Chapter 11: Escape

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A/N: I swear, online classes can be both chill and a hassle. I've been busy with a few assignments but now that they're knocked out? I can get back to writing! Sit back and enjoy.

(Normal pov)

As Odda steered Tripfire to where Hilda trains the new dragon riders and to relieve Hilda of the two Vikings and their Night Fury, the old man released a heavy sigh as his wife and daughter were constantly on his mind. The mere thought of seeing again would make him the happiest man in world, all he knew was that his family was being kept in a slave camp  somewhere in Swarm controlled territory, he feared these monsters and their cruel methods would turn his pure and innocent family into something he didn't recognize.

After all, it had been two decades since the last time Odda saw his family.

His daughter was four years old when the Swarm invaded, now she was all grown up and Odda never got to see his daughter grow tall, to see the boys chase after or see her train her first dragon. These thoughts caused tears to swell in Odda's eyes, because he knew the Swarm had robbed him of being a father to his daughter and it only fueled Odda's hatred of the Swarm tenfold.

"Get your hands off me!"

Looking down to the ground, Odda laid eyes on three individuals and a Night Fury being escorted across a bridge. Deciding to intercept the soldiers before they delivered the Viking before they had a chance to deliver them to either Noctus or Hilda, Odda had Tripfire land on the other side of the bridge. Dismounting his Stormcutter, Odda barked out towards the soldiers. "Hold there!" Stopping dead in their tracks, the soldiers and Vikings turned around to see Odda approach them. "I am to take these Vikings and their Night Fury to the rehabilitation tower."

"What need have they for that?" One of the soldiers asked, cocking their had in confusion. "These Vikings and their dragon are fine." The small group of guards tilted their heads in curiosity, wondering what exactly Odda was up to here. The old mercenary then gestured to the Vikings and dragons. "Are you blind or can you not see with that helmet on?" Odda challenged before continuing. "The Night Fury has fresh wounds littered across its body and the Vikings look bloodied as well." That wasn't a lie, the three Vikings looked hurt and blood spatter and stains were on their leather and dragon scaled armor.

One of the soldiers approached Odda and snarled out. "Why should we hand these disgusting savages to you? Queen Hilda gave us explicit instructions to return these Northmen to their cells." Two more soldiers approached and stood besides Odda with hands on their sheathed swords. "We take orders from the masters, not from mercenary scum like you." The head solider said firmly, turning towards the two soldiers by Odda's side, the head solider nodded at them. "Dispose of him." As one of the soldiers grasped the old mans shoulder, Odda inhaled sharply and proceeded to elbow that soldier in the face, he then proceeded to draw out his own sword and decapitated the second solider.

"Traitorous dog!!" The head soldier seethed out before drawing out their sword and lashed out at Odda, but the old mercenary swatted away the attack and managed to see the Vikings and their Night Fury killing the rest of the soldiers present and therefore ensuring no alarm was sounded. Quickly returning his attention back to the head solider, Odda narrowly evaded his attackers blade before it entered his belly. "You will pay for your betrayal!" The soldier snarled out before attempting to stab the old mercenary, but Odda grabbed the soldiers sword hand and broke their wrist and causing their sword to slip out of their hand. "No. You will!!" Odda said firmly as he then drove his sword through the soldiers heart, killing them instantly. When the solider's lifeless corpse fell to the ground, Odda could see the Vikings pushing the deceased soldiers off the bridge and letting them tumble down below. Following the Vikings example, Odda grabbed the solider he just killed by the legs and hurled the lifeless corpse off the bridge and watched as the body slowly vanished from sight.

As he turned back around, Odda was met with a sword at his face and the three Vikings giving him a firm and demanding look. "Why did you help us?" The boy asked, Hiccup was his name. "Because I'm done being the Swarms pawn and wish to redeem myself for the wickedness I've committed in the name of the Swarm." Turning to his Stormcutter, Odda whistled for his dragon to come to him. "I already have Casper and a girl who are ready to flee this place. Are you?" Hiccup lowered the sword in his hand and turned to Astrid and Thyra. "Of course we are. But how can we know that we can trust you?"

