Will You Marry Me? 🥰🥺👪

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Jay's POV

I clutch the ring tightly in my hand, sweating lightly.

This was it.

Today was the day I was gonna ask the love of my life to marry me-

Ali: Hold up! Already? Back up a bit!


3rd Person POV

Everyone was in the living room. Morro, Lloyd, Seliel and Cole were playing video games, Skylor and Pixal were talking with Zane, Kai was taking selfies and pictures of himself and all his friends, and Nya and Jay were curled up on the couch, huddled beneath a blanket, reading The Hunger Games.

As Nya's eyes flew through the page, Jay watched his yang, filled with affection and content.

This was the life, he thought, turning the page of the book, I'm surrounded by my family, and the girl I love.

He felt a light nudge, and he turned to see his girlfriend standing up, "I'm gonna use the bathroom real quick, go on without me," Jay nodded and kissed her hand lightly before she left, shutting the door behind her. Once her footsteps grew distant, he turned to his hot-headed friend, "Hey, Kai?"


"Y-You wouldn't mind if I...asked Nya to marry me, would you? W-We've been dating for years, and I asked her to be my yang...and...she's the love of my life-"

The room fell silent, intent on hearing Kai's response.

"You wanna ask my sister to marry you?" he asked suspiciously, staring at the blue ninja, who gulped and nodded.


"Relax, dude, I'm all for it. Besides, it's not me you have to worry about. You gotta talk to my parents-"

CRAP! Jay forgot about that!

"So..." Morro leaned over, "You got the ring?"

Jay scratched the back of his neck anxiously, "Well, I was building a small something to propose to her with, I was waiting for the right time to ask Kai-" he cut himself off just as Nya walked back into the room. She frowned.

"What's going on? You guys fell silent when I got back in here..." she trailed off.

"Nothing!" Lloyd yelped quickly. "I like Mojitos!"

Cole cleared his throat, "We were just talking about...Skylor's pregnancy-"

"WHAT?!" Skylor yelped, staring down at her flat stomach.

Seliel slapped a hand over her yin's mouth, "We were talking about the new binder store down town-"

Zane's eyes widened with excitement, "Did you just say binders?!"

"No! I mean...we were...discussing hexadecimal code cubed...and the square root of Pi?" Pixal tentatively suggested

Nya rolled her eyes, "Whatever," she mumbled, going back to Jay, cuddling towards him.

Jay's phone chimed. He checked to see that it was Kai.

Porcupine: What 'little something' are you on about?

Meet me in the secret base after everyone's asleep. :SuperstarRockinJay

Porcupine: Gotcha

Slipping his phone away, he wrapped an arm around his girlfriend's waist, pulling her closer.


It was almost midnight, and Kai and Jay were in the living room. Using the three shurikens, Jay aimed for the dart board.


The wall disappeared, revealing the elevator door. The duo enter, and the lift descends.

"Have you prepped a speech yet? On what you're gonna ask?"

"I have an outline...may need Zane or Pix to go over it though..."


The doors open, and they make their way to Jay's workstation. He reached into the drawer and pulled out a small navy blue box and lifted the lid. Inside was the most beautiful ring that Kai had ever seen.

"I just need to add a few more bits to it-"

"Jay," Kai breathed, "It's perfect,"

"Wait, really?"

"Hell yes! Nya will love it!" He turned to his friend, "I...can't believe I'm saying this but, just a couple years back, I was scolding the two of you, especially you for being with her. And I'm sorry." Kai placed a hand on Jay's shoulder, "I would be honoured to call you my brother-in-law. Go get her, tiger,"

Jay smiled and pulled Kai into a firm hug, "Thank you. Nya's lucky to have you as a brother."

"And she's more than lucky to have you as her yin. Treat her well, because you and I both know what I will do," The two chuckle among themselves, and Kai looked at Jay, "Sleep well, I'll get Lloyd or Morro to help you with the speech, and I can get Zane and Pixal to add the finishing touches to the ring. While this is happening, I'll get Sel, Cole and Sky to distract Nya. Then on Thursday, I'll go with you to Ignaica, to talk to my parents...and Ronin,"

The master of lightning scrunched his nose, "Ronin?"

"He sees Nya as a daughter. He had his own daughter who would have been her age, maybe younger, but she passed away,"


"He's fine about it, though," Kai continued, "Trust me. Now go get some sleep,"

"I will. Thanks, Kai,"

"No problem, Motormouth,"


"Okay...so let's go through the checklist again," Morro ordered. Jay sighed.

"No over-the-top mushy fluff, no overly seductive pillow talk, and no Adrian Pimento,"

Lloyd frowned, "Who's Adrian Pimento?"

"A guy in Brooklyn Nine-Nine," Jay responded, turning back to the sheet, "What about...I would walk through fire to be with you?"

Morro shook is head, "Too cheesy,"

Hmm... how about...I would catch a grenade for you?"

