The Plague That I Have Caught

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✧ Chapter 70 ✧
[ C3: The Plague That I Have Caught ]
▹⋇⋆**❀ ❀** ⋆⋇◃
[ Shuichi's PoV ]

P.S A long chapter because- WE JUST HIT CHAPTER 70 and it's a whole number. And also. 300 followers and almost 40k reads-?! OMG you guys. At least this the only thing going smoothly in my life. And also. The song is almost finished. BUT ANYWAY, THANK YOU SO MUCH 💕😽 *Hands out 🥐* (I forgot how to spell them) I CANT THANK YOU ALL ENOUGH ☺️💕 HERE'S YOUR REWARD.

Okay, maybe not. As soon we we got back to the dormitories, Kokichi had given me a smirk and scampered off as quickly as a rat. Making me wonder why did he have to follow me all the way to the door of my room.

Kaito sighed, closing the door behind us. "There goes the timetable then. We're not going to get lessons. All we're going to do is to meet people and collect little flower petals. What does that rabbit think we are? Kindergarteners?"

I didn't want to tell him what I was thinking at the moment. I saw the plan as a good way to talk to Kokichi, to find out his story. There was something about him.. something familiar.

It gnawed at the back of my mind, trying to get my attention the more I focused. But every time I felt close to remembering something important, it was gone once more. As if some force were interrupting my train of thought and leaving me blank. It was annoying..

Maybe a walk would help things.. my mother always told me to take a stroll to help clear my head after all. I felt slightly embarrassed to follow her advice, but what choice did I have?

"I'm going out." I told my roommate, who was swiping through his tablet and muttering something about 'morning lakes'. Even though I had just entered the room, I found it quite boring to laze around. So perhaps, I should do as Usami says and make some 'friends'.

"Good luck with Maki." I called to my roommate quickly before leaving.

A loud, "No!" shouted back in response.

I managed a laugh, before hearing a loud slam which echoed throughout the entire building. For a moment, I thought it were thunder, but the slam sounded again, making me frown harder. It was too intentional, too quick to make it sound as though it were an accident.

It was followed by raised voices and a laugh which sounded too forced for my liking..

Since I didn't have anything else to do.. I followed the voices, ignoring the other students who seemed to be concerned by the sounds as well. "That way." a terrified looking senior pointed towards the stairs, which lead to the second floor. He seemed to be clutching a drawing tablet, his blond hair flattened and unkept. I made sure he was alright before following the raised voices again.

"- ya lyin' little snitch!" a female voice exclaimed followed by that same laugh.

"Nishishi~ I wasn't lying.. it's the truth you desire!"


I hurried to the stairs, going down and stopping to see a girl and the familiar purple haired boy. The new girl had long strawberry-blonde hair, held back by a pair of goggles, her icy blue eyes burning with anger at Ouma. The boy seemed relaxed, even though he was standing before a girl who was clearly losing her patience with him.

"You better keep your fucking rat snout out of this-."

"Or what?" Kokichi challenged, his tone suddenly changing to a mocking one, hands behind his head, "You're gonna push me down the stairs? Please. You're trying to hook up with my best friend and you're only reacting this way because you're guilty of harassing him."

The girl clenched her fists, "I was just interested in him! Okay? He's half robot, for god's sake! And I'm an inventor, unlike you, your profession is a kid's! A evil leader? More like a prank group, you useless abortion!"

Kokichi momentarily froze, as though the girl's words had affected him. But he quickly regained his compose to give her a shy smile. "Hmm. I guess you're right, Miu. Maybe you're smarter than I thought. So, I think I'm wrong for once in my life.."

The girl, Miu, sputtered as her face turned blotchy with rage or embarrassment, "M-Me? Of course I'm smart! I'm a beautiful genius!"

What's going on between them?

The duo seemed to be arguing about a person, though I didn't know who they were. I didn't like how close they were to the stairs as well.

I was about to move down the last few steps but hesitated as well.

This was in my nightmare, wasn't it? Kokichi pushing me down the stairs.. no, I couldn't dwell on that now. He was in trouble..

"Oh stop! Your ego is so wide, it's bigger than your pea sized brain!" the leader shot back, his eyes now burning with newfound hatred.

