9/2/17 (Nighttime)

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Dearest Diary,

I'm sorry I didn't write this evening, but I was taking my tour around the police station with Payton. He was so nice, and still concerned about me even though I told him it was okay.

I told him about this happening not too long ago when I was upstate. I also told him that I came from New York City. He told me he was born there too!

He asked what made me move this far out.

I told him simply that I felt the need to. I felt that I wasn't doing any good back home and that I may be able to make a difference here. Nevada is known for the large number of cybercrimes it has.

He said he was glad I moved out here. I said I was still in college, and he told me he was too! He said he takes some nighttime classes at the same university I do. You know, so he can work full-time during the day.

I would like to get to know him better, I think.

He told me that he's twenty-six and single when I asked.

No, I didn't ask straight out.

I said, "Someone as charming as yourself must already be taken, I'd assume."

We were on the topic, okay?

He had asked me if I had anyone. I had told him no. I told him that I had someone once, but he found his way to true love elsewhere.

I don't want to jump to conclusions... But maybe I have too.

Payton... He gives me a warm feeling. He understands everything I say and I understand everything he says.

I don't feel uneasy around him like I did with Matthew, and although Anthony made me happy, it was all.... Unreal. Looking back on my old entries about him, I used to say that I felt love radiating off him.

I don't think it was love... I think it was a mutual feeling. Loneliness and longing between the two of us.

I don't think we ever truly loved one another. Though I would take a bullet for him, I would do the same for Shianne, Andi, or even Jasmine.

It doesn't exactly mean that we loved one another.

I think what it was was a schoolgirl's fanfiction gone too far.

I lived right down the street from him, you know? It was like what every fangirl dreams about in real life. The fact that I became involved in his life was something right out of a fanfiction you would find on Wattpad!

Then, I realized that this is not a game. This is not some sort of fanfiction online. This is REAL LIFE.


I was too ignorant at first, but it's why I made my hasty decision to move to Nevada.

I think it was all for the better.

I don't want to hastily fall in love again, but... Payton gives me this feeling.

I never got that from Anthony.

In other news... Lin called me today! He said he wanted me to sing in a recording and send it to him.

I'm... Not sure why he wanted this, exactly, but I decided I'm going to do it for him. I asked him why type of song he wanted me to sing, and he said an upbeat and sassy one.

I've decided to record the new song from Taylor Swift. It's called, "Look What You Made Me Do" as I like the beat.

It's not exactly upbeat, but it's emotional, and it's not like it's a slow song, so I guess you could call it upbeat?

If he wants another song, I'll record something else, gladly.

Well, I suppose I should get my sleep. Payton invited me back tomorrow for a trial run in hacking before my college classes begin.

I don't know if I should be calling it hacking, but I guess that's all I got.

I guess I should sleep now though. I want to be at my best tomorrow for my "hacking session" with Payton.

Hey, his words, not mine.

I'll also get more information about Matthew tomorrow. They're interrogating him, most likely as I write.

Good! He got what he deserved. Don't mess with Tobilyn Jaymond.

She can manage to mess ANYBODY'S life up. Heh, heh...

Ugh, I'm going to sleep.


Tobilyn J. 

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