Chapter 6

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Gajeel P.O.V

I had been sitting out in what I claimed as my tree when I saw the shrimp leave the guild. My muscles were still sore but I was determined to follow the fairy.

We were flying for what seemed like forever when she finally landed at a large tree. Were I in my true form, this thing still would have been bigger than me. I hid behind a group of trees as I saw a small light fly down from the trees.

It flew around her hair and made a sound like a bell(imagine tinker bell). Shrimp tensed and turned towards where I was hidden. She lept to her feet and got in a ready stance.

"W-who's there?!" she tried to sound tough but it just made me chuckle. I stepped out so she could see me and she gasped. "Gajeel?! What are you doing here?"

I shrugged."I saw you leave and was curious. The small light made more bell sounds and she looked at it. She said something but I didn't understand. The light flew at me and hovered in front of my face.

The glow faded and a small fairy, the size of the shrimps two idiots, was flying in front of me. She had very long blonde hair that reached her feet and wore a pale pink and blue dress. She had what looked like furry ears on top of her head.

"You are a dragon yes?" she asked in my tongue. I nodded. She smiled.

"Gajeel this is Mavis. Mavis Gajeel." Levy introduced. "Uh hi." I said. Mavis floated back to the bluenette and landed on her head.

"So what are you doing out here?" Levy sighed and sat down. Mavis said something but I raised an eyebrow. "Mavis he doesn't understand." She looked at me surprised.

Mavis flew back to me."Then I shall help! I give the gift of language!" She gently touched my forehead and it felt warm.

"You can do that?" Levy asked. It startled me when I realized it wasn't dragon. "I am Mavis Vermillion! I can do anything!" Levy laughed. A beautiful sound. Wait what? I brushed the thought away and I sat in front of the shrimp.

"Can you understand dragon?" Mavis asked. I thought for the words. "Yeah I can. It's kinda... Weird." the words tasted strange on my tongue. Mavis smiled.

"Great! Now, where was I? Oh yes! I'm sure you have heard of the Demon Dragon Achnolgia?" She asked. I tensed, who hadn't heard of him.

Three thousand years ago he had spread chaos and destruction across the world. He was fierce and powerful. Then one day he simply vanished.

"Of course I have. My father told me about him." She nodded and gestured towards the monster tree. "This is where he is sealed." I felt the blood drain from my face. Is that what this enormous power I felt was?

"Sealed? But how?" she smiled a little sadly. "Three thousand years ago he came to this wood and was spreading his evil filth. The first fairy and mother of the forest gave her life to seal him and stop him... That was me." Mavis motioned to herself.

"Your... Dead?" she nodded.

"This tree is my body. When a fairy dies their body is returned to the earth and their soul is given to the sky. I stayed with my sapling body to be sure the seal would stay. Three thousand years... My powers are weak now, and Levy has told me Zeref has returned... Which means he will try to unseal Achnolgia. Levy has been coming since he first arrived and keeping the seal in check, using her magic to strengthen it. We must not let him escape. He will be stronger than back then."

I nodded. Even in sleep a dragon can gain power, the older the stronger.... Three thousand years of power.

"So we have to stop Zeref right?" The girls nodded. "Alright, I'm in."I grinned. The girls smiled. "Great! Levy dear would you mind starting? The dragon will guard you while you strengthen the shield and he will be your protector until this is all over."

Levy nodded and stood, walking to stand dire tilt in front of the tree an in the center. She used her wings to stay a float as she crossed her legs. She held out her arms in a meditative pose and closed her eyes.

I could feel the power flowing from her, it was almost staggering. "Amazing isn't she dragon?" Mavis murmured from my shoulder. "Yeah ama-" I stopped and my face heated up. She giggled."I won't tell." "Oh flitter off" I tried to swat her as she flew over my head.

I watched Levy for hours while she meditated. Near day break she slowly sank to the ground and slumped over. "Oi shrimp!" I hurried to her but she was fast asleep. I shook my head and chuckled. I lifted her into my arms bridal style.

"Dragon." I turned to Mavis, her face serious." If Zeref finds out about her power he will use her to break the seal. Do not let her out of your sight." I nodded before taking off into the air.

When we reached the guild I flew to the roof. I laid her in the nest I saw her go to before. I went to leave but her grip on my shirt wouldn't break. I smiled slightly, chuckling before laying beside her.

Levy P.O.V

Something was warm. Very warm and comfortable. I snuggled into it, freezing when it moved. My eyes flew open and I was face to chest with a dragon. I looked up and saw he was fast asleep and I had been using his arm as a pillow.

I thought about moving but I couldn't help but stare at his face. When he wasn't scowling he was actually very handsome. Levy! Bad Levy! But it was true. He had strong facial features and the muscles in his chest were firm and yet somehow, very snuggelable. I decided to indulge myself and closed my eyes again.

I woke up again awhile later to find the dragon gone. I sighed, a bit disappointed. I floated down to the ground to see the two dragons sparing.

They were both covered in scale armor, Natsu in red and Gajeel in a metallic black. I decides to bring out some food to watch. I got my breakfast and sat in a tree to be safe while I ate.

After awhile they stopped for a break. I called down at Gajeel and he joined me in the tree. "Morning." he said, snagging some of my food. "Hey!" He grinned and ducked away from my pathetic punch.

He ruffled my hair, stole another bite, then joined Natsu on the ground again. "Baka!" I shouted. He gave me a toothy grin that made my heart race and I smiled.

I sighed sadly as I watched him. I shouldn't fall for him. Once everything is straightened out he will return to his dragon form and go back to the way he was. Living free and wild.

I wish he would stay.

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