From his stance, and his hands now dropped to his sides, I could tell that Kokichi wanted to escape from the conversation. He looked.. panicked, as if the girl had touched a sore subject for him. However, the gleam in his eyes showed it merely a facade, so I didn't know what were his true feelings.

Instead of looking insulted by his words, Miu looked pleased, though a little shaken up. "Is that all you've got? Insult me more! I've learnt to take people's insults, ya snake!"

I moved forward, "Hey!" I shouted loudly, making the both of them pause to look at me.

Other students swerved around us and didn't seem to bother about their heated argument; caught up in their own selfish lives.

"Oh hello Shumai~!." Kokichi smirked, the hatred disappearing as quickly as a flash, and was replaced by a mischievous glint, "I didn't see you there. What's up?"

"Stop fighting." I managed to say, trying not to lose my nerve from their sudden attention on me, "You're making a lot of noise and-."

"Tell that to this stupid little worm who keeps trying to butt in! Tell him to stop and I'll leave you two alone!" the girl huffed, and surprisingly turned away from my glare.

I looked at Kokichi, who pointed to the girl the same way as a kid would try to blame others. "Fine, she wins." Though he didn't seem to mean it. "But if I catch her harassing Keebo again, I'll make sure to tie her up and hang this pig feet's body from the ceiling!"

Again, a flash of excitement shone in Miu's eyes, and she looked as if she wanted to add something in but glanced in my direction again.

She then stammered a meek, "F-Fine.." then promptly ran off, her face red. I swore I heard a small giggle from her before she left, though I wondered why.

Kokichi let out a sigh of annoyance, turning his attention to me. "Thanks, darling Saihara-chan.. but you know I could've handled it all by myself."

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at his words, "She was just about to push you down the stairs."

At least he thanked me.. that was enough. Kokichi now seemed lost in thought, his purple eyes fixed on mine. After a moment of silence, I realised he was daydreaming. How does anyone daydream while standing? Kokichi Ouma.. you're weird but.. yeah, you're just weird.

"I'm.. just going to go now. I guess." I turned but was stopped when a hand grabbed my wrist, stopping me.

"Nishishi! Ya can't escape from my sight so easily, Saihara-chan~!" the boy grinned, his shiny purple eyes playfully gazing up at me. "If you wanna leave, you have to beat me in a little game!"

Here we go again-.


I stared at him, then at his hand latched around my wrist. Why did everything feel so familiar whenever I was around him? I frowned, but didn't pull my hand away, "What kind of game?"

Kokichi winked, letting go of my hand and holding out a fist, "Rock, paper, scissors. You beat me, I'll let you go. But if you don't, you'll have to hang out with me for the rest of the day!"

Hmm.. there was something about him which made me hesitate. But I decided to go along with it, seeing that I didn't have anything else to do.

"Alright then.."

Without missing a beat, we launched into the game.

"Rock, paper, scissors!"

We looked down at our hands.

I had put out paper, since the game was purely out of luck.. I saw no logic to a game as simple as this.

There was a pause as the leader sighed, as if he had been expecting it. His hand was the shape of a fist.

I won? That's surprising.

"Aww.. looks like I lost." he didn't sound very disappointed, "But hey, it was nice playing with you, my darling Shuichi!" but this time, he appeared to be sincere.

My face heated slightly at his words, making me laugh; it sounded fake. "Please don't call me that. But it's nice playing with you too, Ouma."

We stood by the stairs for a moment, just being quiet. But the silence was broken by a small chime from my pocket, making me realise that the Monopad had an update.

Kokichi took his device out as well, glancing up at me. "Hey, we collected one of these petal things.. Friendship Fragments.. right? Our friendship has levelled up!" he then shot me a devilish grin, "Maybe we'll be in a serious relationship soon.."

I blushed even harder at that, pushing him away and realising that we were still standing near the many flights of stairs.

"WHOA-!" Kokichi yelped, losing his balance, but I grabbed his outstretched hand and caught him just as gravity took hold.

"I'm so sorry!" I apologised, making the boy stare as I pulled him away from the stairs. But I did so a little too roughly, making the boy bump right against my chest. I backed away, feeling the slight pressure despite the contact a few milliseconds ago.