"You have no choice but to trust me boy." Odda said firmly as he climbed up Tripfire's back and continued. "I am the only one here who will help you escape, whether you trust me or not is not my concern but if we don't vacate the area now? Suspicion will be aroused and escape will not be possible." Hiccup digested Odda's words and then placed his hand on Astrid's shoulder and murmured. "If we want to get out of here? Now's the time, if he tries anything though? Toothless will vaporize him." Letting out a sigh, Astrid nodded at Hiccup and then looked into Odda's eyes and nodded at him. "Lead the way." Nodding, Odda urged Tripfire to take flight and waited while the three Vikings climbed on Toothless's back and followed the old mercenary where he was keeping Casper and Aldwyn.

As the Vikings followed Odda and Tripfire, Thyra spoke her concerns. "I don't trust this. Not one bit." Astrid couldn't help but hum in agreement at Thyra's words and replied. "We may have only one chance to flee this place and to find the Guardians and warn them that the Swarm are ready to consume Midgard with war, mayhem and death. We have no choice but to trust that he doesn't stab us in the back."

::If that man and his dragon try anything? I'll kill them both::

"Of that I have no doubt bud." Hiccup said while patting the Toothless on the neck, he then turned to Astrid and Thyra and nodded at them. "We keep our guard up, but we are escaping this wretched place one way or another." The two Viking girls nodded at the auburn hair boy in agreement while Toothless followed Odda and Tripfire.

(Oliver's pov)

As we finally touched down at the Ore Pits, I slid off Ripper and was awestruck at how massive this place really was. There was easily tens and thousands of children down here, all of them were dirtied, bloodied and half dead from being deprived of food and water. Despite showing sympathy towards them in my heart? They're all here to serve the Swarm and the strong will rule over the weak.

Naturally, I'm one of the strong and the Swarm have further sharpened my skills as a dragon rider and warrior, something that I'm truly grateful for.

Hilda dismounts her Light Fury and gestures for me to follow, as we walk side by side, she asks without even looking at me. "Do you harbor resentment for your brother?" I answer immediately. "I do. Ever since he was born? My family has given him... special treatment and have all but cast me aside, not only this but Casper is obsessed with those Guardians." I spat out in utter annoyance. "If we're going to war against the Guardians? Then I wish to help you and the Swarm eradicate them and savor as I rip away the very thing that my little brother idolizes." Hilda then turns to me and smirks at me. "And help us you shall. When the Swarm stand over an ocean of Guardian corpses? There will be nobody that'll stop us from claiming this world."

We then approached the nearest taskmaster and Hilda spoke up. "Where is the overseer?" Bowing their head, the overseer answered. "Dead Queen Hilda. A girl with crimson hair killed him." Raising an eyebrow in question, I speak up. "Aldwyn? Was this girl named Aldwyn?" Raising their head up to look me in the eye, the taskmaster nodded in confirmation and causing me to snort in disbelief. "I can't believe I didn't recognize her voice when she spoke out against you!" I said while turning to Hilda before continuing. "Aldwyn and Casper have always been close, ever since they could walk." Humming in acknowledgement, Hilda turned back to the taskmaster, the Swarm Queen then snarled out. "Where are Casper and Aldwyn now?"

"When the girl struck down the overseer? Odda said he'd deal with them, but he and the children have been seen since." Was the taskmasters response, causing Hilda to narrow her eyes suspiciously. "How strange of Odda." Hilda murmured to herself, she then continued her way and I caught up to her. "What're you thinking?" I asked, Hilda answered while inspecting her metallic claws. "I believe Odda has... lost his way." She then let out a sinister giggle before continuing. "If that is the case? Then that is most unfortunate." We then approached two bound females that had sacks above their heads, Hilda then had two soldiers to remove the sacks and one of the women was in her mid fifties and the second one was in her mid twenties who were both gagged as well. "These two lovely creatures are Odda's wife and daughter. I was going to discharge Odda's service to the Swarm and let him live the rest of his life with his family. But..." Hilda approached the younger woman and traced one of her metallic claws down her delicate cheek and purred out. "...if Odda had betrayed the Swarm? Then he shall witness me gut his family."

