The Tears, In the End

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✧ Chapter 24 ✧
[ The Tears, In the End ]
✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧

Kaede and Shuichi looked at each other, their eyes glued to the mysterious metal box. It was a simple case, with a black handle on the top and a thumbprint scanner in the middle of it. With threatening black words scribbled across it in permanent marker.

"Is.. Is that Keebo's?" Kaede stammered, her hand slowly drifting down to rest against her side. "Why would he keep such a thing? It looks like a bomb or something even worse."

"We shouldn't really touch it," Shuichi looked at the pieces of scrap metal, strewn all over the place, "After all, the words clearly states that we shouldn't mess around with it."

"But still," Kaede looked curious, "Maybe it'll help us find out about Hope's Peak and the Hospital." she suggested. Shuichi stubbornly shook his head, reaching for the box and picking it up. It was surprisingly heavy, which made Shuichi nearly drop it from the unexpected weight.

"I'm seriously thinking it could be a bomb," Kaede frowned, noticing Shuichi's struggle, "Please Shuichi, it could be dangerous!"

"Which is why we shouldn't touch it in the first place." he countered, "Come on Kaede, let's just continue cleaning the place and get it over with." he put the box on the table with a loud thud. "Ah- if it was a bomb.." Kaede flinched when it landed, "You need to be more careful!"

Shuichi chuckled slightly, looking around the room for a while longer. Papers everywhere.. a whole collection of Panta bottles lining the side of the wall. It was obviously Ouma's doing.

"Hey Shuichi," Kaede suddenly spoke up. He looked at her, surprised to see the girl pointing at a computer. It seemed to have been used recently, since it was on sleep mode, not shut down.

Shuichi walked over to the girl, who was holding a feather duster with one hand and peering at the light blue text on the screen.

Keebo: -We might've found evidence about some project they're working on, here at the Hospital. [ Last sent: One hour ago ]

Shuichi looked at Kaede, who was staring right at the screen as if she couldn't look away. "Keebo?" she muttered, "How is that possible-?"

"Is there a way to talk to him?" Shuichi interrupted , taking hold of the mouse beside the computer and looking around for some clue. "If he's sending messages, there could be a way for us to send one back to him."

"Well? What are you waiting for?" Kaede looked relieved, "Maybe try sending one to him now.."

Shuichi nodded, noticing a small Keebo sprite at the bottom of the screen, sleeping soundly. He ignored it and quickly typed out a message for the Ultimate Robotics Scientist to receive.

Kokichi: Keebo? How are you texting us? This is Shuichi and Kaede, please tell us what's going on.

"Do you realise-?" Shuichi pointed to the name as Kaede placed a finger to her chin, "That means Ouma must've known about this, right?"

The blue haired boy nodded, waiting for Keebo to reply. Unfortunately, the Keebo sprite just continued to sleep. That must mean something.

"Maybe he's offline. That's why he isn't replying. Let's look around and see what else is there to help us crack this mystery." Kaede suggested.

Shuichi sighed, wanting to keep his eyes on the screen a while longer. "Alright. But Kaede," he frowned at her, unsure why he felt uneasy. The blonde girl turned to look at him, curious as to why he called her, "What's wrong?"

He stared at her, "I.. can trust you, can't I?" he asked, hoping he didn't sound offensive. After all, he didn't want to lose a friend just because he insulted her.

The girl flashed him a smile, "Of course you can trust me, Shuichi. I promise." she walked over to stand in front of him. He flinched slightly when the girl touched the brim of his hat, "Be more confident with yourself."

Shuichi looked back at her as the girl just gave him a brilliant smile, "Just believe in yourself, and I promise that everything will be alright! I'm not a traitor, and I'll always be by your side."

"Be more confident in yourself, and don't hide from anything." she let go of his cap, giving him a reassuring pat on the shoulder. Shuichi stared at her, before he surprised himself by relaxing, "Of course. Thanks Kaede. I knew I could count on you."

He felt better after Kaede talked to him. He appreciated her, and actually took her words to heart. Shuichi took a deep breath before looking back at the computer for a moment.

"You're right. I don't have to hide my face anymore, do I?" he smiled, for once in a very long time, he felt independent.

Kaede just smiled proudly as she watched him take off his cap and run a hand through his hair.

"I have to say," she giggled as Shuichi placed the cap on Kokichi's empty, bedside table. "You look much better now that you're not hiding your eyes." Shuichi blinked at her words, before laughing, "Thanks Akamatsu. Now come on, let's finish tidying up the place-."

However, just as he finished his sentence, there was a loud buzz of the intercom and the lights flicked off. "Gah-!" he yelped when water sprayed from the ceiling and drenched him.

"Shuichi!" Kaede spluttered as the lights flicked back on, "The computer!" she pointed as an alarm blared, sounding far away. He spun around, just as the device started smoking and flickering. "Oh crap-!" he cursed, rushing towards it as Kaede threw the door open.

