Chapter 2

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(Y/N)'s Point of View:

I sighed as I parked in my schools parking lot.

I looked seeing everyone going in the dreaded hell we call High School.

I sighed again and turned off my car putting my keys in my backpack and slipped my backpack on my back and got out of my car, locking it as I did so, as I walked into my school.

I made it to my first class of the day, not really using my locker as always.

I sat in the back of the class and grabbed my diary and trusty pen from my backpack.

I unlocked my diary using my key that I kept on my bracelet from my mom.

It had (F/C) and (S/F/C) Cherry blossom flowers on it as charms.

So it matched my pen a bit.

I began to write in my diary as I waited for the teacher to come to teach.

I heard the door open and looked up seeing none other than the main popular bitch of the school.

Shakila SilverMen.

She was a prissy little bitch with sewn in hair extensions to make her hair seem longer and fuller, she had a face full of makeup, fake nails, wore expensive designer dresses, heels, and tights.

She walked to her seat which was sadly in front of mine.

She took out her redicluse pen.

Hell. The feather looked like it was a REAL peacock feather!

Who can even be CLOSE to affording those pens?!

Oh wait, that damn bitch can with her rich ass family.

I just ignored it as I continued to write in my diary.

The teacher walked in making me put my diary up.

Not before closing and locking my diary first.

I zipped up my backpack and focused on the lesson.

I wrote down ANY needed notes in my notebook with my pen.

Which was pretty much, EVERYTHING.

I continued to write down my notes as I looked up from my notes to the teacher back and forth making sure I got everything.

The bell rang making me sigh in relief as my hand was starting to cramp from writing so damn much.

I put my notebook in my backpack along with my pen and went to my next period of the day.

It was the end of the day and I was waking back to my car.

I swear.
That bitch Shakila just wants me to suffer to much.

I made it to my car and went in it and closed the door behind me.

I sighed as I grabbed my keys from my backpack.

I cranked up my car and drove off to where I found my place of tranquillity.

I pulled to a stop at the nearest lake.

It was deserted beside the few birds.

Like Swans and such.

I uncranked my car and got out putting my keys in the front pocket of my jeans, making sure they didn't fall out.

I inhaled the fresh water sent from the lake.

I smiled at the sent since I loved being in the country than the city.

I grabbed my phone from my back pocket and took out my earbuds.

I put my earbuds in my ears and turned back on my phone.

(iPhone 8 for you all😊)

I plugged in my earbuds and put them in my ears as I scrolled through my music for a song.

I smiled as I found the song.

Magnet by Miku and Luka.

I clicked play on it and began to sing and dance along to it.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Your dancing is Miku's in the video)

????'s Point of View:

I walked through the woods as my armor clanked as I did so.

I then heard the most beautiful singing possible.

Curiosity struck me and I decided to investigate.

I found myself at a lake and hid behind a tree as I heard footsteps.

I looked from behind the tree seeing a (H/C) (H/L) in a (F/H/S), (S/C) skin, and shimmering (E/C) eyes girl singing and dancing.

She sung and danced beautifully.

She had string coming from her ears making me confused at that.

I shook it off and watched her sing and dance.

She seemed to sing in a different language which I had, no fucking clue, what language it was.

She stopped singing and posed as she surprisingly wasn't out of breath from that.

She smiled as she then sighed.

I heard a loud ringing sound, making me jump.

The girl didn't seem to hear my armor clank from that as she took out the string from ear ears making me see plastic balls attached to the tips, and she took them out of this, I had no idea what it was, and she touched it and put it to her left ear.

"Hey bro. What's up?" the girl asked talking into that weird box thing.

"I was just at the lake singing and dancing cause of that bitch Shakila." she said as she kicked the dirt a bit.

"Hey. It's my seventeenth birthday. I deserve to cuss today." she said.

Damn. So she's turning seventeen today.

It's been, I can't remember how many years it was since my seventeenth birthday being undead and all.

"Ya. Ok ok I'll come home." she said with a sarcastic tone as she did a playful eye roll.

"Later (B/N)." she said as she then took the small box thing and clicked on it again and put the box thing in her pocket.

