Alma Speaks Up

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The weekend went by, and now it was Monday again. On the way to school, Alma, Cameron, and Becky were talking about the book the former had given the latter two.

"I don't know what was more moving: Esmeralda giving Quasimodo water to drink or that she reunited with her mother," Cameron said.

"The second one really gets me moving," Alma said.

"Is it bad that I actually like the book better than the Disney version?" Becky asked.

"No, I feel the same way," Alma smiled. "Don't get me wrong, Disney is great and everything, but sometimes the original can be more enjoyable."

Soon enough, the limo arrived at Lemon Drop, and the siblings stepped out. The minute they did, they saw Enrique walk by.

"Hey, Enrique," Becky called.

Enrique wasn't too happy to hear Becky's voice even if she sounded more friendly to him than before. "Oh, hi, Becky," he said.

"Hey, Enrique, I just want to say that I'm sorry for all the times I made fun of you for the way you looked," Becky said. "I didn't really think about how bad you felt until everyone started making fun of me for my birthmark. Well, Alma had to remind me how bad I made you feel, but now I understand what it's like. I'm so sorry."

"All is forgiven," Enrique smiled.

"Really?" Becky asked. "You're not going to hold a grudge?"

"No, seeing you suffer the way I did didn't make me feel any better," Enrique said. "Plus, it's time to move on."

"You got it," Becky smiled, shaking hands with Enrique.

At that moment, Charlotte, Shannon, Robin, and Rochelle passed by, and they noticed Becky shaking hands with Enrique.

"Aw, the Dork and the Mole Butt are making friends," Rochelle teased.

"Well, why not?" Becky asked. "It's time to make peace and move on."

"Why?" Robin asked.

"Because now I know how bad we've made Enrique feel when we made fun of him," Becky said. "It wasn't fun for him, and it's not fun for me either."

"Well, that's too bad because this is something you guys are going to have to live with," Shannon said.

"Oh, really?" Alma huffed, causing the four girls to flinch. "So, you expect someone being bullied to tolerate it, huh? You think it's okay to make fun of someone because their skin isn't completely flawless, right? What if you get a hickey on your neck? What if there's a mark on your skin that nobody else can see but they know about anyway and bully you for it? Would that be fun for you?"

Shannon, Charlotte, Robin, and Rochelle were shocked, and so were the other students who were witnessing Alma stand up to them, which they found shocking because she didn't snap at Becky that way. Then again, Becky did learn her lesson.

"No, it wouldn't," Charlotte replied timidly. "In fact, I wouldn't even stand for it."

"So, you expected Enrique to just put up with the bullying you force him to suffer from, and you also expect Becky to put up with you making fun of her birthmark—but when you yourself are bullied, you don't want to put up with it," Alma sneered. "If you don't want to let someone pick on you, why would you expect Enrique to put up with being bullied?"

"Well, why does it...?" Robin started to ask.

"Because it does!" Alma snapped, shutting Robin right up. She stood on a short brick wall. "Bullying isn't something we should tolerate. It's really not someone's fault if they have a mark on their skin for any reason. Why is completely flawless skin so important? I'm 50% certain a lot of you here have scars or birthmarks somewhere on your bodies."

"I have a birthmark on my left thigh," Cameron admitted.

"I've got one on my upper leg, just above the knee," one of his friends spoke up.

"My birthmark is on my stomach," another one of Cameron's friends revealed. "I've always been insecure about exposing it, so that's why I hated being seen shirtless."

Robin was feeling rather nervous, and she was amazed by everyone's courage to admit that they had birthmarks. "I have a birthmark," she admitted.

"You, too, Robin?" Becky asked.

"On my bikini line," Robin admitted.

"I have one, too, on my arm," Shannon admitted. "That's why I always wear dresses with jackets or sleeves. I've always felt like someone would laugh at me."

"So, now do you understand how you've made Enrique feel all these years?" Alma asked.

"We do," many of the students chorused.

"Do you have a birthmark, Alma?" Robin asked.

"On my right foot," Alma replied. "Scars and birthmarks shouldn't matter. When I first met Enrique, I wouldn't let his appearance stop me from seeing that he was beautiful inside. Inner beauty is more important than outer beauty. I mean, would you really want someone to only love you for how you look because they think it defines who you are? Another thing: what if you met someone like the title character of The Hunchback of Notre Dame? What if you met someone who was so dreadfully ugly and difficult to look at that you wished you were blind? Would you torment them for their appearance, or would you be nice to them because they just might be a good person? My mother learned from this book that it's not fair to torment someone for their looks. Remember, if someone is bullying you for any reason, do whatever it takes to make it stop. If you're even thinking about bullying someone, find something better to do with your life than waste your time picking on someone. There are more important things in life than bullying someone, like getting to know them or at least ignoring them. It's who you are inside that matters."

Everyone was amazed by Alma's speech, and they all agreed—and they all cheered loudly. It really was inside that matters, and many of them wanted to get to know Enrique now.

"Becky, I'm sorry we called you Mole Butt," Charlotte said.

"So am I," Robin chimed in.

"All is forgiven," Becky smiled.

Robin, Charlotte, Rochelle, and Shannon got into a group hug with Becky, and then they turned to Enrique.

"We're really sorry, Enrique," Charlotte apologized.

"Forgive us, please?" Rochelle begged.

"I'm really sorry," Shannon chimed in.

"All is forgiven," Enrique smiled.

Suddenly, the bell rang, meaning it was time for school. The students were a little disappointed because they wanted to get to know Enrique now after Alma got them to understand inner beauty. But as the day went by, the students were nicer to Enrique than ever before, and they got to know him better.

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