Deleted jokes and parts (Not a chapter.)

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Chapter one:

There were 3 things cut there. Those being these:

"And somewhere in Southeast Asia," Katherine says.

"How come I'm not surprised?" AJ asks.

"Our president is dumb enough to let anyone get away with murder," she clarifies.

Why was it cut: I thought it sounded racist.

"Death by chocking most likely, seeing as the marks are in the neck. Tongue is cut out, they're unsure if it got cut out before the murder or after it," Kathrine says.

"Well let's at least hope they had a good fuck then!" I say.

"Echo, not the time!"

"It's always the time!"

Why was it cut: I didn't think it was serious enough for the scene I was going for.

"Can we get more information? Is there more to the killing? Did it happen in a certain area?" AJ asks.

"I mean all I could tell was it has a lot of drug problems around it," Kati says.

Why was it cut: I found it to make the scene too obvious.

Chapter Two:

There was one cut interaction (the second to last time it's only a cut interaction.)

"Does he have a criminal record?" I ask.

"No, not that I see. How so?"

Why was it cut: I wanted a small hint.

Chapter 3:

The last time I only cut an interaction, next are going to be full plots I cut out.

Oh shit, yeah, they need a timeframe.

"The last few years I guess."

Why was it cut: Too wide of a timeframe.

Chapter four:

A complete plot was cut out here, Katherine was supposed to have relationship problems due to being a workaholic. Something the second to last chapter still hints at.

Why was it cut: I thought it was a waste of time.

Chapter five:

Another deleted plot, originally, Echo did try to kill themselves. Hinted to with this line,

"I think we are having a case and that I want to die. I don't know about anything else, I'm not exactly a genius," Echo says.

Why was it cut: Much like Kati's thing, I simply thought it was a waste of time. Much like AJ's plot line.

Chapter six:

Like all the others, a few shitty jokes were cut out. As well as that, originally, AJ got shot in this chapter. Admittedly to the right shoulder and it didn't show that much.

Why was it cut: Other than contributing to a few jokes in the next chapter (South Park and Dear Evan Hansen jokes mainly) this was a complete angst fest. It didn't contribute to anything. And I also changed the idea for this and the chapter after....

Chapter seven:

Whole of this chapter was different. The suspect had been caught and Echo was calling AJ about it, sort of bragging and telling shitty jokes about her getting shot (Also see, the fucking chapter deleted things before this). I just saw that abusive bitch while going to therapy and rewrote the whole of this. However, a few jokes I can tell over.

"Hey! Did you yield?"

"I got shot on the shoulder, yes I yielded."

Both of us start laughing.
"I mean if you were American getting shot would be daily."

"Kinda like that South Park episode?"

"Just that."
"Honestly, it can't be that bad! I mean, Evan could still do shit."

"It isn't really, still hurts a little."

"Come on, you can still wave it—."

"Through the window?"

"If you wanna."

Why was this cut: AJ didn't get shot, I never got to write these jokes, they were ideas. Plus, that bitch and seeing her again brought back too many memories. I realised writing the chapter before this one that it was just angst and decided AJ wouldn't get shot. However, that means I made Echo the most complex character as they are the one with a talked about problem. I apologise for that.

Chapter eight:

Originally, Kati had to explain to a five years old that his mother had been murdered. But I soon realised that it would be so fucking evil of me to write that so I didn't get beyond this:

"Sometimes... people have to leave. And when they leave, they don't always come back."

"But mum will........ right?"

Why was it cut: I felt absolutely horrible about using a five years old to win sympathy.

Chapter nine:

Originally, this took place in the Philippines but I changed it to Finland.

Why was it cut: I wanted to show country pride (plus, the heat jokes were awful and I didn't get to make fun of how everyone says Finnish sounds angry.)

Now I wanted to shout out the people who inspired Kati and AJ again:

AJ is inspired by the oh so lovely Hello_Im_Crazy279 She is also the only one I was in contact with while writing this story, and the only one I actually researched the country of a little bit more (the last chapter had that but as I cut it, I sadly can't show how much I did research about her country.)

Kati is inspired by the great writer caffeinetea who is also my first online friend to not leave me immediately after a few months (as we have talked past 6 months... is it 8-9 months now?

Check both of these lovely lasses out! They're kind and I'm almost certain they would appreciate it (also their autocorrect didn't fuck up their second chapters. ((I can't be bothered to fix that)) so they have less lamp being lap and all that shit autocorrect did to my second chapter)

Goodbye. Have a fun time and all that, hopefully you had fun with these 9 chapters and this bonus. Goodbye you little fucks and sorry about this having such irregular updates, I should have payed more attention to it. Sorry. Well anyway, yeah, you can leave this chapter now, there is nothing else to see. I promise!

Oh c'mon.

So you wanna go this far?


You still scrolling?

I mean weird flex but okay.

I want death.


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