Trainee (idk what genre lol)

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SUMMARY: Typically, for K-Pop groups, one must become a trainee and undergo intense training to have a chance at debuting. What if that was what it took to be a ninja? Alternative Universe. The person teaching them isn't Sensei Wu either.

"And hold...2, 3,, in the blue! How many times have I told you? Stretch that muscle! You're not even trying!"

The girl bit her lip as she grunted, "I know. I'm sorry, it's just that my legs are killing me."

The sensei lifted an eyebrow, "Are they? You know what, everyone! Release!"

Sighs of relief and exhaustion were heard across the room as they relaxed their bodies briefly.

"What's your name?"

"I- uh...Nya."

"Nya. What is the first rule of being a ninja?"

"Um..." Panic flooded Nya's brain. She'd been so exhausted from yesterday's training that she'd fallen asleep the minute her head hit the pillow, and missed her allocated reading section. The sensei raised an eyebrow.

"Come on, I'm waiting!" He searched the woman's eyes for anything, before stopping short, "Ninja never..." Nya's eyes flashed with tears. The sensei paused to throw a thick leather-bound book towards Nya, who quickly caught it, despite being taken by surprise, "...quit!"

She could feel everyone's eyes on her as the Sensei prepared punishment for the trainee.

"Since you decided to come unprepared, I want you to read that," he nodded towards the book, "whilst completing 100 pushups and a plank which you are to hold for as long as I say so. Go wipe away those tears. Ninjas don't cry. At least...none of mine do."

As she left, she could hear the Sensei murmur to his assistant, "FSM, her brother was much more well behaved than this. She's a complete mess. Ridiculous!'

Still holding the book, she offered a bow and exited the room, where she bumped into a taller figure with spiky gelled hair, drenched in sweat as equally as she were.

Kai Smith was not only Nya's brother, but was also a full-fledged ninja, a part of The Grand Sensei's Elite Crew, and loved by the public at that.

"Nya? Didn't realise you guys were in this room today! How's it going?" His grin dropped as he saw the tears in his baby sister's eyes. Without hesitation, he pulled her to the nearest changing rooms and sat her down on the benches, immediately wrapping his arms around her. Nya burst out sobbing, as Kai massaged her back.

"Hey, I know it's tough. You'll get through this, I promise."

"The sensei doesn't think I will," she called back, using Kai's red gi to rub at her eyes.

"Don't do that!" He chided gently, "That'll just irritate your skin. Here..." Using his sleeve, he gently patted at the tears on her cheeks as Nya glanced down at the book in her hands.

"I hate it here," she murmured.

"Training's tough," Kai mused, "we've all been through it, but the outcome is wonderful. I know this wasn't your choice-"

"I didn't have a say in it at all. Mom and Dad decided they'd had enough of me and thought it'd be best to ship me off here."

Kai wrapped an arm around his baby sister, pulling him closer towards him, "I know you'll get through this. Just gotta hang in there. It'll be worth it in the end. Remember: in order for a rainbow, you gotta fight a few storms. A blabbermouth taught me that."

Nya laughed through the tears, before gently wriggling out of Kai's grasp, "I should get going. Before I get another punishment for being late."

Nodding, the brunet placed a kiss on the girl's forehead, "I'll watch out for you. Promise."


"Students!" The master walked in, along with an elderly man with a long draping beard, dressed in a fresh snowy white kimono with gold embellishments, "This is the Grand Sensei Wu. Show him some respect."

As if on cue, all thirty or so pupils put their hands together and bowed for him, mumbling a small greeting as Wu nodded in return. The Sensei who'd been vigorously training them for the past several months continued speaking, "As you already know, all of you will be getting split up at the end of the month. You will be sent off to different areas of Realm, to become a part of the official protectors of that place. Some of you, however," he paused to side-eye several students, "will be indefinitely packing your bags and heading home. But one of you will be going with Sensei Wu, to be the sixth member of the Elite Crew. Now..." he clapped his hands, "let the training begin!"

The students were led through a complex routine of movements, Spinjitzu, as the Senseis referred it to. A gift that would allow one to burst out into a tornado of sorts. Nya did her level best to follow through the moves, and her trainee gi stuck to her skin as she wiped the sweat away from her forehead. She could feel Wu's eyes focused on her, which only pushed her to train harder.

As the day-long session ended, the students were stood in straight rows, as the young teacher whispered to Wu, "Tell me, Sensei. Which of these fresh-eyed individuals do you see potential in?"

Unbeknownst to the master, Wu was searching for the elemental master of water. And he had a sneaking suspicion that she was in this room. Kai had mentioned how his sister was taking part in the trainee course, and this of course was music to Wu's ears, for Kai's parents were the former elemental masters of Fire and Water.

Using an enhanced vision, he located her with ease, with the pale blue aura surrounding her. He nodded towards her, "You, at the back."

All eyes were on Nya as she cautiously stepped forward. Wu nodded, a delighted smile on his face, "I have found you, finally." He looked up at the master, "I'll be going now. Thank you for your time."

All the students bowed once more as Wu steered Nya out of the room.

Once they were out of earshot, he threw his arms up in the air and waltzed around like a madman, his beard flying all about, "WOOOOOHOOOOO YAAS QUEEN-" - i'M sO sOrRy

BACK TO IT THEN- "It's good to finally meet you, Nya."

Aaaaaaaaaaaand I lost the inspiration train. BAI

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