The Trickery That Hid Away

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✧ Chapter 57 ✧
[ The Trickery That Hid Away ]
♥*♡∞:。.。  。.。:∞♡*♥
[ Kokichi's PoV ]

I barged into the room where Maki was, Keebo following closely behind. He was here to help me if things went out of hand, and with that assassin around.. well, things could get messy.

Said girl was in the process of bandaging her arm with the help of Akane and Sakura. "Ouma," the assassin murmured in a low voice as I plastered a grin on my face. "What do you want?"

"Just a word with you, dear Harukawa!" I exclaimed as she picked up her knife. I didn't flinch as my eyes met her troubled ones. "Just put down the knife, and we can have a little chat."

Maki clenched her jaw, as Sakura gently lowered the knife Maki was holding with her hand. "It's no good if you strain yourself, Maki," the white haired woman told her wisely, "Listen first, and if necessary..."

Sakura looked at me, her nose wrinkling at me with distaste. But hey! I was used to dirty looks thrown my way, so I wasn't very insulted by her expression.

"We can give you some space." Akane mumbled through a mouthful of food, giving Maki a thumbs up.

She patted Maki's shoulder gently — while eating a huge slice of a vanilla sponge cake — before following Sakura and Keebo out of the room.

The door closed behind them with a click, making Maki glare right at me. If looks could kill.. "What do you want, Mastermind?" she asked, that last word brimming with pure hate. It was obvious she hated my guts, but hey, I had a plan, and I needed her help to carry it out.

"I know what it's like to hold back your feelings, Maki." I began to say, looking up at her as her eyes narrowed slightly. "All I'm asking is for your forgiveness in what I have done to you before. And work beside me." I held up a hand.

I had watched her closely, ever since I saw her with Chiaki Nanami about half an hour ago. Maki carried so much sadness, I couldn't help but feel curious. It was as though she was fighting for something unseen and no one else could relate to her.

Her eyes hardened as soon as she saw me offering a hand.

"The last time I trusted you," she began, raising a hand to hit mine away, trembling as I stood my ground, "I was in that Hospital. I saw the things they did to Kaito. And I regret. Every single day, I wish I didn't reject him."

Each word she said was carrying regret, and I was.. well, I cant believe I was trying to befriend her, someone who used to hurt me back in school..

"I'm being honest here, Maki," I spoke up as she clenched her shaking hand into a fist, "You don't hear that from me, however even though I'm a liar, liars must tell the truth sometimes when it's necessary. So help me end this."

"End this Loveless life and bring Shuichi and Kaito back from what they once was. Even if I have to sacrifice everything along the way." I continued to hold my hand out, waiting for her to take it.

Maki regarded my outstretched hand for a moment, her red eyes fixed on my purple ones. Behind those serious lifeless eyes, I could tell she was hurting.

However, for once, I wanted to help her, even if it meant putting our differences aside.

♥*♡∞:。.。  。.。:∞♡*♥

[ Shuichi's PoV ]

I coughed out more blood, the liquid spilling from my mouth as I knelt on the cold marble ground. Holding a hand up to my jaw to stop the blood flow, my vision blurred..

"Are you done waiting around for someone to save you?" Kaito taunted, kicking me hard on the back, making me cough once more. "You're waiting for nothing. Ouma doesn't remember you. If you want him to remember you, give us the serum."

"I've told you.." I managed to whisper hoarsely, "I don't know.. where it is. I cant remember.." I was so tired of this. Nothing came to me even as the torture continued. No memory returned, no visions in my mind whenever I fell into an uncomfortable asleep.

I could only focus on the slowly fading memory of Ouma.

I was starting to forget what he even sounded, and as the days passed.. I couldn't remember his voice, or the way he talked.

Just as I finished that depressing thought, I was pulled to my feet with a sudden jerk, my legs nearly giving way due to the sudden movement.

Kaito's voice whispered in my ear, making me tense up.

"You're going to follow me to your office, and show me where you hid the serum. Perhaps that might jolt your memory."

I managed to look at his magenta hued eyes. Was he telling the truth? Was no one going to save me from this hell I'm currently in? It was getting hopeless.

Without warning, he pulled me towards a door I hadn't noticed and shoved me through it.

