Is This Seat Taken? 🥰

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SUMMARY: A university/coffee shop AU. Jay has two choices: sit outside in the rain and do his coursework or ask the cute girl if the seat next to her is taken. JAYA

Pulling his hood off, Jay smiled at the barista, "Just my usual, thanks." The barista nodded and disappeared off to the back. Today was Thursday, and the Steep Wisdom Coffee and Tea shop was packed with college students, just like how it always is on Thursday evenings. There was not a single free seat in sight. Just my luck, he thought, looking around the room.

"Here you go, that'll be $4, please." Jay nodded and swiped his credit card on the machine, before accepting the cup with a quiet thank you. A cold brew with milk with sweet cream. In his defence, college was stressful, you needed your boost of caffeine to get through a day! His eyes latched onto a table where a girl with black hair in a messy ponytail sat, chewing on her pencil as she typed rapidly, like there was no tomorrow. Next to her was another chair, with a stack of books atop of it. Jay gulped. He had two choices; sit outside in the rain and do his coursework or ask the cute girl if the seat next to her was taken.

Gathering his courage, he inhaled, exhaled, and marched towards her.


Nya had gotten to the coffee shop before the buzz of students arose, and snagged her favourite table, which was located in the corner of the shop. Usually Lloyd would study with her, but he bailed as his favourite character in a show had died, and he wanted to 'take some time off to mourn.' 

Right now she was working on a ten page essay that had to be in tomorrow afternoon at the latest, and she was only five pages in. Sipping her coffee agitatedly, she hitched her glasses up as her eyebrows furrowed. She chewed on a pencil as she bluffed on about the impacts of deforestation, and the benefits of rural to urban migration.

Someone tapped her shoulder, and she groaned in annoyance, "Lloyd, I don't care that Doug Judy died and came back to life, I will not buy you anymore gummy bears!"

The person chuckled, "Sorry to disappoint, but I'm not Lloyd."

Blinking, Nya looked up to see a cute auburn haired guy, with freckles and gorgeous blue eyes, "Right, sorry! Yes, how can I help you?" He massaged the back of his neck nervously, "Hope I'm not interrupting anything..."

"Of course not!" Nya lied, "What's up?"

"I was just this seat taken? Everything else is full, and I don't fancy the idea of sitting out in the rain." he admitted sheepishly. Nya jumped into action, grabbing the books off the chair and shoving them into her already-bulging bag, "Yep, it's free! I'm Nya."

He smiled, "Jay. You're in my Engineering class, aren't you?"

The raven blushed and nodded, "And we're in the same Astrology class too."

"Oh, nice. Are you in your third year too?" He asked, trying to make small talk. Nya shook her head, "Second."

They went silent for several long minutes, working on their own coursework. Nya's phone chimed, and she saw the messenger. Rolling her eyes, she grinned

Dumbass H0E

Girl, don't you be lying, I see you with that brown haired cutie. Is he your crush? Boyfriend? 

Lloyd, chill! There weren't any spare seats so I let him sit with me.

I'm watching you through the window rn. Make your move! Get him into your bed tonight!

LLOYD! 😡😡😡

🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️😉😉 Love you, idiot!

Love you too, asshole. 

Sighing, Nya set her phone down. Jay glanced up, "Bad day?"

"Just stupid teachers and their stupid assignments...and my roommate's spying on us." She looked out through the window at the dorm building opposite, on the third floor where she could see Lloyd waving like a madman. Rolling her eyes, she saluted him and turned back to her work.

"You're not the only one. My roommate keeps telling me to go out, go date, but...I just haven't found the perfect girl yet. You?"

Nya shrugged, "Same scenario here too." She peered across to see Lloyd watching them like a hawk, a creepy grin plastered on his face. Boy, she was so gonna get grilled tonight. An idea popped into her head. Grabbing Jay's cup when he wasn't looking, she scrawled her numbers on it, before sliding it back and continuing her essay.


As they packed their items up, Nya smiled, "You know, this was fun. Do you wanna...maybe do it again next time?"

They walked out of the coffee shop together, and threw their cups in the nearby dumpster. Jay grinned, "I'd like that."

Nya beamed, "Great! I put my numbers on your cup. Text me!" She raced off, and Jay sighed, lovestruck, before realising where he put his cup.

Welp, time to go dumpster diving. Again.

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