Round 3: Results

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Here we are! The final round! After nearly 4 months, we've finally come to our journey's end. All of you did an amazing job with the prompts I gave, and I, as well as your competitors, enjoyed your stories greatly.

To those of you who made it to the final round, congratulations! I'm sure y'all have been waiting for the results with bated breath. So without further adeiu, let me present the winner of the 2019 Distant Lands Contest!


The winner is...

GreenScholarTales with her story "Undying!"

She consistently took home prizes this whole contest, and with good reason! Each story went above and beyond the prompt, exploring new lands and introducing the readers to characters that we all felt deeply attached to by the end of the tale.

Everyone give GreenScholarTales a huge round of applause!

Second place goes to Cynarr , with "Ocean of Fire"!

Third place goes to kinglymosses , with "The Nameless Island"!

Best cover goes to "Undying" by GreenScholarTales !

Again, thank you all for competing! Those of you who won will receive your stickers soon, as well as your awards!

And as promised, one of GreenScholarTales entries will be featured on the next ChroniclesofFiction podcast, so be sure to check that out!

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