Silence greeted us both, as if someone had paused the world. No light from the windows, no sound from anywhere besides our shuffling feet. It was just Kaito and I, walking down this eerie, empty hallway.

"Now.." he pushed open a metal door, which had a small sheet of frosted glass to look through at the top half. On the small plate embedded on the translucent material, were the words: Shuichi Saihara.

"Search throughly."

The first thing which greeted me was the bright, neon blue liquid on the floor. We stopped short, staring right at the liquid as if by just standing silently, someone will explain what had happened. But of course, it was just Kaito and I in this messy room.

"What.. what is that?" He voiced my thoughts as I continued to stare at the blue liquid. It shone as bright as the Reverse serum, but a pale sky blue instead of the Reverse being a blinding neon pink.

And deep within myself, I felt my heart plummet. A voice whispered in my mind..

The Regain serum..

It was here all along. But how did it end up spilled on the floor? My eyes trailed over the blue stained carpet, my eyes locking on a picture frame. Glass was scattered everywhere, and it seemed like..

"You." Kaito suddenly rounded on me, making me take a step back but he was too fast as he held me by the chain around my neck. "What's the meaning of this? What is that?"

I forced a small smile, though I felt the complete opposite. "That's the Regain serum.. looks like you can't regain Junko Enoshima's memories after all." I felt triumphant as Kaito's dark pink hued eyes hardened to a look of pure hate.

"If you remembered it was the Regain serum.." he began to say as I steadied my smile. But inside, I was a mess. Panicked and wondering what was he going to say. "It means," he continued, "You should know how to make more of the serum, won't you?"

Without a warning, Kaito pushed me to the table, scattering papers everywhere as he stood by the door. Hitting the edge of it, I fell to the ground, my hand now pricked by the tiny bits of glass from the broken photo frame. I held up my hand, seeing the blue liquid on it.

Right in front of me, was a small picture of Kokichi. In fact, it was a picture of the both of us. He looked younger, free of worry as we smiled at the camera.

I stared at his face, a memory resurfacing in my mind.

♥*♡∞:。.。 ฿ⱤɆ₳₭ 。.。:∞♡*♥

Kokichi and I stood at the balcony, him holding out a vial of glowing golden liquid. "Here's the Revival.. make sure you keep it safe." he instructed as he handed the glass tube to me.

I smiled, "Since when do you trust me with this sort of thing, Ouma?"

The other boy waved a hand absentmindedly, the ends of his purple hair was curled up.. I wanted to reach out and impulsively straighten them, just as an excuse to touch his hair. But I held myself back.

"We're partners in this crime, aren't we?" Kokichi smiled hesitantly, looking up at me with his breathtaking purple orbs. I could get lost forever in them.. but.. a voice told me that he didn't love me.

I was about to nod to answer his question, but he held out a piece of torn, crumpled paper.

"Just keep this safe. It's the recipe for the Regain serum. I have the Revival's one, since it would be dangerous if one of us has both. Just promise you'll never reveal its secrets."

"..." I took the paper, our fingers touching slightly. It was as gentle as a kiss. As light as a breath of air.

Our eyes met, and for a moment, we just focused on each other. I suddenly saw his eyes dart down to my lips, making me blush and look away, breaking the moment.

"He doesn't love you. Stop wishing." Junko whispered, planting the seeds of doubt in my mind as I looked up at her.. "Remember, you're doing this for yourself. It's good for you."

"I'll keep it safe Ouma." I reassured him, stepping forward and pulling the shorter boy in for a hug. That's it. That's the end.

After this, I would have to erase my memories of Ouma.. since he didn't return my feelings of affection.

Even after I entered the room with Junko by my side to remove my memories, my last thoughts were him..

If I couldn't have him..

♥*♡∞:。.。 ฿ⱤɆ₳₭ 。.。:∞♡*♥

As if I were in a trance, my fingers reached out to brush against the photograph of Ouma and I.

My hand shook slightly as tears clouded my vision. I missed him so much. I loved him since the beginning.

Turning the picture around..

There, on the blank space where people could write messages on, was a piece of yellowed paper with the recipe for the Regain serum written down.

I stared at the words, none of them registering in my mind as I wondered about Ouma.

I didn't even realise when Kaito reached down and snatched the photograph from me.

I didn't realise when he pulled me to my feet and shouted for where the Revival serum was.

