9/4/17 (Late Evening)

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Dearest Diary,

Payton and I are on the plane to New York City now. We decided not to sleep because, well, it's alright if our brains are messed up. It's not like we're going from the US to Australia to France and back. Haha, ouch.

So Payton is writing on his computer (he likes to write in his spare time) and I'm writing in you, Diary! Heh, the irony.

I cannot wait for to see Lin!!! Payton put his house up for sale, furniture and all and we are moving to NYC.

We're only sharing an apartment, of course, since we are still very early in our relationship. We'll be like roommates, basically. Except... We love one another.

I cannot believe he understands me so perfectly, yet, we have so many conflicting interests! He doesn't like spicy food at all, while I don't mind it. And I hate peppers of any kind, but those are his favorite veggies!

I love how we're so different, but don't let it come between us. Especially when we playfully argue (we never actually argue) over who is the better singer.

Except I think it's him.

And he thinks it's me.

Oh, we are so cliché, aren't we? It's almost gross!

I just love the feeling of being around him. He's paying no attention to me at the moment, but I feel calm and relaxed. I feel loved and cherished.

I'm his to keep forever, if that's what he wants.

Anywho, I'll quit gushing.

Ugh, did I mention that planes scare the living daylights out of me??? I like the view, but with everything I've seen about terrorism and all the TV shows I've seen (A.K.A. The pilot episode of "Supergirl"), I can't stop the scenarios from running through my head.

It's not so bad with Payton next to me. Like I said, he sends out those vibes.

Also, I am CERTAINLY not afraid of heights.

I am afraid of falling...

Anyways, I'm going to stop gushing now and bother Payton.

Tobilyn J.

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