Chapter 29

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"Take me now, please. I want you to take me right now," I pleaded desperately.

"That sounds wrong but if you actually mean it in the immoral way, then hop onto bed. I'll take you right now and show you," Ted said and winked. I realized my mistake and mentally slapped myself. I could feel myself blush and tense because of what nonsense I blurted out.

"Eew, I mean take me out of this house to show me your beautiful country. Please," I begged and he shook his head.

"Why do you think that I'll take you?"

"Because, you er... should?" I replied and shrugged. I kept nagging him and repeatedly begged him. He sighed.

"Fine, but what will I get in return?"

I jumped excitedly and smiled in triumph. He was amused by my action. I tapped my finger on my chin thoughtfully and replied, "I already took you to meet your father, didn't I? Now, it's your chance."

"He was an arse, so that favour doesn't count."

"But it wasn't my mistake how your father turned out to be!" I yelled and realized my words. I lowered my head guiltly. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. You can have whatever you want."

"Whatever I want? Cool," He said and took a step towards me. I face palmed and gulped. I was rooted in my spot and Ted walked towards me. He was smirking and his eyes shone mischievously. He was inches away from me and I didn't feel a bit comfortable. I wasn't around boys much and I clutched my skirt with my clammy hands.

"It's okay, I'm not going to eat you up," He whispered and brushed his hands on my cheek.

"I doubt it since you're erm... too close," I admitted softly and he did not say anything. We stared at each other for a while and he backed away.

"I want a massage from you," He declared and I snorted.

"Haa! You wish!"

"Then forget about the trip."

"FINE!" I shouted. "But I'll do it only after the trip."

"No - no," He denied and moved his index finger. "You'll do it whenever I want during this week."

My little finger twitched and my hands itched to rip his hair off. I nodded slightly since I was dying to go around for sight seeing.

Suddenly, Ted took his shirt off and before I could stop him, he made himself comfortable on bed. He slept on his stomach, exposing his bare back to me. He shut his eyes and said, "Come on, do your job."

"Put your shirt on first," I said and he pretended to not hear me. I sighed and climbed on the bed. I looked at his peaceful figure and bit my upper lip. I hesitantly touched his back and slowly pressed it.


"Come on, let's go," I said and continued to massage his back. He mumbled some words lazily which I couldn't hear. Suddenly, he got up and I drew my hand back. He sat up and I again didn't feel comfortable to be so close to him, especially when he was half - naked.

I quickly got of the bed and I threw his shirt at him. He groaned but wore it anyway since it was getting cold. He too got up and walked towards the closet. He retrieved two large, thick coats and passed one to me. He walked into the closet and appeared with my sweater and leggings. He tossed them to me and said, "We'll go now. Hurry up."

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