Lloyd facepalmed, "Please don't relapse into song lyrics again, it was bad enough the first time!"

"O-Okay...you are the queen of my heart?"

"Er...okay, how do I put this-" Morro started, but Lloyd cut him off.

"Jay, Nya isn't gonna wanna hear some sappy cheesy stuff. She'd wanna hear something that you would say, all straight from your heart. On your first date, she told you, she likes you best when you're you. So, write down everything that comes in mind when you think about her, and we'll work from there, mkay?"

Staring down at the paper, Jay grabbed the pen and took a deep breath, before scribbling rapidly.

Morro blinked, "Well that worked."

Jay put his pen down, "How's this?" He took a deep breath, and read it out.

And as he did, the grins on Lloyd and Morro's faces were growing wider and wider.

"Yes!" Lloyd cheered, "That's the one!"


"Alrighty!" Kai rubbed his hands together as they approached the blacksmith shop. He could see his father slamming the hammer down on a piece of metal. Jay could see Maya approach her husband with two cups of tea in her hands. Ray smiled as he took a sip from the cup.

Kai nudged Jay, "You got the ring?"

Jay nodded and showed it to him. Zane and Pixal had worked on it, adding the final gems, and inscriptions onto it. Kai grinned and pulled him along.

"Mom! Dad!" he called out, sprinting towards them, clinging onto Jay. The elder couple looked up - and smiled.

"Son! Oh, and Jay too! What a pleasure it is to see you two again!" Maya smiled warmly, embracing them both, "Did the rest of the ninja come as well? Or Nya?" Ray asked, hugging his son and shaking Jay's hand

Kai shook his head, "No, this was a secret, surprise trip. We wanted-well Jay wanted to ask you something,"

The former elemental masters looked at the blue ninja, "What is it?"

"Um...I'd like to marry you-I mean your daughter! I mean, propose to her, if you'll let me..."

Ray's smile faded. Uh oh.

"You want to marry my daughter?"

Gulping nervously, Jay nodded. Ray clasped Jay's shoulders tightly. Any tighter and his blood would stop flowing.

"Us Smiths always, always keep a promise. You asking for Nya's hand in marriage, is you promising to keep her safe, and stay faithful to her. Do you promise to love her?"

"Y-Yes, sir-"

"And do you promise to keep her safe?"

"Yes, sir-"

"And, finally, do you promise to stay true to her, and always be by her side?" The grip on his shoulders was getting significantly tighter, and Jay nodded, "I promise!"

Ray's face softened and he pulled Jay into a hug, "Then I give you my blessing, son,"

"Thank you sir-"

"No need for the formalities, dear," Maya piped up, embracing Jay tightly as well, "Maya and Ray will do just fine!"

"T-Thank you...Ray and Maya,"

They pull away, and Maya had tears in her eyes, as did Ray, "Nya is a lucky girl," she whispered. Ray smiled and nodded, "She truly is,"


Ali: Ooh, this is it!

Jay clutched the ring tightly in his hand, sweating lightly.

This was it.

Today was the day he would ask the love of his life to marry him.

Currently he was waiting for Nya. They were going to go on a date, to Mega Monster Amusement Park. He would propose in the big field. Zane and Pixal were going to be recording the whole thing, Everyone else: Kai, Cole, Zane, Morro, Lloyd, Pixal, Skylor, Seliel, Ronin, Dareth, Misako, Wu, the Elemental Masters, and all their parents would be all hiding in the trees and the shadows, waiting to surprise her.

They would start their date by going to the Photo Booth.

From there, they would go on the ghost cart ride, and the biggest roller coaster there.

After that, he would take her to the field, and tell her how much he loves her. Then Cole would play a song and sing, as Jay dances with Nya. After the dance, everyone would come out of hiding, and finally, he'd get down on one knee and ask the big question.

His heart was pounding, but his jaw dropped when he saw his yang, smiling at him.

Smiling, he slipped the ring into his pocket and took her hand, "Okay?"

Nya grinned and nodded, "Okay,"


The couple arrive at the amusement park, and go through with the plan. First, the photo booth. They took several funny photos, as well as photos of them kissing. Jay vowed to keep them forever, as did Nya.

Next was the ghost rides. They shared several kisses, and deep loving conversations.

Now it was the adrenaline-filled roller coaster ride.

That's when Nya realised somthing,

"How come we're the only one's here?" she asked, as the roller coaster slowly made its way up to the top.

"Oh...um...luck, I guess?" he lied. Nya smiled and took his hand as the cart toppled over the edge and zoomed all the way down. The couple screamed in fright and delight, as it went through all the loops and dives. Jay realised they had enough time and went again.

As they stumbled off, Nya clutched onto her yin's hand, "This is amazing!" she says breathlessly. Jay smiled, and kissed her before grabbing her hand and pulling her to the field. The sun was setting, and it was getting dark, which meant it was almost time

They arrived at the gazebo shortly after, and stood in there, staring into each other's eyes.

