Smoothie 👪🥺

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SUMMARY: One delicious dragon fruit and passion tea smoothie. Two short-tempered, competitive humans. KAILOR

Kai entered Steep Wisdom, yen in his hands. The exact amount needed for his favourite drink; the Dragon fruit and Passion Tea Smoothie. A rare treat, only bought once a week due to how hyper he gets whilst drinking it, and how much it causes his skin to break out.

He piled into the already-bulging queue of customers waiting to order and collect their drinks. At the front counter he could see his sister's boyfriend Jay hurriedly taking orders whilst yapping on about some video game that went wrong. Pushing his sunglasses up, he scanned the boards to check that the prices hadn't been changed. Thankfully they were the same. Occasionally he would buy a muffin too, but decided against it today.

He was next to order; the redhead in front of him was just paying for hers. The minute she stepped away he stepped forward, wiggling his eyebrows and setting the yen down on the counter, "You know it, don't you?"

Jay sighed and placed the notes and coins in the assigned spots in the cash machine, "Yup. Can I take your sister out tomorrow night? I'll make a discount, one-time offer!"

Kai instantly nodded; he was not gonna pass up an opportunity to pay less for a glass of heaven on Earth. Plus, Nya gets something out of it too. He only has one condition about their relationship: He doesn't want Nya to be a mother at seventeen.

Jay beamed excitedly, muttering something about a mechanics museum he saw, as he handed Kai a few notes back. The porcupine grinned and slipped it back in his pocket, "Thanks, bud!"

He called out as he disappeared behind the counter, "Pleasure doing business with you!" Kai went ahead and stood beside the redhead he saw earlier. Sneakily, he caught a peek at the song she was listening to, "Nice," he stated, grasping her attention, "I'm a fan of Chase Atlantic too!"

She simply nodded awkwardly before moving away. Kai checked his phone; why was Jay taking so long. Unless he wanted that date, he'd better make that order quick.

Jay suddenly stuck his head out through the door, "Out of passion tea!" He called out, earning a few groans in annoyance, "No fear! We have another batch in the making."

A few people left, muttering about how they didn't have time for this. Kai stayed put; he was not leaving without that smoothie!

At long last, Jay came out, wielding a clear to-go cup, filled with the thick reddish liquid, a straw stuck into the lid, "I have a..."

Please let it be it, please let it be it, please-

"Dragon fruit and passion tea smoothie for-"

Instantly, Kai stepped forward, about to grab the drink, "Thank you, Jay, I'll take it from here-"

"I do hope you mean me." 

"Huh?" Kai turned around to see the redhead, her eyebrows raised, arms folded.

"Yes, thank you...Jay." Walking to the counter, she wrapped a hand around the chilled cup, "Oh, sweet mercy, I have been craving this all week!"

"Wha-" Kai watched her in horror; who the hell was this girl?!

"I'm sorry, there must have been a misunderstanding," he tugged at the cup, as he spoke, "I've been waiting for thirty minutes."

The redhead tugged back, "Well I've been waiting for thirty one. My smoothie needs are just as important as yours, maybe more important, even."

"Excuse me?!" The nerve on this girl! "Do you know who you're talking to?!"

"No, and frankly, I don't care. I have places to go, people to meet-"

"Well, so do I!"

Another customer stepped forward, "Sorry to interrupt your quarrel...can I scooch by to get my drink?"

"You can scooch your ass back in line!" The redhead snapped. Kai whistled, "A little harsh, don't you think?"

"Harsh? I was here first!"

"I've known Jay longer!"

"I've been waiting longer!"

Jay managed to wriggle the smoothie cup free from the bickering duo's hands. Spinning it around, he read the name, before clearing his throat, "Ahem. Hey guys-"

"Do you think I care that your father's an evil cult leader?!"

"Do you think I care about your needs?!"


"Listen, lady, I have been working my ass off for university prep and the only thing keeping me from shutting down are these smoothies-"

"Oh is it?! I don't give a hoot! I am under so much stress and these smoothies are my getaway!"

"Hey, guys-"

"Are you serious right now?! I will call the manager if you don't back off!"

"Try me. I've got all the time in the world."


"Actually, no you haven't; we'll all be dead soon!"

"If you could just-"

"Well, I'm alive, I want my smoothie, I'm going to get my smoothie, and I'm not letting your porcupine-headed ass get in the way!"

Jay massaged the bridge of his nose. It was obvious they weren't going to pay attention any time soon. Taking a deep breath, he raised his voice.



Both Kai and the girl looked at each other. The smoothie wasn't for either of them. As the realisation hit them, the guy from earlier - the one Skylor had ordered to 'scooch his ass back into line' - headed forward, swiping the cup up and shooting the duo an annoyed glare as he sashayed out of the café. least that problem was sorted.

Jay's co-worker came out, clearing his throat, "I'm afraid our café has a strict policy against fighting and violence. Due to the events that have just occurred, both your orders have been cancelled. The door is that way. Have a nice day!"


"I was waiting for nothing?!"

Both of them made endless accusations against each other as they were escorted out of the café. Once the doors shut behind them, the girl glared at Kai, "I know you. You're a regular at Chen's Noodle House."

"What, so you're stalking me now?"

She huffed, "As the current manager of Chen's Noodle House, I, Skylor Chen, hereby ban you from ever coming back! Good riddance!" She turned on her heel and marched off.

"Wha- you can't do that!"

"Just did!"

"I will speak to your manager!"

"Good luck with that!"

Kai groaned angrily as he stormed back home, no money back, and no smoothie either. Life was great (note the sarcasm).

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