He shut the laptop as all the devices around him malfunctioned and started to smoke. "Shuichi! Come on! Get out of there!" Kaede gestured for him to leave the room.

Outside, he could hear the other students talking amongst themselves and questioning about the fire alarms.

"The great Atua has spoken!" Angie exclaimed as Gonta hurried out of his room, his arms loaded with containers of beetles and insects. "He has called upon the rivers and rains to cleanse us all!" she laughed as she got soaked by the sprinklers.

"It's not holy water, Angie," Korekiyo sighed, "Let's just get out of here and make sure everyone else is okay."

"Gonta must make sure that everyone okay!" Shuichi heard the kind-hearted boy trudge through the crowd, looking out for people who needed help. Shuichi held Keebo's laptop close to him, with Kaede following behind. "What happened?" he managed to ask as the students in the boy's dormitories gathered outside to wait for the sprinklers to deactivate.

"I'm not sure," Kirumi said quietly, "But it seems like someone set the fire alarms off on accident. It appears that the girl's dormitories are flooded as well."

"Right-o, Miss Tojo!" a shrill voice exclaimed as Monokuma jumped out and landed in front of the drenched students, "Hello everyone! It's nice to see you all ready for a swim."

Mondo, whose hair was dripping with water, growled, "This is no time for some stupid joke of yours Monokuma! Shut the damn things off or I'll punch your head in!"

"Oh no no!" Monokuma shook a paw, "It's not my job! Apparently someone 'accidentally' tripped it off.! And you know what that means!" he suddenly extended his claws, "Whoever misuses the alarms must be punished!"

A sudden silence befell on the students once they heard the announcement. After all, that was a rule they had never heard of before. As if to prove Shuichi's thoughts, Celestia spoke up, "I'm sure that's not in the student Handbook, Monokuma."

"Eh?" the bear tilted his head, "Whatever do ya mean? Of course it is! See?" he held up the thin silver E-Handbook, waving it in the air. All at once, the students received a notification on their devices.

"T-That's not fair!" Ishimaru pointed at him, "You just updated it! So it doesn't count!"

"Oh phuhuhu! Ishimaru, you poor boy! I'm your principal and what I say, goes! Unless you want to challenge my authority!" the robot's teeth gleamed, "I'll be happy to chomp ya to pieces!"

Mondo shoved Ishimaru backwards, stepping forward. "Shut up with your crap, you robotic shit! — that earned a look of disgust from Ishimaru for using such language — There's no way you can find the culprit of who tripped the fire alarm!"

"Oh but of course I can, dear Owada!" Monokuma spun around on his feet, "I have surveillance cameras everywhere! And even I know which fire alarm was tripped! Just watch and see!" With that said, Monokuma pointed to the gymnasium building.

"Follow me! And get ready for a whole new punishment laid out especially for the culprit who tripped the alarm!" Monokuma hopped away. "Toodle-loo you lazy students! Let's go!"

Shuichi glanced at Kaede, knowing that she was safe, since she had been in the same room that he was in. "It's going to be alright Shuichi," Kaede smiled, noticing his look. "After all, we're in this together."

He took a deep breath, clutching Keebo's laptop close to his chest, and following the rest of the students into the gym.

A whole new punishment?
Just because someone set off the fire alarm? Shuichi couldn't shake the feeling that Momokuma.. just wanted to kill them all.

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[ Monokuma Theatre ]

Heya chumps! It's ya friendly neighbourhood bear, Monokuma! HEYO! *waves* I'd like to personally thank a few more people if ya don't mind. Actually, ya don't have a choice. Because you gotta read this to get to the next chapter, amiright?

Hmmm! So first of all, this goes to AliceOrihara and ChocoLoco6428 ! Your theories are great ya know! Unfortunately, author-chan doesn't wanna reveal tooooo much. She's so boring. Boo..

Your theories are interesting and it's fun to read them! If any of you other readers have any theories, feel free to spill! Ya might never know.. I could give some spoilers in some comments..

Next goes to oddsquad909 ya know your comments are hilarious and it's fun to see ya raging. Upupupu! The despair gives me life! Oh wait.. wrong universe. This ain't a killin' game! Maybe.

But anyhoo, stay tuned for the next chapter, and prepare yer tissues. It's gonna be one hell of a execution! And by da way, do ya like these theatres? I like making cameos ya know. Breaking the fourth wall is fun! Let me have my time to shine!

So that's all for now, till next time! Ciao ciao! As per usual, author-chan and I thank ya for readin! See ya next time! (If ya have any suggestions when ya want me to post these chapters, go ahead!) Everyday? (If ya wanna kill author-chan... she'll probably write too much and ya know... kaput. Die.) Maybe every two days? Eh... just help me decide would 'cha? Thanks amigos. Upupupu!

♥ End of Chapter Twenty-Four ♥

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