My heart pounded, mostly from the adrenaline rush, and also from that giggle that he had made.

"My my, Saihara-chan.. if you wanted to dance, you could have just said so."

"I.. It was an accident!" I demanded, trying to cover the blush on my face with a hand, "I'm just.. going to go now. Sorry Ouma-kun." And like a coward (and a big blundering fool I am), I dashed away.

With each step I took, I could imagine Kokichi's amused expression on his face when he mentioned about being in a relationship with me.. that slight tilt of his head and wide light purple eyes..

I swallowed, feeling a slight nausea burning at the back my throat from sheer nervousness. Why was I actually considering his words?

I ended up running to the back of the school, leaning against the red bricked wall and trying to catch my breath.

Should I.. really be stubborn about this?

Why was I even considering being in a relationship with Ouma anyway? I'm not even gay! Or am I? Where are all these thoughts coming from?!

I slapped a hand to my forehead, which actually hurt more than I realised it would. Thoughts were so confusing, but the thing is.. whenever I was around Ouma, my mind felt clearer.. and the voices in my head weren't as loud..

"Are you in trouble?" a quiet voice made me flinch, turning left to see a guy I had never seen before.

He had gelled white hair, and glasses which were tinted a light shade of lime green. Gentle blue eyes gleamed behind the glass, making me relax slightly. In his hand, he held a thick, brown leather bound book.

He seemed to be chilling at the back of the school, almost as if he wanted to be alone. I felt bad for intruding his space. "Sorry.. I'll.. go now-."

"It's alright, Shuichi." the boy smiled at me, smoothing his jacket with a sweep of his hand as he pushed away from the wall. Then, I realised that his arm was coated with silver metal, and made mechanical sounds whenever he moved it. The boy pushed his sleeve down, covering the mechanism almost as if he were embarrassed.

I then wondered how did people know my name.. was Kokichi really spreading rumours about me? I could almost feel whatever friendship I had with the liar sour slightly.

"How do you know my name?" I finally broke the silence, leaning away from the bricked wall as well, mirroring the guy.

"Let's just say.. I know a lot of things you don't." the expression on his face appeared hopeful as if he wanted me to remember something I should. However my mind drew a blank.

"Okay.." I said slowly, hoping the guy would continue.

"I'm Keebo Tetsuya." he offered his name like he expected me to know it. Which I unfortunately didn't. He frowned, but looked like he knew what my response would be.

"It's okay, Shuichi," he continued, "Maybe this new life would be better for you and Ouma. And everyone else except for me." he sounded slightly disappointed by the sound of that, though I didn't know what he meant.

"I-I'm sorry.. I don't understand-."

Keebo shook his head, pushing away from the wall and heading back to the direction I came from. "It's okay Shuichi.. I didn't expect you to remember me either."


I felt horrible. Was I supposed to remember him? A small beep emitted from my pocket, making me realise that my Monopad had updated again.

One new fragment for the mysterious Keebo Tetsuya, half Ultimate Robotics Scientist, 

One new mystery for me to unravel.

▹⋇⋆**❀ ❀** ⋆⋇◃

[ 12:28am // Saihara/Momota's Dorm Room ]

I stayed up late that night, pouring over books that I didn't need. What kind of school was this anyway? A school to cancel every lesson just for the sake of making friends? My parents didn't pay for this.

I pulled out my phone from my pocket, seeing that same: 'No signal' message at the top left. I wondered how were they, though they were probably doing their own thing, minding their own business.

I slipped my device back into my pocket, leaning against my chair with a heavy sigh. This school was weird. The teachers didn't seem to be bothered by the change, so it worked in their favour.

That rabbit was strange as well, overly cheerful and full of enthusiasm. I found those type of attention seeking people a bother to society.

The only one who seemed to understand what was going on was Keebo, though he spooked me with his talk about 'recognising him' and 'new life'.

I glanced over at Kaito, who was out cold with a book on his head to block the light from my lamp. He had been talking to me about his newfound friendship with Maki Harukawa.. and from the sounds of it, she hasn't taken him apart yet, so that was a good sign.

