Chapter Two: Dragon Charm

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Although it is a shorter chapter!

Phoenix had been out for three days, his Ada, Thranduil sat next to his son, willing him to try and open his eyes. There was a small movement, then Phoenix shot up. His eyes went wide. He looked around for his Adar, because that was the only thing he could think of, to do in that moment.

He continued to look around, but the sun was glaring into his eyes. Thranduil tapped his red haired son on the shoulder and cleared his throat. Phoenix jerked his head towards his Ada, once he could make the king's shape out, his eyes went wild. "Where am I?" He asked a little too loudly. "What happened?" Thranduil shook his head. Of course his son wouldn't remember.

"You were stabbed by a spider." He answered first. 'You are in the Mirkwood healing house right now." Thranduil gazed down. The polished brown wood looked more interesting than his dazed son. "I answered your questions. Now can you answer mine." Phoenix nodded his head. "Who is that girl and how- no, why, did you save her?"

"What girl?" Phoenix asked, confused. Then his eyes widened with realization. "Oh, that girl! Her name is Lithwen, I saved her because she was in trouble."

Thranduil fake coughed, "Oh. I see. Well anyways, once you are well enough you should go see her. But first come see me. I will be in the throne room." Thranduil told his son. "She will be happy to see you well." He muttered as he left the room.

Phoenix nodded, debating on whether to go see his Ada now or later. Oh, that's right, he didn't know how sturdy he was. He swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood, swaying slightly and gripping the bed to keep him from falling. Galneth snorted. "I would be careful if I were you." She said, her elegant white dress glimmering in the sunlight. Phoenix looked up at Galneth, arching an eyebrow. "Hello. Who are you?" He questioned the brown haired healer.

Galneth, replied, "I am Galneth The one that saved your life." "Cool! I mean, thanks." Phoenix said, his eyes wide. "Man, I'm being awkward." He cleared his throat. "Thank you, for saving my life."

Galneth laughed, "You're welcome. Also, the half-elf helped too." She stated. "Oh. That makes sense." Phoenix nodded. "Can you help me get to the throne room?" He hated asking for help, but sometimes giving in to help was good for the soul. And he wasn't sure he'd be able to make it anyway. Galneth nodded. "If you wish." She replied, walking over.

Thranduil waited for his son, impatiently, as Phoenix entered the throne room with Galneth's help. "You wanted to see me, adar?" Galneth stayed silent, for she did not want to anger the already ill tempered king.

"Yes." Thranduil replied. "Do you really want to know more about that, she-elf?" He spat the last word out like venom. Galneth thought it best if she left. "I'll take my leave of you," she muttered, moving away from Phoenix and walking steadily towards the massive doors. "Lithwen? What about her?" Phoenix asked curiously, crossing his arms confusion written over his face. "She has a charm. A dragon charm. It holds the power to turn a dragon from bad to good, or, good to bad." Thranduil growled. "She's only used it once I believe. For herself. She is not a good elf. She is a evil half-elf!" The elvenking spat again. Then regaining his posture, he said, "Now go. Go see that despicable half-human."

Galneth stiffened on the opposite side of the door. Did he know? Did the half elf hating Elvenking know of her second race? Did he know her father was only half elf? She was pulled from her thoughts when she heard one of the guards move. "Darn it, Thranduil..." She growled to herself.

"She's in the dungeon, isn't she?" Phoenix muttered angrily, giving his father a small glare. "How do we know that she's evil?" He questioned further. "I said, GO!" The king, finally losing it, yelled.

"By Gondor, I'm going. But I'll need an escort. I just woke up, and you expect me to be able to descend all those stairs?" Phoenix demanded, fully glaring now.

"Húrdir! Escort my son to that girl's cell." He called to the nearest royal guard. Húrdir nodded his head as he propped the king's youngest son into a proper walking position.

Galneth stayed silent outside of the throne room. The giant carved doors opened and she saw Phoenix shoot his father one last glare. Then he awkwardly hobbled out of the throne room. He passed Galneth on the way down and she tried to give him a small smile.

Lithwen stared out of the cell bars, hoping someone would come soon. she hated being held captive, plus, it was freezing down here. She heard clanking metal followed by clumsy scuffles.

"Lithwen?" Phoenix called worriedly, looking around in the dark cells. "Which one are you in?" "I'm over here! About the twentieth one down!" Lithwen almost sobbed in relief.

Phoenix smiled with joy as he hobbled over to her cell, peering at her through the strong iron bars. "Are you okay? My adar said you're evil. I don't know what to think." He said in a jumbled rush, barely taking a breath."I'm fine, I really am. But, evil? I'm just the opposite. I-I suppose I know why your father thinks I'm evil though." Lithwen paused. Then she started

"My father was a good man. Until he got ahold of a charm. With the power to turn dragons evil or good. He went to Sauron and asked to join his forces. Sauron agreed. My mother, a woodland elf took it. She then came to King Thranduil for help, all he did was put her in the dungeons. Before she was cast into her cell she told me to take care of this."

As she ended the story Lithwen pulled out a crystal like charm that draped across her chest out from under her shirt. "It glows purple when I change a dragon. I changed this little fellow from bad to good, just for company." Lithwen told the astonished prince. A greenish head started to appear. "He's harmless. " Lithwen reassured as a green dragon, no larger then a pillow, appeared.

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