I Am Here, Child

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???'s POV

I can feel him
His every move
He is of me
No doubt

He's close, I can feel his aura. I can hear his every inhaling of this... Moisturized.. Air. I can smell the heat of soul and heart of pure dragon blood that runs through those delicate, fragile veins of a human body.

He is Smoce, in human tongue, Jason Sife. The last of me. The one keeping me alive.

Third Person

Jason Sife stepped off the private plane he took that landed smoothly only a minute before. "Ah! There he is!" A man with a rifle strapped on his back, cap shading his eyes while he wore a light trench coat. Although under shade, you could clearly see his bright blue eyes of electric, they matched his happy smile. Under his cap, his blond hair swiped to the side, covering his right eyebrow. The man ran and bear hugged Jason, even though this man was beyond happy, Jason was not, he only frowned. "Alex George Jain..." Jason scowled at the blond in clear warning, which Alex immediately understood and let go of the dark haired man, and -instead- guided him in the mountain. At first, it was a plain, normal cave with a few dis colors, but it clearly was the opposite once you touched it. You could see the result of an unfortunate hiker, his corpse was frozen, right arm reaching toward a small, crystal blue, gemstone. "That frozen man was out hiking with his fiancé, they stumbled onto this cave, the man's greed overcame him, his fiancé told us he kept saying they could be rich and finally go to Hawaii... But when he touched the stone, he froze, not another breath heard from the fellow." Jason nodded sadly and the pair passed the corpse before entering a medium sized room with comfortable couches and chairs. "This is the lounge." Alex said, tossing himself onto the nearby couch. "Obviously..." Jason mumbled before a girl--looking around eighteen--walked in the room. In front of her hazel eyes were glasses that matched her white blond and calm, ocean blue hair that waved down and caressed her head perfectly, she had a complete overdose of make up. "Alex! Who's the brunette?" She huffed awhile her high pitch voice matched her face, and her tight, short--very, short white jean shorts and ocean textured blue tank top. "It's Jason Sife! Our new co-worker!" He answered, and the girl's eyes widened. "As in, you know, the famous Jason Sife that made the video game Undesired Dragons? The writer of the storyline Dragon Tried?" She asked, becoming as alluring to Jason as possible. But he knew her type, they bully you all your life, but once you hit the big town and fame, they want to be your friend. Alex was about to to say something, but the b-list man cut him off dry, venom thickly in his voice. "Don't even try, you little games don't amuse me, Ula Zia, do you think those cards weren't played?! If I got a penny each time a girl dealt that card, I'd own nineteen mansions! and all those girls were a waste of my time! Now leave me be, lass!" His fierce, amber eyes in raged caused Ula to cower away in fear.

???'s POV

Just like they're parents!

Now, let's see who you uncover... Or at least... What memories this offspring will uncover...

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