Who Are You? 😭

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SUMMARY: A car accident leads to a serious head injury leading to...amnesia

Nya paced back and forth in the waiting room, biting her lip anxiously as she waited for the doctor to come out. This was probably the most tense moment in her life.

Her eyes averted to her arm, which was neatly bandaged up, and ran her thumb on the side of her forehead, where she could feel the stitches. Jay, however, had the worse impact, as the driver, and had been knocked unconscious. The doctors were performing emergency surgery, and all Nya could do was hope to the FSM that he'd been spared.

Time ticked by slowly, and she'd flopped onto one of the seats, her knee shaking uncontrollably. Her head lifted as she saw a nurse come out, but her face fell when she saw her head to an elderly couple. Nya could see the pain in their aged eyes, as the nurse broke the bad news to them.

She twirled the engagement ring around on her finger, staring at the double doors that the surgeons had escorted Jay through earlier. It had been a good few hours since then.

Kai was out of town, and so was Cole. Zane and Pixal were back at Borg's Tower, installing a new update into their systems. Lloyd was with his father on some camping trip and wouldn't be back until tomorrow. Skylor was on a shift all night at the noodle house. She needed someone, anyone, to just reassure her, tell her it was all gonna be okay, tell her Jay was gonna make it-

The doors burst open and a doctor wheeled out an unconscious male with auburn hair. A nurse followed out after him. Nya stood up, "M-Ma'am...my fiancé..."

She shook her head, "He's unconscious. He seems fine, but we'll only know for sure when he wakes up. We'll let you know when he awakes."

"Thank you."

Nodding, the nurse left, and Nya sunk down in her seat, her eyes drooping as she dozed off.


Blinking slowly, Nya slowly sat up and looked around, the surroundings seeming unfamiliar to her. All of last night's events came rushing back, and she felt sick to her stomach.

She had to stay strong. For Jay.

"Hey, sleep well?"

"Huh?" she looked up sleepily to see Lloyd smiling sheepishly, "I got your messages. Everyone else won't be back for a while, and my phone started spamming the minute I got a signal. How is he?"

Nya rubbed her eyes, "We won't know for sure until he wakes up."

Lloyd nodded confusedly before frowning, "Dude, did you sleep here all night?"

"Why? What time is it?"

He showed her his almost-dead phone, "Almost 12 in the afternoon."

"Oh..." Nya remembered checking the clock before falling asleep. It was almost 2 at night.

He pulled out a paper bag, "Stopped at the café. Figured you'd be drowsy..." He handed her a polyester cup of coffee. Nya flashed him a grateful smile before sipping it, "How was the trip?"

"Eh, it was okay, apart from the fact that I've got a million mosquito bites, and was dying of sweat or shivers." He shuddered, "But overall, it was a great bonding experience."

A nurse came out, wielding a clipboard, "Family of Jay Walker-Gordon?"

Nya stood up, "Y-Yeah?"

"He's awake, if you wanna see him."

Beaming, Nya handed Lloyd the half-full cup, before heading to the nurse, "What room?"

"107. But I should probably warn you-" Her voice trailed off as Nya rushed down the hallway, searching for 107.

After finding it, she burst through the doors, "Jay? Jay!"

Jay, who was now sitting upright simply stared at the raven, absolute puzzlement written all over his face. Nya went to kiss him, but he pushed her away. And the next words he said completely shattered Nya's heart.

"Who are you?"

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