Heroes of Ninjago 📖

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SUMMARY: An AU idea I've had for a while that I will be coming back too soon. Maybe. But these are a few scenes I had mapped out :)

BASICALLY, There's the secret ninja force, and everyone is trying to figure out who the seven mysterious heroes are. Harumi is the new girl in town, and she too is a keen fan of the ninja and wants to find out who they are and yeah enjoy. Characters may be a bit OOC but heh-


"Hey, new girl! Over here!" Nya stood on the bench, waving her arms around like a maniac as she gestured towards me. I chuckled as I set my tray down, "Hey, um...you don't mind if I..."

"Sis, sit your ass down before you fall!" The teen with spiky brown hair scolded Nya, giving me a brief nod of acknowledgement. 

"Sure, have a seat," I look to the source of the voice to see Lloyd beaming at me with his friendly smile. I return it sure enough, before settling into my meal.

Nya was perched on the bench, leaning over to grab the banana off Lloyd's plate, "So, Harumi, right? Where'd you come from?"

"Um...my parents and I move around a lot, so we just moved from Shintaro-"

The girl with red hair opposite me gaped, "Shintaro?! That's like, next level rich people shit. Tell me more, I'm invested in this now."

Lloyd rolled his eyes playfully, "Guys, she doesn't even know our names. Let her breathe. Anyways. I'm Lloyd, that's Kai, Jay, Cole, Zane, Nya, Skylor and Pixal."

They gave me welcoming grins, except Pixal who gave me a quick nod, returning to the book in her hands.

Skylor took my hands, leaning in, "You were saying? About Shintaro? Is it as gorgeous as people say it is?"

"Yeah, no, it's beautiful!"

"So what made you come to Ninjago City?" Cole asked. I shrugged.

"My parents never stay in one place for too long, but they promised this would be permanent. And I like Ninjago City's charm. The modern mixed with older style...it's amazing."

Jay snorted, "But out of all the cities in Ninjago, Ninjago City gets the most hits."

"I'm aware of that," I tell him, "but like I said. It's my parents choice. Plus, this has something in it for me too."

"What's that?" Lloyd asked. I smirked.

"They say that the ninjas reside here in this city. I wanna find out who they are. It's just a little mission of mine."

Immediately everyone went silent. I frown, "What?"

Zane coughed lightly, "The ninja seem quite closed off, Harumi. It would be wise not to invade their privacy."

"I know that, but the curiosity's killing everyone," I protest, sipping some water, "I wanna be the first to find out who's under the mask."


"Nya, you can't be serious! If she finds out-"

"She won't!" Skylor chirped in, "We'll give her occasional red herrings, ya know? Try and throw her off track." The redhead linked her arms through mine, "Lighten up, Pix. Is this about you and Zane being-"

I slap a hand over her mouth, "Yes, it is about...that. What if she figures that out too?"

"I mean, Harumi's fine and all...but it's always been us three. I don't wanna ruin our trio dynamic, and she's trouble. Her personal mission is to hunt you seven down. She said it herself!"

"Pfft, relax!" Nya assures me, as we make our way into the library, "She won't find out! And if she does, you know how fast news spreads in Ninjago, it's...it's not gonna end well."


 I sprinted along the pavement, the sky darkening by the minute, my camera open on my phone. This was my chance to find out the ninjas' identities!

Grabbing onto the ladder attached to the building, I pull myself up to get a better vantage point. 

And at that moment, a flash of grey and green skims my sights. I latch my gaze onto them, using my nose to hit the record button as I hold my phone up, watching them disappear into an alleyway. 

Dang it- wait.

Jumping off the ladder, I break into a run, locating the alleyway and hiding behind the corner.

It's Grey and Green. They must be hatching some sort of plan. I zoom in on them, tongue stuck out in concentration.

"I need a breather," Green panted, as I watched them take their mask off- holy shit.

Tousled blonde hair comes into view and a handsome freckled face. A face that looked all too similar.

Grey removes their mask too, and I'm beyond shocked to see that it's Nya!

Everything adds up, and the identities of the other ninja are now very obvious.

Seeing this happen right in front of me, I feel a lot of things. I feel hurt, angry, surprised, accomplished.

Emotions are clouding up inside of me, and I don't know what specifically to feel. 

Should I feel happy, because I accomplished my mission?

Hurt, because they've all been lying to my face the entire time?

Angry, because I want power and friendship like they do?

"I do hope you'll delete that." I look up to see Lloyd and Nya gone, replaced by Pixal, who stared at me sternly.

"Pix, I have proof! I have proof that they're the ninja!"

"They have a lot of trust in you. And the disappearance of the Sensei has already angered them enough, and the only thing, the only thing, that could set them to burst, if they found out that their new best friend exposed their identities to the public!"

Conflicted, I slip my phone away.


I burst out laughing as I pick up Harumi's phone, preparing to spam her with a bunch of pictures. 

School today hadn't been the greatest. After our identities got leaked, things have been going haywire, so when Harumi 

"She's gonna kill you, Nya," Jay chuckled as I held the phone up, spamming the button as flashes and clicks went off.

My boyfriend grabs the phone away, and we scroll through the photos we took, "We should print these out and stick them all over her room.

However, Jay's grin is long gone, replaced by a look of anger, "Hey, look." He holds the screen up to my face, and I see photos of...me and Lloyd?

