Containment Breach

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Shadow woke up with a splitting headache. Groaning, she sat up rubbing the fuzz from her eyes as she looked around. The first thing she noticed was the mangled corpse on the metal table in the corner. Leaning against the adjacent counter was 049, gripping it with shaking hands. 

Shadow could feel how angry he was, she was a little scared. Getting up on wobbling legs Shadow slowly walked over to him. Without hesitation, Shadow wrapped her arms around his waist and held tight. She felt him flinch and grunt as he turned to see who touched him.

"Please, calm down, anger scares me."

Instantly 049 relaxed into the hold as he saw it was her. All the anger and stress fell from his body as he looked at his dear friend. That's when it hit him, he finally knew what he was sensing in her. She had a power of calm and peace fused within her soul. She was a ball of light bringing relief where ever she went. He wrapped his arms around the small girl and held her close.

"I'm sorry my Carnation."

Shadow looked up at him in confusion.


"Yes, you see Carnation petals can be brewed to make an excellent tea to reduce anxiety, agitation, stress, and fatigue. You are a wave of calm and serenity for me so you're like my medical Carnation."

Shadow giggled and snuggled closer to the doctor who smiled fondly beneath his mask.

The two were snuggled close sleeping when the blaring sirens began. Shadow was ripped from her sleep, a scream tearing from her throat. Her scream woke 049 who instinctively pulled Shadow close to comfort her.

"Mister, what's going on!"

049 could feel her begin to hyperventilate.

"I'm not quite sure Carnation."

Just then the door opened and the frantic sounds of running and shouting filtered into the room. That was all it took for 049 it figure out what was wrong. He tightened his hold on Shadows waist.

"It's a containment breach."

"Containment breach?"

Shadow's voice was small and quivered from fear.

"Yes, something went wrong and now where are all unsupervised, we can escape, stay close Carnation."

Shadow nodded and held his right arm tightly as they stood up. 049 taking the lead as they began to run out the room. 049 never ran before Shadow but she gave him a purpose. He wanted to keep her safe, away from this danger, this death. 

He wanted to protect her, care for her, give her a life. They talked before and knew this was not love, it was a need to protect, and protect he will. 

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