Kaede Akamatsu was another person I had to find out more about.. she was an interesting character, and I didn't mind befriending her. Cheerful and kind enough to everyone. But I only saw her as a great friend to have, someone supportive, if the need ever arises.

Rantaro Amami seemed to have a thing for her.. judging by the way he always seemed to look out for her in 'class' or the fact that they had a lot of inside jokes. But I did overhear that they were childhood friends, but rumours were just.. rumours.

All the pairings somehow left me with none other than Kokichi Ouma. He was a strange individual.. and I couldn't really find what his motive was. He was so flexible about his lies, I found myself thinking twice every time I talked to him. Though he was rather too loud for my liking, I wondered if he had a quieter personality to him.

I stared at the bulletin bored spread out before  me, before drawing a question mark under Ouma's name. It was a pink marker which I had borrowed from Angie earlier.

She appeared enthusiastic about my strange request, as, I quote, 'God will be with you if you ever want to be creative! Nyahahaha!'  She was a energetic student.. helpful and chatty, but not a threat. Though her other friend, Tenko shot daggers at me from her serious jade green eyes when I dared to approach.

Anyway. Everyone had a clear motive. Who they wanted to be with. Who could talk to each other easily..

I used the same marker to draw another question mark under my own name, staring at the symbol for a moment. I didn't know who I could talk to..

Iruma had a obvious crush on Keebo, Kaito had a crush on Maki. Kaede had a crush on Rantaro.

And now that I think of it, why am I trying to be a matchmaker?

I sighed and capped the marker with a click, glancing at the clock sitting on my desk. Perhaps I should talk to the person who might know what's going on.

Grabbing my dark blue hoodie and putting it on, I made sure Kaito was still sleeping before leaving and heading to the other wing of the building. There were two entrances, one to the left wing, and one to the right. I had a feeling Keebo's dormitory room was around there or perhaps the Monopad could tell me..

I pulled it out, making the blue light illuminate the darkened hallways. I never knew how quiet the school was at night. Of course, seeing that it was nearly one in the morning..

Usami had instructed us to stay in our rooms at night, but no one really listened to her. I felt terrible for 'breaking' a rule but she wasn't that scary. It was like how some teachers seemed to have a certain charisma to them.

Just as I passed the staircase leading towards the boy's rooms, where Ryoma, Korekiyo and Gonta stayed, I heard a strange, haunting melody. It repeated over and over again, each time the tune changing ever so slightly.

"With the hole in my own heart that was slashed out by all that I love.."

It was a gentle voice, the pitch wavering ever so slightly as the person sang. Whoever it was, they sounded inexperienced with singing. They stopped every now and then; letting the silence fill once more before continuing.

I paused. That song was unlike anything I've ever heard and it sounded like it was coming from the end of the hallway.

"That no amount of medicine would be enough."

I should probably.. check on whoever that is.

Following the voice, the music gradually grew louder with each step I took. I didn't want to scare the person away, but the more I listened to them sing, the more I found myself paying attention to the lyrics.

"Though you try to hide the tears, in the end, you're just playing pretend..

Crying out to no one, the pain, there's no end."

I finally opened the door of the roof garden, to see..

A boy with an acoustic guitar. His body was turned away from the door, his legs dangling off the edge of the building. Recognisable purple hair. Of course it would be him..

I didn't know if I should feel relieved to see him tonight, or.. perhaps I should leave him alone. The boy didn't hear the door open, so I could have a clean getaway.

"The plague that I have caught.. they call it "fallen in love""


I had to talk to him..

▹⋇⋆**❀ ❀** ⋆⋇◃

[ Kokichi's PoV // Rooftop Garden ]

"Nice voice."

I nearly dropped the guitar I was holding, but caught it just as quickly. I twisted around to see.. him. Of all people. "Haven't you learn how to knock?" I demanded, feeling embarrassed all of a sudden. How much had he heard?

Shuichi smiled slightly, pushing away that same strand of hair and walking over to me. I knew he must've heard me singing, so what else was there to hide? But that particular song I was humming? That song was embarrassing.

"Did you compose it?"

I realised he was talking about the song. I shook my head. "Nah. As an evil leader," I gave him a smirk, "I have better things to do. Anyway, it's a song I happened to find on my phone."