"I love you, so much," he whispered, twirling her around. Nya giggled.

"I love you too, Sparky,"

Jay gave a discreet nod towards Cole, who started up the music on his turntables, and strummed his guitar. Taking a deep breath, he began singing, as his best friend started dancing with his yang.

Everytime you walk into the room
Got me feeling crazy
Shock my heart boom boom
Any other boy would stareBut me, I look away
'Cause you making me scared
Tryin' not to breathe 1, 2, 3
Tryin' not to freak when you look at me
Gotta make a move but I freezeYou don't have a clue what you do to meGirl, you make me shy, shy, shy
You make me run and hide, hide, hide
Feel like I get lost in time
Whenever you near meGirl, you make me shy, shy, shy
I'm fightin' butterfli-fli-flies
Yeah, you make me lose my mind
Whenever you near me
Girl, you make me shy
OhRejection is a word that I don't wanna know
But a girl like you could kill a boy real slowA million words stuck up in my head
Waiting to be said but my tongue is stumbling
Tryin' not to breathe 1, 2, 3
Tryin' not to freak when you look at meTry to make a move but I freeze
You don't have a clue what you do to me
Girl, you make me shy, shy, shy
You make me run and hide, hide, hide
Feel like I get lost in time
Whenever you near me
Girl, you make me shy, shy, shy
I'm fightin' butterfli-fli-flies
Yeah, you make me lose my mind
Whenever you near meGirl, you take me high
I feel like I can fly
But I fall out of the sky
When I look into your eyes
Oh oh
Oh girl, you make me shy, shy, shy
You make me run and hide, hide, hide
Feel like I get lost in time
Whenever you near me
Girl, you make me shy, shy, shy
I'm fightin' butterfli-fli-flies
Yeah, you make me lose my mind
Whenever you near me
Girl, you make me shy
Yeah-yeah yeah oh
Girl, you make me shy
Can't even talk to you
Girl, you make me shy

As Cole stopped singing, everyone revealed themselves, "SURPRISE!"

Nya gasped and looked at her boyfriend, her eyes widening as she saw him on one knee.

"Nya, when I first saw you, you captured my heart by being exactly who you are: the sweetest, most badass, loving, compassionate and sensitive person I have ever known. You have been the light in my life through the good and the bad. You have been the reason that I smile and you have given me comfort beyond measure when I have cried. You believed in me when no-one else would, and you have shown me how to love with passion, purity, and unconditional acceptance." Happy tears flooded from the water ninja's eyes, as Jay continued speaking.

I'm not sure a lifetime is long enough to return all you have given me, but I promise the rest of my days I'll spend right by your side. Naveah Paris Smith, you are my love, my hero, my princess, my partner, my soulmate, my happy ending. That's why today, in front of you, our friends, and our family, I am asking you this: Will you marry me?"

He opened up the box, revealing the ring.

With tears rolling down her cheeks, Nya nodded, "Yes...yes...yes!"

Everyone cheered as Jay stood up and placed the ring on her finger. He proceeded to wipe the tears from her eyes, and pull her into a deep kiss. Once they pulled away, they were all floored into a big bear hug by the rest of the ninja, who were laughing. Once they'd pulled away, Jay turned to Cole and got down on one knee.

"Nicolas Josiah Brookstone, will you be my best man?"

Cole nodded as he hugged his best friend, "I'd be honoured!"

Jay turned to the other guys.

"Zane, Lloyd, Morro? Whaddya say? Wanna be my groomsmen?"

They ran forward and tackled their freckled friend into a hug.

"I think that answers your question," Zane spoke, grinning.

Nya turned to the girls. "Wanna be my bridesmaids?"

They looked at each other, grinning, and back at their best friend.

"Hell yes!"

Nya looked to her brother's girlfriend, "Skylor? Maid of Honour?"

The redhead nodded, eyes watering. Nya then saw Kai running towards her. He picked her up and spun her around, before setting her down again, "I'm so happy for you, sis," he whispered, tears in his eyes. Ray approached his children and turned to his son, "Kai," he says softly, "I think you should give her away...at the wedding,"

Kai frowned, "Why me?"

Ray sighed, "I wasn't there to raise her. You were. You taught her everything, made her into the woman she is today. You should give her away, son,"

Kai wiped his tears away as he hugged his father, "Thanks dad,"

"No problem, son,"

Jay walked over to his now-fiancee and whispered something into her ear. She grinned and nodded. Jay took her hand and turned to Wu.

"Sensei? We were hoping that...you could officiate our wedding?"

Wu smiled, "Of course,"

Seliel then shouted, "Hey, y'all! I believe we have an engagement party to get to!"

Everyone laughed as Cole connected his phone to the speakers. A playlist of songs on shuffle started playing as everyone laughed and danced the night away.

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