Chapter 24

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"Shit, what are you doing Ted? Just stop!" I yelled at Ted who was physically fighting with Phar. They both were throwing punches and I wasn't suprised to find out how rowdy they both were.

I shouted and tried to pull Ted back but all my efforts were in vain. I looked behind and saw Poppy quietly witnessing the entire scene.

"Poppy, come here and help!" I called out to her. She nodded and ran towards us. It wasn't a few minutes before she was accidently knocked down by one of the boys. So, I instructed her to be aside and to not help me.

"What on earth are you children up to?" I heard the familiar voice of Aunt Katherine. I whirled around and saw her big, wide, brown eyes. She gasped as she rushed towards us. She was clad in her long, white night gown which had food stains of what she ate for dinner earlier.

"Who is this boyfriend of yours, Abby? And what is going on?" She demanded and I shook my head.

"First, Ted isn't my boyfriend and second, your son is responsible for whatever is going on today," I said and she looked so confused. I stopped in my attempts to separate the two boys and instead went to Aunt Katherine.

"Phar tried to get physical with Poppy," I complained to her.

"What are you talking? My son would never do that. Your sister is lying," She said and anger boiled in my blood.

"What, bitch? What the fuck did you say?"

It was as if I lost all my senses. I didn't feel in control of my own tongue and actions. I almost slapped Aunt Katherine but Poppy caught me. Aunt Katherine shrieked and muttered how ill mannered I actually was. I verbally assaulted her since I didn't feel the need to punch an old lady. That would be cruel. That would be animal abuse.

"Let me call your parents and report on you and your boyfriend," She threatened as she retrieved her phone which was hanging by a thread on her neck like a cow with bells.

"For the last fucking time, Ted isn't my boyfriend. And don't you dare call parents," I yelled and pounced on her to snatch the phone away.

Poppy didn't allow me to do so. She caught my arm and pulled me back. I stumbled and frowned at her. She looked weary and tired. She sighed and said, "Let her call our parents. They would come to know soon anyway. Besides, this situation has broken all limits."

I nodded and admired the sudden maturity of my sister. She looked so calm and composed. When Aunt Katherine accused my sister of lying, all hell broke loose. I clutched my dress and quietly gazed at Aunt Katherine who nervously dialed my parent's number.

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