Total lie.. I didn't want to tell him that I wrote the song by myself..

He stood beside me, his slightly tanned arms lying on the railing in front of us. I resisted the urge to find an excuse to touch them. Jeez, this guy.. I forced down the feeling welling up inside me and took a shaky breath, trying to relax. After what Keebo had told me earlier.. everything was starting to make sense.

"So.. um.. about earlier. That.. relationship thing."

His voice made me stop picking at the strings, my fingers shaking each time I forced myself to look up at him. Man, what's wrong with me? After Keebo told me I was 'destined' to fall in love with this Shuichi guy, I was a total wreck! Focus Ouma.

I waved a hand at him, smirking as much as I could, "Don't bother. I was pretty high just now, so don't take everything I say to heart." I lied easily, picking at my fingernails to get imaginary dirt out.

"High? You mean, you drank alcohol?" his voice went to an accusing one.

"No, dumbass," I said, cringing slightly when I realised I called him a mean name, "I drink-."

"Panta.." he finished, sounding awkward as he completed my sentence.

There was a silence, as he and I exchanged a look. What the heck? No one else except Keebo knew about my addiction to the drink. So how did he know? Unless Keebo told him..

Then I realised that he was tapping his fingers against the railing to the same tune as my song. I resisted the urge to ask him the question which could somehow ruin everything between us.

Does this all seem familiar to you, Saihara-chan? The talks? The games? The heartbreaking sadness in your eyes?

"You came up here to.." he gestured to the guitar. However, I was focused on that same little strand of hair which kept falling to the front of his face.

"Play Houseplant's guitar.. Amami-chan." I added, noticing his confused look as my hand patted the instrument, "He doesn't know its missing, and honestly, he's been so wrapped up with Plinky-Ploinky.. Akamatsu-chan, I'm not surprised he doesn't know it's missing."

With each nickname I said, he blushed, the corners of his lips turning upwards just the slightest.

"Then what brings you here, Saihara-chan?" I asked casually, curious to find out what his reason was. It better be good. He tapped the railing again, as if thinking of a good reason to answer my super simple question.

"I was.." he turned slightly red, or maybe it was just me. "Looking around the school. Hoping for some answers to my questions..." I could tell he was hiding something, but at least he told the truth..

"Then you happened to hear me and now you're here." I finished, before holding the guitar properly and glancing at my Monopad. There was an update, but I swiped it away, knowing what it meant.

I should probably head back to the dorms.. though I didn't want to leave him here. If Usami found out, she would probably whack us with her magical stick or something. Though that could be against the school rules..

"Does.. all this seem familiar to you?"

I felt my heart skip another beat, and staring at up him. Was he a mind reader or something? How did he know that I wanted to ask him that very same question? "You're creepy." I muttered.


"How did you ask me a question I wanted to ask you?" I raised an eyebrow. "Did that stupid pig feet inventor give you a gadget to read minds?" the question came out harsher than I intended. I hated it whenever people saw through my lies and stories so quickly.. it made everything boring.

Shuichi's expression looked hurt, "Uh.. no? I just.. wanted to know. You don't have to talk about Miu like that.. Ouma.. and.. are you alright?"

I sighed, taking note of his hesitance, "Nevermind." I gave him a big smile, though I still felt uneasy. Was Keebo really telling the truth? This strange guy was finishing my sentences, looking at me with some strange familiarity in his eyes..

"To.. answer your question. Yeah," I admitted, glancing over to the ground, four floors down, "When I first saw you, you were like a person I've seen before. Someone I've met a long time ago. Now look at us, we're standing here, you're finishing my sentences and Keebo told me we're meant to be together.." I rushed on, noticing the redness on the other boy's face.

"We're.. what? Meant to be together?" he repeated as I resisted the urge to just grab him by the strings of his stupid blue hoodie and kiss him. We. Just. Met. If I kissed him now, that would be the move of a lunatic, and also very awkward if he didn't like me back.

"Yes, now stop questioning me, I'm gonna go and head back to my room." I gripped the strap of the guitar and ran off before I could say anything else. However, before I got to the door of the rooftop garden, I turned to see the detective, watching me with a frown. A small, confused expression.