We were in our ninja attire, deep in discussion, masks off.

How did Harumi have these on her phone?

No...she wouldn't...


I head into school, bag slung across my back as I catch sight of Jay and Cole leaning against the lockers, with Pixal. I wave at them, "Hey, you guys! How come you left without saying anything?"

They ignore me, and I roll my eyes, "Haha, the joke's over, you guys. What's going on?"

Cole slammed the locker door shut, shooting me a dirty glare as he steered Jay and Pixal away. My smile fades. Rude, much?


Holding the bouquet tightly against my chest, I see Nya preparing in the wings, ready to go onstage. Lloyd shoots me a smile from where he's seated and gestures to the spare seat next to him. I quickly look away, running backstage. He was in this showcase too, but wouldn't be on until the next act.

I spot the ravenette pacing quietly, muttering to herself.

"Nya? Hey, there you are! Oh, you look amazing. Um...I got you some waterlilies." I hold them out awkwardly and she glares at me, walking off. I follow after her, leaving the bouquet aside, "Why are you being such a bitch?"

"I need to get into character," she mutters, shoving past me. I wasn't giving up that easily though.

"Nya, talk to me, please. What is going on with you all?"

She scoffs at me, glancing into the mirror hanging on the wall as she adjusted her wig, "You have some guts showing up here, you know that, right?"

"Starting places!" Someone calls out. I grab Nya's arm, "Will you at least tell me what I did wrong?!"

I wince as she wriggled herself out of my grip, brushing me off as she shot me a cold stare, "You exposed us to the whole of Ninjago."

Before I could say anything, she'd strutted onto the stage, a fake smile on her face.


I stood shocked as Nya finally came back into the wings. Throughout the first act, she'd been switching from stage to wings and I tried making conversation, only to have her responses be cold snappy remarks.

"Nya, please-"

"Hallway, now." Her voice was firm as she stormed off, not bothering to wait for me.


We'd arrived in the dimmed hallway, our shoes click-clacking on the marble surface. The cold air gave me goosebumps but I didn't care; I had to straighten things out first.

"Talk." Nya ordered.

"Nya, I'm...I'm so, so sorry. I've never had a friend like you before, and I didn't wanna screw it up-"

"No!" The ravenette cut me off, "Don't give me that poor little new girl bullshit, Harumi. You are one of my best friends and you've been lying to our faces this whole time, spying on us?"

"I wanted to tell you!" I plead, "But then Lloyd's uncle Wu disappeared and you were all so sad...and I couldn't."

"Yeah. See, you could. You say, 'Hey, guys. I'm an asshole and I wanna tell you the truth about how I spied and recorded you guys revealing your true identities and posting it on the internet!"

Skylor and Pixal suddenly came rushing out along with Zane and Kai. "Hey, hey, let's all calm down-"

"No, Kai, I'm not calming down! How can you be so calm about this?! We made a promise to Master Wu and now because of her," she pointed her finger at me accusingly, "that's broken!"

I grab Pixal and spin her to face me, "How could you tell them about this when you were the one who told me to keep quiet?"

"What?" Now Jay and Cole had come out, probably after hearing all the commotion. 

"You knew about this?" Nya asked, horror-struck, "And you let me tell you about it and you acted all surprised and indignant- oh my God, Pixal! Wow!" She glanced up, "Did you all know about this?"


Everyone immediately shook their heads and I felt tears pooling in my eyes.

"Hey, guys, what's going on?" All eyes turned to Lloyd, who had his hands in his pockets. 

We all stared at him as he continued talking, "I had some time to kill before I went to get ready for the next act, and I heard noises out here. Is everything okay?"

Pixal glanced at me, and before I could stop her, she blurted it out, "Harumi was the one who exposed us."

Lloyd's face paled, and Pixal nodded, "Yup. She spied on you and posted the pictures online anonymously." 

I breathe shakily as Lloyd cautiously steps forward, eyes slowly burning up, "Is that true?"


"Turns out Harumi's not the person we all thought she was," Cole spat. 

Skylor glared at me too, "She's got secrets. Remember that sexy photo she sent you?"

"You told them about that?"

"Skylor, don't-"

Skylor continued, "Turns out she sent it to Brad too." Pixal nodded in agreement, but Jay was quick to talk, "Pixal knew about Harumi exposing us. She told Harumi to keep it quiet instead of telling us outright."

Lloyd was furious now, "How could you do that to us? To me?"

I swallow softly, "Lloyd, please...I'm so sorry-"

"No. Don't give me that crap. God, we told you so many times to not poke your nose where it doesn't belong, and you still did it! I..." His eyes filled up with tears, "I told you I loved you."


"Clearly that meant nothing to you."

The hall was filled with silence, as Zane silently observed the situation, avoiding eye contact with both me and Pixal.

Lloyd shook his head in disbelief, "I'm in the next act."

Pixal ran forward, grabbing his arms, "Lloyd, listen-"

He harshly wrenched his arm away, "No. Don't even talk to me. Guys, leave the liars." He doesn't even look at me.

My first real friends who'd made me feel like I was right at home...and I'd already lost them.

This is my idea, however, the plot for the final scene was loosely inspired by S1 E10 of Ginny and Georgia on Netflix

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