Chapter 2: You're Back?

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Aerlinniel POV

As much as I want to go see Legolas right now, I have to find Bilbo first. Then we will go to the Woodland-Realm to get the Dwarves. Legolas better not kill any of them.

"Let's go." I whisper to Mallory and Imryll.

We keep walking and I listen for Bilbo's heartbeat. After about ten minutes of walking, I finally hear it and walk over to him.

"Bilbo, I was worried about you. Are you alright?" I ask him.

Before he can answer Mallory says, "He's not there Aerlinniel."

"Yes, he is. Bilbo, tell them that you are indeed, there." I say.

I then hear Mallory and Imryll gasp.

"How?" Imryll questions.

"What? What's going on?" I ask.

"Bilbo was invisible that's why we couldn't see him." Imryll tells me.

"Wait, how did you know he was there?" Mallory asks me.

"Oh, you weren't there when I told the Dwarves. I'm blind. I recognize people by their heart beats, that's his I knew Bilbo was there. I heard his heart beat." I explain.

"Woah, I cannot believe that you are blind. I would never have guessed." Mallory says to me.

"How were you invisible though, Bilbo?" I ask him.

"I, uh. Well, I found a ring when we were in the Goblins cave. I guess when you put it on, it turns you invisible." Bilbo tells us.

"Wow, I've never heard of a ring that could do that before. That's so interesting!" Imryll exclaims.

"We should get to the Woodland-Realm. We need to help the Dwarves." I say to them.

"How are we going to get them out?" Imryll asks.

"Do not worry, I have lived at the Woodland-Realm for the past few years. The King knows who I am. I will have to do my best to convince him to let them go free. I know that King Thranduil does not like Dwarves." I say to them and we head off for the Woodland-Realm.

When we reach the front gates, there are two guards standing there, I recognize them by their heart beats.

"Lady Aerlinniel, welcome back." One of the guards greet me and I hear the doors open.

"Thank you." I say to them.

We walk in and I immediately know that I need to get to the Throne Room. It takes me a moment because I have not been head in a while, but then I remember.

"Follow me." I tell them. When we get to the Throne Room I say, "Mallory and Imryll. Please stay out here while I speak to King Thranduil. Bilbo, I would like for you to come in with me."

Bilbo and I walk into the Throne Room. The only heart beat I hear is King Thranduil's, so he is the only one in here.

"How may I help yo-- Oh! Aerlinniel, you are back! It is nice to see you again." King Thranduil exclaims, happy to see me. "Who is this little fellow?"

"This is Bilbo. He is a Hobbit from the Shire and he is my friend." I tell him.

"Well, it is very nice to meet you, Bilbo." King Thranduil says to him.

"It is an honor to meet you, King Thranduil." Bilbo says.

"King Thranduil, I am not here for long. I need to get back on the journey we are on, but I cannot do that because some of my travelling companions have been taken." I tell him.

"That is terrible, how may I be of help?" He asks.

"You could let them go." I tell him, plainly.

He laughs and then says, "Do not tell me those Dwarves are you traveling companions." He laughs some more and I am getting frustrated with him. "Oh, your serious. I don't know, Aerlinniel. You know that I hate Dwarves, give me some time to think about it. But I highly doubt I will be releasing them."

I hide my anger as I say, "Also, there is someone here to see you. Mallory!" I call out.

I here her walk on and Thranduil gasps, "Mallory, you are back. I was not sure how long you were going to be gone for. I was not even sure if you were ever going to return."

"Well, I am back now. I came back because I missed you so much."

Bilbo and I walk out to let them talk.

"Any luck?" Imryll asks us. I shake my head no.

"We have to find a way to get them out of here. Imryll, go look for the Dwarves and then come found me and let me know where they are. I have to find a few people who can hopefully help us. We are going to break these Dwarves out." I tell her.

"Yes! This is going to be fun, I'll go try to find them." She says and walks off.

"Come on, Bilbo. There are some people I would like for you to meet."

I walk to my sisters room and put my ear up to the door. I can hear her humming. I knock on the door.

"Come in." I hear her say.

I open the door and Elarinya shouts, "Aerlinniel! Your back! You have no idea how happy I am to see you." She gives me a hug and I return it.

"I'm not here for long though, I need your help with something. But first, I want to introduce you to someone. Elarinya, this is Bilbo. And Bilbo, this is my sister Elarinya."

"Oh my gosh! Is he a Hobbit?" She asks, excitingly.

"Yes, just like Gandalf used to tell us about when we were really young. Bilbo is an amazing and courageous Hobbit." I tell her.

"It is so wonderful to meet you Bilbo. I have always wanted to meet a Hobbit." She says to him.

"You have an amazing sister. She has told me that she is blind. I did not believe her at first because I watched her walk along a cliff and fight, hitting her target every time. It is aso nice to meet you." Bilbo says.

"You've walked along a cliff and you have been fighting?" She questions.

"Yes, I have. But, right now I need your help. Did you happen to see any Dwarves brought in?"

"I did! Those are who you are helping?"

"Yes, and King Thranduil will not release them. We need to get them out and I have an idea." I tell her.

I just hope my idea will work.


Here's an update for you guys! :D I hope you liked it. Sorry that Legolas wasn't really in this chapter, but he will definitely be in the next chapter!

Love you my elves from the realm of llamas,

~Ellethwen <3

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