She then sighed.

A swan came up to her and rubbed its head against her leg surprisingly.

The girl giggled light as she crouched down as rubbed its head as the girl smiled lightly.

"Hey buddy. Sorry I don't have bread for you this time, I promise next time I come back I'll get some bread from the store for you and the others." the girl told the swan.

The swan let out a cry and the girl smiled a bit more as she rubbed the swans head again with her hand.

She stood up and the swan went back to the lake with the other swans and ducks.

She walked to this metal chariot with no horses.

She opened its door and waved bye to the birds and got in as she closed the door.

A loud noise came from the metal chariot making me fall on my ass.

She drove off from the lake probably to home.

(Y/N)'s Point of View:

I parked in my houses driveway and turned off
my car.

I got out of my car, grabbing my backpack as I did so, and slammed my door shut and walked inside my house.

"YO BRO I'M HOME!" I yelled as I closed the front door behind me.

I heard,


I ran to the living room from the mud room and saw my brother tying (F/C) ribbons around a puppy, a kitten, and a baby pigmy goat's necks, careful not to choke them from it.

I squealed at how cute they were.

(B/N) looked at me.

"God damnit." he swore.

"Are these my presents?" I asked.

"Who else are they for?" he asked as he stood up as he had a playful smirk on his face.

I smiled brightly as I crouched down in front of them.

"Hey there. I'm (Y/F/N). I'm gonna be your new mommy." I said with a bright smile as I closed my eyes as I smiled.

They looked amongst each other then they came to me and rubbed their heads against me as a sign of affection.

I giggled as I tried to rub all their heads.

"I'll go make dinner." he said.

I nodded as I picked up my new puppy and kitten as my new pigmy goat followed me upstairs to my room.

I went into my room and placed my kitten and puppy on the foot of the bed and went to my dresser with night clothes.

I striped from clothes and on of a new pair of
underwear, a hoodie with (F/F)(Favorite Fandom) on it, and a large pair of sweat pants.

I then let my hair in down from my regular hairstyle.

I sighed as I picked up my kitten and puppy and walked downstairs to the kitchen/dining room/living room.

I put down my puppy and kitten on the floor once I made it downstairs.

I walked to the Kitchen as my new pets or more like friends followed behind me.

I sat at the island as my brother cooked dinner.

He finished cooking and handed me a plate of Chicken and Rice and a can of (F/S).

I smiled as I began to eat my food.

(B/N) grabbed some cooked chicken breast and cut it up into pieces, he then placed them on two small plates and put them in front of the kitten and puppy.

He made a small bowl of berries and placed it in front of the goat.

The threw began to eat immediately.

I smiled at them as I continued to eat.

I took a big chug of my can of (F/S).

I sighed as I wiped my mouth with a napkin.

"What's up?" my brother asked me.

"Shakila today?" he asked.

"No I got that out of my head. It's just...." I trailed off.

"I felt like someone was watching me while I was at the lake. But it wasn't a creepy one, like a amazed one at my singing and dancing." I told him.

"Well, you are fucking amazing at those two things, so why wouldn't anyone be amazed by them?" he asked.

"That's not the point bro." I said punching his shoulder making him laugh.

"You hit like a girl." he said.

"I am a girl." I said blandly.

"Anyway. The point is, why was I being watched?" I asked.

"I don't fuckin know." he said.

"Just remember. If their out for your blood or something bad. Cal-

"Call the police I know." I said.

"As a wise man once said from Jimmy Neutron, their there to help you." he said.

I laughed.

"Wanna stay up to watch me play MediEval with me?" he asked.

"Resurrection?" I asked.

"Damn right!" he yelled.

I laughed.

"Ok, I'm down." I said.

We cleaned up dinner and the pets dinner and we went to the living room and (B/N) started up the ORIGINAL PlayStation.

It's the only system that the games will work on.

Since the games came out near the end of the nineteen hundreds.

I sat next to my brother with my cat and dog in my arms as my Pigmy Goat laid next to me and my brother sat with the controller in hand as he started up yet another save so he can play through the entire game again like he always does.

We spend almost the entire night playing our childhood game.....

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