I could see the utter terror in the young woman's eyes, no doubt caused by Hilda's ghastly oath if Odda has indeed betrayed the Swarm. As she withdrew her metallic claw from the young woman's face, Hilda then approached by two more soldiers and they quickly bowed their heads before one of them spoke. "Queen Hilda, the Vikings and their Night Fury have gone missing. Not only that, but the soldiers escorting them have not checked in." As I digested this information, I turned back to Hilda saw her nostrils flare up in anger. She then turned to the two soldiers that held down the bound women and nodded at them. "Bring them." She said while gesturing to Odda's family, Hilda then turned back towards her Light Fury which caused her crimson cape to whip sharply as she speed walked towards her dragon and causing me to quickly catch up with her. "Ready yourself Oliver, if that old man is attempting to aid in these children in escaping the Swarm? Then you will have an opportunity to prove to me if you truly do stand with us."

As Hilda climbed back on her dragon, Glint, I couldn't help but snarl to myself as I too climbed on top of Ripper's back. This was a place that not only valued loyalty, but tested others in ways to prove their loyalty and that was something that I deeply loved about the Swarm.

This was a test that I would not fail.

(Normal pov)

After having their fill of food and rest, Casper and Aldwyn took a look at the maps scattered on Odda's desk and tried to find where exactly the Guardians were located, obviously at Eden's Embrace but the directions that lead there are not told in the Guardians chronicles nor anywhere else. The two teenagers had been working on this for quite some time that they barely even heard Tripfire land inside the chamber, only when Odda cleared his throat did the two teenagers turn away from the maps and cartography.

"Keeping busy, eh?" Odda asked, Casper nodded and then gestured to the maps. "Aldwyn and I were looking for a route that could take us to the Guardians, but to no avail." Toothless soon entered the chamber and Casper laid eyes on Hiccup, Astrid and another Viking that wasn't with them prior. "Now that we're all here, do we have a plan?" Hiccup asked as he slid off of Toothless, Odda hummed in confirmation and spoke up. "A contact of mine who deals with the Guardians has provided me the path that'll lead you kids there." Reaching for a medium size capsule clipped to the small of his back, Odda opened the capsule and pulled out a chart that gave a crystal clear route that leads to Eden's Embrace." He then approached his desk, cleared off any clutter or irrelevant map and placed the chart he had in his possession on the now clear desk.

"Now we're here, at Devil's Keep..." Odda said while pointing his finger to a vast area of rocky terrain, mountains and desert. "...according to my contact, we need to reach the Coral Sea and its out there do we find Eden's Embrace." Reaching for the small of his back, Odda detaches the capsule and carefully rolls the chart and places it back in the capsule and turns towards the small group of teenagers. "Which of you has more experience with navigation?" Both Hiccup and Casper stepped up, causing Odda to nod and then handed the capsule to the fifteen year old Culworth. "Will you not be coming with us? If you know the way, you should be joining us." Casper stated, Odda nodded and replied back. "Believe me, I would want nothing more than to be as far away from this vile place as humanly possible and to make the Swarm pay in blood for not only ripping my family away from me but for also making me do horrid things in their name. But... I still have the hope of freeing my family."

"Good to know."

The group turned towards a cool voice and their eyes widened in horror at the sight Queen Hilda on top of her Light Fury, Oliver and several of Hilda's personal bodyguards as well as regular soldiers dragging in two women that Odda recognized immediately and he gasped in both joy and utter horror.

"I was going to release your family to you Odda, for your loyal service to the Swarm..." Hilda said, a menacing smile spread across her face as she then motioned for the soldiers holding the two bound women down to bring them forward. As Odda's wife and daughter were on their knees, Hilda drew out her sword and shrugged. "...but since you have betrayed us? The blood of your wife and daughter will soak your feet."


Odda drew out a throwing knife tucked in his forearm brace and hurled the knife right at Hilda, the blade successfully embedded itself in Hilda's sword wrist, causing the Swarm Queen to let out a snarl and to drop her weapon. Turning to her bodyguards, Hilda seethed out. "Kill him, but subdue the rest." The bodyguards were armed with spears and shields, as they advanced on Odda and the group of teenagers, the old man turned to them barked out. "Go, now!!"

