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Life usually has many of those... how do people call them? Ah, yes. Breaking points.

My most recent breaking point was two nights ago, when Sabrina tried to hit on me. I mean, let's work on this for a bit so you know the whole impact this brings to my life. First of all, I learned that my best friend, the one who came from Russia as an exchange student, is actually lesbian, not unlike that bitch, Lisa Hardings. Okay, I gotta admit, other than that, Sabrina and Lisa have nothing else in common, but still. They do have that thing in common that brings up the hair on my nape.

ALRIGHT, I ADMIT IT!! None of it bothered me when Amy Lee and Jude kissed each other like the other had all the oxygen held as hostage.

And I also admit that Lisa and Sabrina bring up those hairs for slightly different reasons. I mean, Lisa creeps the hell out of me because we have always hated each other since elementary school. And Sabrina because she's supposed to be my best friend, and not my best girlfriend.

Problem number one: I don't know how to handle this situation. Like, at all.

Which leads to problem number two: Sabrina leaves for Russia today, and I can't muster the courage to face her yet.

Which in turn leads to problem number three: If I don't work this around, Sabrina is going to leave Sunset Ridge best-friendless.

And more to the core issue here, the biggest of problems: what if she decides not to come back when summer ends because she's best-friendless?

That's going to render me best-friendless as well.


This is, more or less, the gist of the problem, and the sole reason while I'm still pretending to be asleep so I don't have to face Sabrina during breakfast. Lunch and dinner are already bad enough, with mom and her sixth sense poking her nose, trying to figure out why we stopped having an almost symbiotic relationship after last Saturday night.

My cellphone vibrates on top of my bedside table, bringing me back to my room. Must be Amy Lee. She's been texting me nonstop ever since I ran out of her party. If you're wondering, Joe gave her my number. I pick up my phone to realize I was right.

Morning, sweetie. Any progress so far?

I can't really tell her I didn't find the courage to talk to Sabrina yet, so I turn my phone off and curl into a ball in my bed. And just as I do so, the door opens, so I go back to pretending I'm asleep. It's Sabrina, I can tell because I didn't hear her footsteps in the aisle. I'm sure she glides when nobody watches her, so I can't really know what she's doing, until the mattress suddenly gives under her weight.

"I know you're awake, Layla." She says, and lays down next to me. I'm not ready to reply anything yet, so she continues. "Look, I know I've acted weird the other night. I know I scared you. And no. I'm not here to apologize. I just want to... I don't know, to go back to Russia knowing that you're still my podruga."

She pauses for a minute, and I'm grateful for it. I don't really know what to tell her. I can feel her shoulders shaking. Is she crying? Man, this is out of control now. One thing is not to know how to feel about my best friend, another one is to have her crying in my own bed and do nothing about it.

So I do the only thing that comes to me. I put my arms around her. But instead of feeling comforted, she turns to me, curls into a ball like I was doing earlier, and cries even harder. I stroke her auburn curls when the first words finally hit me.

"We're good, podruga."

She finally manages to look up, and her blue eyes are surrounded by a reddish hue. I offer a smile as I wipe her tears.

"Really, Layla?"

"You just surprised me the other night."

"I surprised myself the other night." She admits, looking away.

"Look, Sabs..." It dawns on me that this is the first exchange we have after that night at Amy Lee's. Speaking of Amy, her words echo in my head: You need to answer her, sweetie, and she was damn right. "About that, I don't really know what to answer."

Sabrina puts a finger against my lips.

"I know. Don't say anything."

Except, I really want to give her a proper answer, so I hold her hand in mine.

"I'm not sure about anything, Sabrina. I have never liked anyone romantically, so it's something completely foreign to me. I don't know if that's really how I feel about you."

I make a pause, fiddling for words. I notice that Sabrina is no longer crying.

"Layla, I mean it, it's fine."

"No, it's not, podruga." I say, cutting her short. "Just... just give me time, alright? Lemme think this through."

"Layla, you don't have to-

"I said give me time, dang it!"

"I'm okay being just your friend, though."

"You mean best friend." I correct.

"Best friend." She smiles, and her whole face lights up.

But yeah. Somewhere in a dark corner of my heart, it feels like best friends is not enough anyway.

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