All about FallFlings(with brief history about the tribes)

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So in my story, there will be different tribes. But for now I'm going to explain one of them, a Fallfling, because the main character (Breeze) is a Fallfling.

So the tribes in my story are FallFlings, Darkrays, Lightrays, Waterflings, Earthshards, Cloudshines, Starlings and Fireflings! 

You should know that each tribe has a magical source that gives them their magical powers. The sources are located in their kingdoms. Except for the Earthshards and DarkRays(you'll find out why later in the prologue.) Below is a list of the magical sources.

List of Magical Sources

Fallflings-   Three magical autumn trees that don't change color. They are hidden in a magical  forest and no one, except for the Fallflings, know where they are. 

Darkrays- no source

Earthshards- no source

Lightrays-   a magical light oasis in the Light Kingdom. Whereabouts are unknown.

Waterflings-  a magical pond located in a swamp

Starlings:    A giant magical crystal located in the Starling palace. This gigantic crystal actually is the source for the crystals that each Starling has.

Cloudshines: A magical rainbow that never disappears. It travels all around the globe.

Fireflings: a magical volcano located in the Fire kingdom 

Ok so a bit about Fallflings. They are bird sized, small dragons. They live in the forest in tiny houses. They don't have kings or queens, they have elected leaders. There is one that guards each tree. They are autumn colored (red, orange, brown, yellow, etc.) 1 out of 20 of these Fallflings are born with green in their coloring and these dragons can turn into regular sized dragons, like the other tribes, whenever they want. 

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