I didn't realise when he brought me back to that dreaded room, the recipe for the Regain serum in his clenched fist.

I was too focused on Ouma.

Where was he?

♥*♡∞:。.。  。.。:∞♡*♥

[ Kokichi's PoV ]

Apparently, some of us had to stay back at the academy, since it would definitely be suspicious if almost half of the whole school had vanished into thin air.

"I-I'll think of a way to convince them.." Toko Fukawa was talking to Toagmi, tugging at the rather patched up bandanna around her neck.

"You need to work harder, alright? And make sure she doesn't find out where the Hideout is." the voice of Togami drawled out as Toko smiled dreamily in front of him, "It's annoying to be working alongside you pheasants but it seems like I don't have a choice."

With that said, the blond guy walked off, leaving me alone to stand with Fukawa. She clutched the front of her bandanna, tugging at the cloth rather nervously.

I tilted my head curiously, "Hey, nerd," my usual greeting for her, "What's with the new fashion accessory?"

The bespectacled teenager glared at me, nervously holding the cloth with shaking hands. "I-It's none of your business, small fry!" she exclaimed.

As if Komaru sensed the girl's rising panic, she walked up to us, taking the anxious girl's hand. "Toko-chan!" she smiled with concern, "It's alright, Ouma-kun is just asking a question.. I can always answer for you, if you want."

Toko scowled, rubbing her nose slightly and pulling her hand away from Komaru's. Was I imagining things or was she blushing slightly? Huh. That's interesting. "F-Fine.. it's in case she happens to show up.. she's a traitor. But I'm not!"

I recalled something about Toko's backstory. About how she had a split personality, Genocide Jack. Apparently, the nerd had a hidden secret, huh. "So I assume," I pointed to the bandanna, "You're using that to cover your eyes when she shows up? That's super creative!"

Toko scowled harder, turning away just as Komaru sighed, "Sorry Ouma-kun, she's not very fond of compliments. Strangely, she only accepts them from Togami-kun and I." she whispered, though I didn't know why would she want to whisper.

Meh, whatever, I had much more important things to do..

"Oh and Ouma.." Komaru's voice stopped me from walking off, "If you.. see my brother," she began to say, clutching her hands together as she fixed me with her pale grey eyes, "Please, he didn't do anything wrong. He was just driven to despair after the deaths of our parents."

"I'll.." I hesitated, since that piece of news seemed irrelevant, "I'll keep that in mind, nerdy girl's friend." Grinning widely, I walked off, getting impatient. Where were Komaeda, Hajime and Keeboy anyway? They were taking forever-!

"Hey grape boy!" a high pitched voice called out, but I ignored it. Can't these people hurry up? I was getting bored of this place. "I'm talking to you!"

I folded my arms, spinning around on my heel to see a girl, about the same height as me, if not shorter. Her blonde hair was tied into two pigtails, and she wore a simple black hoodie. "Finally, I was calling for you! Don't you have any ears, dummy?"

I raised an eyebrow, deciding to get my revenge, "Hmm? What were you saying? I can't hear you from all the way down there." I placed a hand behind my ear, making the girl pout.

Hiyoko Saionji, her name came back to me. She was a rather rude soul, never afraid to speak her mind about things, no matter how hurtful they might be.

Infuriatingly, some people compared her to me. I mean, please! Have you seen her? I have all of the talent, all of the taste, and she has none of that!

"Don't play dumb, idiot!" she scoffed, holding out a hand to wave at my face. "I was just wondering if you'd want to talk, but apparently, I see that you don't."

"Hmm," I replied with a smirk, "Well what do you know, you're right! I don't want to talk to you. Goodbye." I waved and walked off, finding our conversation as a waste of time.

What's taking everyone so long? I really wanted to go..

The door was right there.

As a Supreme Leader, I always wanted to involve everyone in the activities I held. Since that's what leaders do after all; divide and conquer.

Standing at the front of the doorway, I tapped my fingers against my arm impatiently.

I could always go and get Shuichi by myself; since it sounded easy enough.

Besides, I wouldn't want to make everyone here fight. We could avoid unnecessary casualties and bloodshed, if there were any.

I couldn't do this to my schoolmates no matter how annoying they were: *cough* Saionji *cough*

Taking a step forward, then another, I left the bustling Hideout, walking along the secret passage once more.

