on Wattpad, which is a shame because this is a really great book.

Over all, this is an great book with an incredibly intriguing plot that kept me wanting me more in each chapter, I had to stop myself from reading more so I could do the score for it. Great Work!

Congratulations lovelies! You deserve it!

If you would like to have your full review back please pm your judge.

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