"See you." he whispered, loud enough so I could hear him before turning away to look out at the scenery stretched out before him.

▹⋇⋆**❀ ❀** ⋆⋇◃

[ 11:00am // Some Random Classroom ]

"What's up with you and Saihara?" Rantaro asked. Even though we were not studying, I decided to just complete some worksheets which were conveniently lying around. I had a fondness for Math, so the papers were a welcome distraction. The subject was always comforting to me. The orderly symbols and lines, the satisfaction when you somehow manage to write a perfect '7', that sort of thing.

"I keep watching you look over at him, exchanging a look and going back to what you're doing."

"It's called telepathy, Amami-chan! You should try it with your girlfriend. And by the way, I gotta say that it's creepy that you're stalking us." I told him, half completing my worksheet, half watching him paint his nails. It seemed that he was supporting the gays and painting his nails a pastel version of the rainbow.

"Kaede is.. a very cute girl, bubbly and fun, but we've had a talk, and.. she just sees me as her friend."

I stared at him, the guy didn't seem very upset by what he had just said, "Say what?" He continued painting his nails, his leafy green eyes focusing on his handiwork- HA, HANDIWORK. Punnnn.. *cough* sorry readers.

Anyway, I've never been more wrong about a relationship. Amami and Akamatsu weren't a thing? So where does that leave him? And her?

"Soooo," I grinned, hoping to get some information from the relaxed guy sitting before me, "Who do ya have eyes on?" I asked slyly, making the boy narrow his eyes slightly, looking down at the table. I watched as he drummed his freshly painted nails on the surface of the furniture.

"I'd say.. Tojo-san or Momota-kun."

"Get out!" I exclaimed, slamming my hands on the table, laughing so loudly, I nearly choked, "No way! Since when do you like girls and guys?"

"You only just met me about two days ago, Ouma-kun. Of course you wouldn't know I'm bisexual."

Wow, he's really open about this. I gotta give him points for that. But still! "Kirumi? That Ultimate Maid? She's a total preppy, clean freak!"

"I did somehow manage to earn four Friendship Fragment petals with her. Mostly because of that omelette she made for my breakfast. In return, I offered to paint her nails. She likes black." he added, as though I would actually take note of that insignificant detail.

I scoffed, "You're a pretty boy, of course the girls will be flocking to you. But Tojo-chan? Of all people? I was about to call her my mom! That's so weird!"

I was still in shock then realised about his other love interest. "But, you like that annoying Momo-chan? What do you even like about him?" The guy was as useless as a fart, too prideful for his own good while chasing girls. What did Amami-chan see in him?

Rantaro chuckled, reaching over to pat my head. I hated it whenever people did that, but for the sake of juicy gossip, I managed to tolerate it.

"I helped him with his stargazing map. He somehow managed to write Libra, as Library. Don't ask me how, but he's kinda funny when he knows he's messed up. He gets all red and-."

"Okay," I held up my hands, swatting his hand away, "The next thing you'll tell me is that you have a crush on Saihara-chan, and I'll have to kill you because he's mine."

"You do have a thing for him!" Rantaro grinned triumphantly, catching my mistake. "I suppose it's obvious.. you keep spreading those rumours, and I catch you staring at him whenever he's not looking."

I blushed, which was a rare occurrence because I hate blushing. It showed that I had a weakness and as a leader, weakness was not an option. Though, as a leader of a gang who played pranks, perhaps I should learn to loosen up a little.. man, maybe this 'all fun, no work' school was making me lazy.

"I dunno about the rumours. Though I admit, I'm staring at him all the time. But can you blame me? His yellow eyes are gorgeous! Can you find anyone with eyes like his? And his voice. He complimented my guitar skills-."

"I have to take credit for that part," Rantaro pointed to a question on my paper, which I realised I had answered wrong, "That's my guitar. Which you took. Without my permission."

"It's all part of the plan, Amami-chan. It's alllll part of the plan." I patted his shoulder and went to correct my mistake. In my bag, a small chime sounded, indicating that I had levelled up my friendship with the green haired student.

But the friendship I wanted to level up with..


I wonder what was Saihara-chan doing..

♥ End of Chapter Seventy ♥

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