Chapter Ten: Zephyr

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She was panicking. They should have been able to figure out where they'd moved Amanda by now, but no one had a clue and there was no trace of her. Cheetah had hacked into the company system, but he hadn't found anything other than footage of her being caught and hauled off. She'd been shoved into a car, but they hadn't been able to track the car's description and there was no license plate.

They're probably interrogating her now, doing who-knows-what to get information from her. Zephyr rubbed her forehead, trying to think of something else that might help find Amanda. Where would they take her...? She sat up straighter. Wait! They would want to interrogate her, which means... maybe...

She stood and headed for the door, a mix of hope and anxiety churning inside her. If she was right, they might have a chance of finding Amanda, but there was no telling what condition she would be in when they rescued her... if it wasn't too late already. Don't be dead, Wren. Please don't be dead.

"Ajax I have an idea," she said, as she entered the gym. Grabbing his arm, she pulled him away from his group of trainees. "I need you to contact River and tell her to see if she can find out whether or not the Interrogator has been sent anyone new this month."

Ajax frowned. "You think they sent Wren to him? If that's true, she could be dead already. What if she told him something?"

"Stop. Just stop. I don't even want to think about that. She's still alive, and she didn't tell them anything. I have to believe that." I should have thought of it earlier. What if it's too late?

"I'll contact River, then. If anyone can figure it out, she can," Ajax said. "Can you take over while I give her a call."



"River couldn't make any promises, but she's doing her best to get the information now. It might take a few days," Ajax informed Zephyr.

She nodded. "I want to hear the second she calls you back with the information," she replied, standing. "If Wren is with the Interrogator, we need to get her out as soon as we can." Before he destroys her.

Zephyr retreated to her office and locked the door. She walked over to the desk and slammed her forehead down on its surface.

Worst is coming to worst. If I can't stop it so much will be lost... so much.

She stood up straight again and went to sit in her chair. With a sigh she pushed back her bangs. She couldn't help but imagine the worst. After all, they hadn't taken Wren, they'd taken her fourteen-year-old counterpart. Amanda might not hold out like Wren could. She didn't have the training or experience Wren did, and Zephyr didn't want to think about what Amanda might be like when they got her back.

"Please be okay... please be okay Amanda."

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