Blood on Your Hands 😨

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Contains blood!


Everyone stared in alarm, at the bloody mess before them. Deep red blood... stained the rug...

...and the corpse...

"Great, just perfect!" the boy in spikes laughed maniacally, "The first semester ain't even over, and we've got blood on our hands, literally!"

"Dude, we have to get rid of it!" the wrestling captain hissed.

"How?! We have DNA smeared all over us!" The raven haired girl whisper-shouted back, panicked.

All six of them were covered with blood.

The blood of their mentor...

They needed a plan. But all of them were equally stunned to think.

"What about him?" the robot enquired, gesturing to the freckled boy crumpled on the floor, hyperventilating, as he stared at the scene before him. The blonde, haired football captain crouched down to meet the auburn haired boy's eyes, "Hey, listen to me! Stop freaking out! We are gonna fix this!"

"!" the president of the robotics club struggled to speak.

"Okay, just, in...out...again..." The track star looked around, "We need an alibi. Sooner or later the cops are gonna come round, asking questions-"

"Yes, we need an alibi, but first we need to hide the body!"

"I can't believe we did this..." the campus hottie murmured.

"Well, believe it!" The muscular student's frustrated voice snapped, "It was self-defence!"

"Oh yeah, like the cops are gonna believe that!" the hothead retorted, clenching his fists tightly.

"Would you two shut up?! Kai's right, Cole, the cops aren't gonna believe it, wanna know why? Because they're never gonna find out,"

"Lloyd, we just killed one of the most well known professors in this university! Might I remind you who his brother is-" Jay was cut off by another voice.

"His brother is my father!" Lloyd snapped, "...and the chief detective of NCPD," he sucked in a breath, "Alright, here's what's gonna happen..."


Cole, Jay, and Kai sat apart from each other, in the Criminology lecture. They had a different professor today, as they have had for the past couple of weeks.

The original professor had gone missing, without a trace.

Nya, Lloyd and Zane were seated apart at the far end of the lecture hall, fidgeting anxiously.

The minute class was over, they were the first six to rush out of the door, not giving it a second glance, not giving each other a second glance.

As Kai hurried down the hallway, he could see a police officer, talking to the head. The spiky haired teen crept closer to hear what they were saying. And it wasn't good.

"We were about to let this case go cold, assume his age had got to him, until we noticed the slightest trail of blood, through Birchwood Forest..." Kai's heart skipped a beat as he continued eavesdropping, "We sent the blood for testing, and the results matched with your missing professor, along with some fingerprints on nearby trees, that weren't his,"

Panicking, he picked his phone up and called his...friend .


"They're onto us..."

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