7. |D a y t e n|

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"Julie mentioned you today. She said you are, and I quote, 'Hilarious and a good hang'. I mean, that must be good, right?"

"Wow. A good hang. Never thought I'd earn that title."

"And you should learn your girlfriend's expressions if you want to be able to communicate with her in the future."

"How come your tips always have a sarcastic tint in them?"

"I call it conservation instinct."

"Good one."

"But seriously, I'm glad you two got along last night."

"Yeah, I mean, she's alright. I guess."

"She is a really nice person, trust me. She just needs to open up a little at first."

"And stop calling people 'weird'. That would be a start."

"She's just a little blunt. That's all."

"I mean, I know I'm weird, but just the way she said it didn't sound quite right."

"She didn't mean it in a bad way. Don't worry about it, Bailey."

"I'm not. It's okay."

"It's just that..."

"I'm not sure I'll be able to get used to her actually being with you."

"I know, we completely held off last night. Didn't even hold hands. For your sake. See? I told you we'd behave."

"It's not that, Carter. I just can't get used to this idea."


"It just doesn't sit right with me... I don't know."

"Oh. Okay..."

"I'm sorry but I have to go now. My mother's making me study."

"All right... Talk to you later? "



So it looks like Bailey hasn't been a third wheel after all. Well, not exactly.

What are your predictions for the future chapters? Comment down your thoughts. I'm curious :)

This chapter is dedicated to KittyKitAKitty for being one of the first readers of this story. Thank you ♡

Thanks again to all of you who are sitting there, behind their screens, reading this. You guys rock :D

Cheers xx

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