Chapter 54

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One week, two days passed by so quickly, but it was the best time in my life. I was rarely at home and when my parents asked about my sudden disappearance, I would honestly admit that I was with Ted. They had no objection instead they seemed quite pleased.

Today, I was standing outside the closet, my fists clenched and my heart hammering against my chest. Ted would be gone in two days. I knew what to do now. I entered the closet and ran inside. I barged into Ted's room who was packing his stuff.

He whirled around and I ran towards him. I pounced on him and we both fell on the pile of clothes. He was surprised but I didn't give him a chance to do anything. I crashed my lips on his and kissed him ever so passionately.

I pulled away and panted. His eyes twinkled and he asked, "Whoa, did I really deserve that?"

"I forgave you."

"Really? T-Thank you - "

"And I love you," I said quickly. He stared at me and slowly a wide grin spread on his handsome face.

"I love you too. I always knew you were my match right from the day you first passed out by falling off the closet. I couldn't believe that grandma's stories were real. I felt blessed to have met with this beautiful angel," He said and brushed my hair.

I frowned and quickly got up from him. I sat with my arms crossed and Ted looked puzzled.

"What's wrong?"

"Everything. I love you but I want you to move on. I don't think that long distance relationship will work for us especially with our entire career ahead. We are still young. You are allowed to see other people and so do I. We can stay connected as best friends," I croaked. "Think logically, Ted."

Ted's Adam's Apple bobbled and he just pulled me into a tight hug. "Okay, if this is what you wish. But remember, I'll always love you."

"Yeah, me too," I mumbled and there was a knock on the door. Grandma walked in and smiled.

"I think I should go," I said and walked towards the closet. I opened it and gasped when I saw the closet end at the wall.

"There was no wall before!" I cried and tried to push the wall but to no avail.

"Oh honey, this is because you both confessed your true love for each other," Grandma said. My eyes were wide as saucers and sweat trickled down my forehead. She smiled and added in a low voice, "The closet has done it's job. It was your cupid."

My attention darted between Ted and Grandma. Ted shrugged casually.

"How do you know when the closet just gets shut?" I asked grandma and she grinned.

"How do you think Ted's grandpa and I met?"

My lips pursed into a thin line. I didn't know how to react. Ted was looking down and drawing circles on the floor with his toes shyly.

"Now, how would I go back to Abilene?" I asked and Ted shrugged. Ugh! I was stuck here and all he could do was shrug? That prick!

"Fine," I snapped and retrieved my phone. I dialed my father's number and he picked up.

"Hello dad, I want you to pick me up."

"Okay, yeah - sure. But from where?"

"Erm . . . Norway?"

T H E   E N D


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