Not needing to be told twice, the teenagers grabbed what they needed and climbed on top of Toothless and raced to the cave mouth. As Hiccup was about to urge Toothless to take flight, Casper held him off. "No! Wait." Giving him a disbelieving look, Astrid growled out. "Wait for what?!!" Casper laid eyes on Oliver who was just watching Odda and his Stormcutter butcher Hilda's guards and then the soldiers who held his family down. After killing the last soldier, Odda narrowly dodged a sword strike thrown by Hilda which was meant to remove his head. "Those children won't get far." Hilda growled out as she then ripped out the throwing knife still embedded in her right wrist, Odda quickly turned to his wife and daughter who were right behind him and gestured to Tripfire. "Take my dragon and get out of here!"

Releasing a battle cry, Hilda lashed out at Odda and the two engaged in a ferocious blade lock while giving each other murderous glares. With the speed of lightning, Hilda slashed Odda across the face with her metallic claws and causing the man to cry out in agony as his own blood clouded his vision and thus giving the Swarm Queen the chance to press her attack, which she did. She slashed the old man across the chest and then plunged his sword through his right thigh, causing Odda to scream in agony and to see the sadistic grin that graced Hilda's face.

Inhaling sharply, Odda head butted Hilda and landed four heavy punches in her stomach and then proceeded to seize her by the throat and slam her down on the ground, but not before ripping her metallic claws off her fingers. As Hilda fought desperately to preserve her own life, the Swarm Queen looked to see Oliver watching her fight and then turn his attention to his younger brother who was crying out.

"Oliver! Come on, nows our chance to get out of here!!"

Looking up at the motionless Oliver in utter disbelief, Odda spoke firmly and loudly to get his attention. "You don't have to be their pawn boy! Follow your brother out of here and go home!" Oliver's face darkened as he then looked into Odda's eyes and said in a normal tone. "I am home." He then patted his Dark Fury on the head, the dragon proceeded to unleash a roar that nearly ruptured Odda's eardrums, staggering him. Hilda kicked Odda in his wounded thigh and proceeded to grab his right arm and break it and then kicking him away from her, once more causing agonizing screams to exit Odda's mouth while he cradled his broken arm.

"You would wound your queen Odda?"

Panting heavily and wiping the sweat off his brow, Odda noticed that a barrel of thick black oil separated him from Hilda, so the old man grabbed a nearby lantern and snarled out to Hilda. "You were never my queen!" He then hurled the lantern at the spilled oil and flames roared to life and began eating at Hilda's crimson cape, the Swarm Queen ripped off her cape and rushed to her Light Fury and the dragon flew through the flames and was heading straight for the Night Fury that held five teenagers and Stormcutter that held Odda's family.

Seeing that they needed to go now or never, Hiccup urged Toothless to fly and the Night Fury dove down the steep mountain that they were just in, Tripfire was right behind Toothless though he wanted to make sure he would catch Odda should Hilda's Light Fury shake him off. Odda's wife, Aethelflaed then steered Tripfire towards the Light Fury that held the evil queen and her heavily wounded husband. Odda was clinging to the Light Fury's tail, but the dragon let out a snarl and violently whipped Odda right off her tail, causing Aethelflaed to steer Tripfire towards her falling husband.

Managing to catch Odda from meeting his demise on the sharp rocks below, Aethelflaed turned towards her daughter. "Edwina, tend to your father! Try to stop as much of the bleeding as you can!" Edwina nodded frantically and blew several strands of her hair out of her face that clouded her vision while at the same time keeping her balance on the massive Stormcutter. "M-My... sweet Ed-Edwina..." Odda wheezed out while reaching for his daughter, the twenty four year old gave her father a sad smile and made him as comfortable as she could while also making sure he wouldn't slide off his own dragon.

Hilda and handfuls of Swarm dragon riders were in hot pursuit of Toothless, causing the Night Fury to roar out in disbelief that these dragons that look so similar to him have greater speeds. As Hiccup was steering Toothless, he turned back to see Aldwyn have a crossbow in hand and barked out over the howling winds. "Care to use that crossbow and get these guys off our back?" Before Aldwyn could speak, Thyra relieved the crimson haired girl of the weapon. "I've got it." She said with a light smile and then proceeded to load the bow with a bolt and aimed at the nearest Swarm dragon rider and fired. The bolt struck one of the Dark Fury's in the eye, causing the dragon to roar out in agony and fire a crimson plasma blast at two other Swarm riders Dark Fury's, managing to take out three riders with one shot.

