Chapter 4: Bonded

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A/N: Alright, so in the next chapter? Hiccup and Astrid stand before the Hooligan council and will be banished from Berk, barely escaping a death sentence. And as I said before, once Hiccup and Astrid flee Norway? I'm going to introduce new lands, dragons and characters that aren't from any of my previous stories, just for those... passionate individuals. Also, when I introduce these new characters? I'm going to give them plenty of character depth, because I know in previous stories I haven't done a good job in giving totally new characters any depth to the story, but y'all won't have to worry about in this story. Anyway, enjoy the update!

(Normal pov)

Astrid emerged from a pool she and Hiccup used for bathing, and the blond haired girl was very pleased that she was able to wash off the hard day she had. With the bar of soap in her hand, Astrid scrubbed her body and ran her fingers through her hair, causing to sigh contently. She was previously at her home and had gotten into a very heated argument with her parents, causing Astrid to storm out of her home in a fit of rage, ignoring her parents commands to return at once. The days had gone by in the blink of an eye and Astrid's marriage to Snotlout was at dawn, the thought caused Astrid's stomach to churn in disgust. She had everything she need to survive packed up to flee this fate

The rustling of bushes caused Astrid to cease her bathing and quickly make her way towards the pools edge and grabbed a throwing knife, praying that it was Snotlout so that she could gouge out his eyes for watching her bathe as well as rid him of his cock for pleasuring himself at her glistening, yet nude body.

"Come out!"

Astrid demanded, the blond hair girl suddenly lowered her throwing knife and smiled as Hiccup emerged from the bush, he then threw his girlfriend a teasing smirk. "You were hoping I was Snotlout, weren't you?" Astrid laughed lightly and nodded. "I did. Thank Thor I was wrong." Hiccup smirked and looked up to the now evening sky, glittering with trillions of stars, the full moon that shone its light down on Astrid, making the naked blond girl look like a goddess in human form.

Hiccup removed his boots and his tunic and then proceeded to sit on the pools edge and dip his feet in the water, causing Astrid to pout in disappointment. "I'm here naked and you don't join me? Have you lost desire for me?" She asked teasingly, Hiccup however shook his head firmly and replied back. "Never, I will never stop desiring you Milady. Its just..."

"Spit it out babe."

"...I've got a lot on my mind." Hiccup confessed, Astrid cocked her head and trotted towards Hiccup, once she was at the edge of the pool where her boyfriend sat, she slid her hands up Hiccup's thighs, wanting to feel his warm skin, but instead she felt the rough leather pants that covered his skin. "Is it about the Night Fury?" She then asked, Hiccup nodded in confirmation, licked his lips and shrugged. "Your wedding to Snotlout is in three days Astrid, that I haven't had the time to even visit the Night Fury due to Gobber and I being tasked with ensuring our army has enough weaponry to take on the dragons nest."

"Your father's crazy, attacking the dragons nest like that. Who knows what sleeps within their den." Astrid stated, causing Hiccup to hum in agreement, he then looked into Astrid's ocean blue eyes and spoke firmly. "I'm going to find that Night Fury, once I bond with? We take what we need and leave this place." Astrid rested her chin on Hiccup's knee cap and hummed to herself. "Sounds good." She said with a smile, it then turned into one that suited a predator, causing Hiccup's eyes to widened and he tried getting up, but Astrid yanked him into the pool with her.

When Hiccup emerged from the pool, he sputtered out a mouthful of water and scolded a now emerging blond who had a mischievous grin on her pretty face. Hiccup's scold turned into a smirk until he burst out in laughter, causing Astrid to laugh with him. Making her way towards her boyfriend, Astrid grabbed Hiccup by the front of his leather pants and kissed him passionately, causing the auburn haired boy to moan in contentment and happiness, while very eagerly returning Astrid's arousing kiss.

Braking off from his lips, Astrid assaulted Hiccup's sharp jawline, neck and collarbone with light kisses, causing goosebumps to form across his body and for the boy to gasp at the pleasant sensation of his girlfriend's soft and warm lips. While Astrid continued making her boyfriend writhe in pleasure, Hiccup spotted a pair of big forest green eyes glowing in the darkness.

And those eyes were looking right at him.

Slowly pushing Astrid away, she was about to question him why he pushed her aside, but he gestured towards the pair glowing green eyes. Astrid gasped lightly as the Night Fury emerged out of the shadows and sat on the edge of the pool the two teenagers were in.

"H-Hey there big guy."

Astrid said in greetings, turning to Hiccup, she encouraged him to approach. As Hiccup trotted through the water towards the sitting Night Fury, he could see the majority of the wolf bites were healed, causing Hiccup to smile. "I'm glad to see you're healed." The boy said with genuine joy, causing the ebony dragon to cock its head slightly, it showed no signs of aggression as Hiccup drew closer, the sight caused Astrid to hold her breath and silently grabbed her throwing knife.

Just in case.

Hiccup narrowed his eyes at the Night Fury and asked. "Why haven't you returned to the nest? Why are you still here?" That question caused the Night Fury to turn around and growl slightly and turned back to the auburn haired boy with a look of... fear.

"Listen, I don't know if you understand me or... if I'm just crazy in general for talking to a dragon but... we need you to trust us." Hiccup said while gesturing to both himself and Astrid before continuing. "We mean you no harm, we have no desire to kill dragons. If we did? We would've tried killing you the first time we crossed paths." Hiccup said in a serious tone, the Night Fury purred lightly as it absorbed Hiccup's words, understanding every word.