Now that I was alone with just my footsteps and my thoughts.. my mind was prepared.

First step, walk into the Hospital, demand for Saihara and boom, easy as pie. Maybe we can always go out for a drink, and see what kind of guy he was.

On the plus side, I didn't mind leaving Keeboy and Maki behind, if it meant keeping them safe.

Up ahead, I could see the light at the end of the tunnel. I wasn't scared of the dark, duh, but it was just getting really lonely-

"Kokichi?" the annoying, recognisable voice of Usami spoke up, making me sigh. So much for peace and quiet. She peered at me from the entrance of the tunnel.

"What do you want?"

"What are you doing in a dark and dusty place like this?" she asked as I exited the passageway and closed the door behind me.

That's weird, how could she not know what this place is?

I glanced at the rabbit, who was holding a tree branch and wearing what seemed to be diapers. I couldn't help but snicker, "Man, who dressed you? You look like some kid's stuffed toy. But compared to your other outfit, this suits you!"

The rabbit tilted her head, the pair of unnerving red eyes glinting, "Whatever do you mean, other outfit? This is my usual self! Big brother Monokuma made me this way.."

This was getting confusing. "You're being way too confusing for me, bunny. Go away, I've got a detective to find." As those words left my lips, I realised I shouldn't have told the mascot for the Remnants such a vital piece of information. Damnit. Now she'll probably stop me from leaving, saying it's too 'dangerous' or whatever-.

"Huh?" the rabbit frowned, "What do you mean Usami? I'm Monomi! Unless.." her eyes suddenly flashed magenta, "She's been roaming around again!"

I dodged a swing from the rabbit's branch, falling backwards and landing on the floor. What the- wait, how could I have been so careless?

Usami and this strange imitation looked completely different! The annoying one was coloured pink from head to toe, this one was half pink and white..

Silently cursing at myself for such a mixup, I grabbed a metal pipe as defence the moment she tried to attack me once more.

Swinging it, I hit the rabbit's head, making a dull 'thunk' of something hollow.

"No wonder you're not thinking, weird rabbit." I managed to laugh, despite my current situation, "You're all hollow, just like your brain."

"Naughty boy!" she scolded angrily, her eyes flickering from red to magenta as she became agitated, "You'll be punished for this! Initiating defence mode!" she exclaimed as she waved her stick in an arc above her head.

Oh.. crap-.

The ground shook, disorienting me and making it difficult to see through the dust. Oh of course, Ouma, I chided myself, this worked out perfectly! Brilliant! Now I can't save Saihara. How fun..

"My my!" the shrill voice of that imitation made me look up through the clouds of yellow dust, "Hey big bro! Looks like I found-."

"That's enough!" another equally high pitched voice cried out as I saw the real Usami land in front of her imitation. "Stop spilling secrets, you big meanie!" she pointed her magic wand at her foe, twirling it around. A rainbow ribbon magically shimmered around the stick as she waved it.

A hand on my shoulder made me realise that I was still sitting on the floor.

The red eyes assassin glared at me, her eyes cold and unnerving, "Let's go, Usami will distract Monomi.." her usual calm and serious voice should have made the old me scoff. But now I followed her with ease, taking the girl's hand and letting her pull me to my feet.

However, an alarm sounded and lights flared, making the both of us freeze. "Remnants on the school grounds!" the loud announcement made me nearly cover my ears but Maki whipped out her knife.

"Great.." she muttered, holding out a hand to stop me from moving. I pushed it down, frowning up at her.

"I'm not a little kid, Harukawa. I can fight for myself-."

"Not now," she replied sternly as people ran towards us with magenta coloured eyes, the kinds which haunted my dreams. Monokuma Traitors.

"Just trust us, Ouma. You may be annoying, but one thing I know for sure, is that you like to tell lies."

"Wait-." that sounded ominous, as I held up my hands, "What do you mean by-."

Without warning, she glared at me and the next thing I knew, she had hit me on the head with a loud thud.

♥ End of Chapter Fifty-Seven ♥

Hey guys, I'll have to post during this time now, since my mom will take my phone away every night (which is bad) but I'll sleep more-ish. (which is good) but overall. I CANT WATCH YOUTUBE VIDS AT NIGHT ANYMORE and fangirl about TWEWY.

- Ellie (Your TWEWY obsessed weirdo)

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