"Nice shot Thyra!" Astrid praised as she held on tightly to Hiccup's torso and silently praying to the gods that they get out of here alive. Hiccup and Toothless worked together and flawlessly dodged and evaded incoming crimson plasma blasts and Swarm arrows while now navigating through darkened tunnels. Toothless let out a roar of echolocation to help himself and the humans on his back out of this tunnel and away from the pursuing attackers right on their tail.

::THERE!! I see a way out!::

Toothless announced, causing Hiccup to see a beam of light as well and to nod. "Alright bud, full speed!!" Toothless pumped his wings harder and faster, Hiccup then turned to Astrid and the others. "Alright! On my word, get ready to duck your heads." Everyone nodded in understanding and they soon saw a narrow passage that looked just big enough for Toothless to fit through, once they were close enough? Hiccup yelled out.


The teenagers ducked down and Toothless dived straight through the passage with ease, while the pursing Swarm riders had to stop since their dragons were far too big to continue pursuing. Queen Hilda urged her dragon to stop and she let out a disbelieving snarl and ran a hand through her wind whipped hair, several more Swarm dragon riders came up behind Hilda and they gave their report. "Odda and his family have escaped our grasp." Hilda inhaled sharply and exhaled slowly before addressing the Swarm riders present. "The escapees and traitor pose a great threat to our plans! If they disclose our survival to the Guardians? Our plans will be ruined!!" Hilda then let out an enraged roar that even frightened the dragons the Swarm rode. Once getting that out of her system, Hilda sighed out.

"We must inform King Noctus of what has transpired here."

(Hiccup's pov)


I roared out in utter glee, causing Astrid to cup my face and kiss me passionately while the others let out their own cheers and cries of joy as well. Once breaking off from Astrid's lips, I looked to Casper. "You have the chart?" He pulled it out and waved it, causing me to nod. "Alright, we find a place to rest and see if Odda and his family made it out." I said while just for the moment enjoying the taste of freedom again.

"You alright Aldwyn?"

Turning around, I could see the red haired girl slowly reach her hand out and caress a cloud which caused her to gasp and then to laugh joyously. "I'm more than alright. I'm flying!" She cried out happily, causing us all to laugh while Toothless too let out a joyful roar while gliding through the air with grace. Astrid nuzzled into the back of my neck and purred into my ear. "I haven't felt this free since fleeing Berk." I hum in agreement as I remember what Astrid and I endured on Berk and then compare them to what we've endured here.

Let's just say what we suffered on Berk pales in what the Swarm did to us.

But that's now in the past.

We're now past that storm and now on our way to greener pastures, and on our way to Eden's Embrace to seek out the Guardians and to aid them in snuffing the Swarm out of Midgard.

(Oliver's pov)

Hilda had returned to where we found Odda, my brother, the escapees and Night Fury some time later and found me still here, waiting for her return. She slid off her dragon and looked out towards the horizon and sighed out. "Odda's betrayal was... unexpected. He was useful to our cause." Turning around to me, she gave me a warm smile while approaching. "You had an opportunity to join those who fled, but you didn't." Once she was arms length of me? She gently cupped my cheek and cooed out. "I'm starting to think you deserve to become a Child of the Swarm."

"I want that your excellency." I said firmly, Hilda nodded in acknowledgment and then spoke passionately. "We are for power, dominance and strength! What can you offer the Swarm?" She then looked right into my eyes and asked softly. "What can you offer me?" I purse my lips in thought until an idea sprang to mind. "I... I have a sister." Cocking her head curiously, Hilda smiles. "Go on."

"Her name is Judith, she's young but... with the right training and teachers? She'll grow up to be strong, fierce and loyal soldier to the Swarm." I say firmly, causing Hilda to hum and then extend her hand out towards the horizon. "Go, take a group of our dragon riders and bring your sister to me. Once you return? You will become one of us." I then bow on one knee before Hilda and lower my head in submission to her command.

"It shall be done. My queen."

A/N: I'll be honest with y'all, I'm being a little bit lazy here as far as writing goes. I've got a billion other things going on and when I have free time? I don't want to write, but I don't want to procrastinate here! Anyway, let me know what your thoughts were on the chapter and I'll catch y'all in the next one!

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