Chapter 34

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"Poppy throughout the judgment, narrated the scene bravely and boldly. She even recorded the minutest details which made me cringe. Phar's lawyer too defended all her accusations. But eventually, we have more evidences since the details cannot be easily made up and Poppy was confident behind each statement whereas Phar was avoiding eye contact most of the time and unwillingly accepted some accusations," I said and Ted looked happy.

"That's awesome! When is the next date?"

"By the end of the week. They should probably pass the final verdict by then. It shouldn't take more time especially when it's a case of serious sexual harrassment against a minor female," I said and he nodded.

"Tell me more about it," Ted insisted.

"Fine, this is what happened - "

[At the court, when Poppy is asked to describe and answer questions by Phar's lawyer]

"Anything else you would like to add, Mrs. Snow?" The lawyer asked Poppy. Poppy bit her bottom lip nervously.

"Erm... he, well, talked dirty to me," Poppy forced the words out and admitted softly. The entire room turned silent. My parents gasped. Poppy was only fourteen and for her to understand and listen to all the mature stuff was horrible according to my parents. I too sympathized Poppy, but I knew how kids these days were. They were the gurus when it came on such kinky topics.

"And may I ask, what it was?" The lawyer asked. Poppy shook her head.

"I cannot tell - "

"Why? We need proper evidence and no hiding is tolerated."

"But I cannot in front of - "

"It's okay, honey. Have courage and tell. You can do it," My mum said and the judge hushed her to keep quiet.

"So, what did my client say?" The lawyer demanded.

Poppy sighed and blurted out, "That he would put his cuckoo into my tight doo-doo."

"Ah, shit. That's hilarious," Ted said and chuckled. I too laughed.

"Yeah, but eventually her translation of words into an appropriate way made no sense to the lawyer. So, she had to anyway tell the same way Phar told."

"What did he tell?"

"Shut up, Ted. You know what I mean," I said and giggled. I playfully punched his arm.

"No, seriously, what did he tell?"

"Are you kidding me?" I asked in disbelief. He innocently shook his head. "Fine, he actually meant that he would put or pump or insert or whatever bananas or you call it er - "

"Okay, okay. I was just messing with you. You actually explained the stuff," He cut me off and burst out laughing. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. I huffed and asked cluelessly, "What stuff?"

"Don't pull the same shit on me," Ted said and I shrugged.

"Okay, if you're so keen, I don't mind explaining. I would love to spread knowledge," Ted said and winked. "So, the stuff is when the man and the woman - "

"No, shut up! I'm kidding," I said and giggled.

"You asked for it. It's when they both are involved - "

"God, no. Eeew. I was just kidding."

" - in rocking the bed and pleasuring themselves with their sweaty bodies slamming each other and the sweat trickling down the buttocks - "

"JUST STOP! I don't want to hear," I yelled and hopped on the bed. I covered my ears with the pillow but I could still hear his each and every word. I cringed and I wanted to throw up. I gagged and threw him a disgusted look while he continued with his own version of fifty shades of grey.

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