Taking a leap of faith, Hiccup extended a hand out and breathed out. "I mean you no harm, neither does Astrid." Closing his eyes, Hiccup looked away and prayed to the gods that this wouldn't backfire on him. After a solid minute, Hiccup gasped as he felt a warm snout press into his palm, opening his eyes, Hiccup saw the Night Fury's eyes were closed as well, until they reopened and then a deep, soothing male voice entered the boys head.

::We are now bonded, physically linked. And when I have bonded with your Astrid? We will be bonded as well::

Hiccup looked at the Night Fury and cocked his head in question. "Was... Was that you?" He asked, referring to the voice in his mind, the Night Fury gave a firm nod.

::It was. Get familiar with it, because our mind link will have its advantages that I will disclose in time::

Astrid made her way towards Hiccup and she too held a hand out for the ebony dragon, causing it to press its snout into her palm and causing her to laugh in both amazement and awe. "Hiccup, we've just bonded with a Night Fury." This caused Hiccup to grin and nod at his girlfriend's words. "I know! Amazing isn't it?" Astrid nodded in agreement and then turned back to the Night Fury and asked. "So... do you have a name?"

::I do not. My mother never had the chance to name me, because she and my pack were killed by an old dragon hunter and his dragon killers::

Both Hiccup and Astrid shared confused looks, but decided not to ask the dragon to continue disclosing that information, for it would no doubt reopen old wounds. Noticing their bonded dragons dropping mood, Hiccup smiled lightly and asked. "Can you open your mouth?" Looking at the boy with a confused look, the Night Fury obliged and opened its mouth, revealing his toothless maw. "Huh, toothless? I could've sworn you'd have—"

The Night Fury then brandished it's razor sharp teeth before Astrid, cutting her off her words, she gasped in surprise and mumbled out. "—teeth." Hiccup cocked his head and asked. "How about we name you Toothless?" The Night gave it thought and then gave a firm nod at the boy.

::Toothless. That is my name. It feels... good::

Hiccup and Astrid shared a smile and then proceeded to exit the pool, Astrid grabbing a fur towel to dry off and slowly got dressed again once she was dry enough. Hiccup sighed as he ran a hand through his soaked hair and then proceeded to dry off with his tunic, once he was dry enough, he laid eyes on Toothless approaching them, the two teenagers spent time showing their bonded dragon affection and reassuring him that they won't let any harm befall in him, swearing in their sacred arm rings.

And for once in his life? Toothless did indeed feel safe. Which made the Night Fury joyful.

(Fifteen minutes later)

"Ugh!! Why're we tasked in fetching Useless? We're not his keeper?"

Snotlout, Dogsbreath and Tuffnut walked through the forest in search of Hiccup, Stoick had asked for him but the auburn haired heir was nowhere to be found in the village.

"Lets up that sickly little runt got ripped to shreds by wolves." Dogsbreath growled out, Snotlout hummed in agreement, but he was more concerned where his bride to be was. Astrid's parents informed him that she stormed out of their home in a fit of rage and ran to the forest.

No doubt she was with Hiccup.

That thought caused Snotlout's blood to burn with rage, he was about to marry a goddess in human form and his pathetic cousin seems to have won not only her heart, but her love too.

"So, you think Useless is with your wife to be Snotface?" Tuffnut asked, scowling at the male Thorston, Snotlout grunted in confirmation to Tuffnut's question. "Of that, I have no doubt. If they're committing acts outside of wedlock? Stoick and the council will see them banished from Berk."

"Life without two pathetic, hopeless losers? Sounds good to me." Dogsbreath said with a grin, before anymore of the boys could speak, they heard a series of noise. But what they didn't expect was to hear moaning. Female meaning to be precise.



Snotlout held his hand out for Dogsbreath and Tuffnut to keep watch, while he's locate the source of the female moans. Approaching a large bush that led down a steep trail which held a spring pool and when Snotlout looked down? It was there he could hear the tell-tale sounds of kissing and moaning. He slowly raised his head, eyes focused on finding the dead man with his woman. His eyes immediately found Astrid on her back in her breast bind and leggings and a figure on top of her planting kisses along her neck... a figure with a familiar green tunic, leather pants and a mop of auburn hair.


Snotlout moved away from the bush, breathing heightened, eyes wide and fingers digging into his palm, out of anger.

"H-Hiccup." She heard him moan his name in pleasure and... love.

"Do you want me to stop?" He could tell by the tone of his voice he was teasing her. If not that, the small laugh from her gave it away.

"Not in the slightest my love." She said, before he heard the smack of lips again.

How was this possible? How did Hiccup ever get Astrid to notice him? He was a nobody for all his life... and now he was stealing his woman from right under his own nose. He was already imagining ways of dealing with Hiccup— choking him, stabbing him, ripping his head off... He was not going to let his runt of a cousin steal what rightfully belonged to him.

The sounds of growls then reached Snotlout's ears, daring to take a peak, the stocky Jorgenson nearly screamed in terror at the sight of a dragon that black as night approaching Hiccup and Astrid, who were still making out heatedly. But to Snotlout's confusion and shock, the dragon didn't attack them, but rather nudged its snout into Hiccup's side, causing him to look at the dragon. "What is it Toothless?" Astrid too asked the dragon. "Do you smell something? Or someone?"


Hiccup named a dragon?!!

Snotlout saw the dragon look his way and he quickly ducked down, keeping a hand over his mouth and taking deep breaths, to calm his racing heart.

Not only were Hiccup and Astrid flirting with taboo practices, but they befriended a dragon!


What kept Snotlout from staying where he was hiding, he'll never know. Maybe it was the fact that the ebony dragon would tear him to pieces or a much more gruesome fate for spying on the two traitors if he so much as moved a muscle. Never mind though. He would get back at Hiccup. He could always go and tell the Hoffersons that her daughter was divulging herself in forbidden activities in the forest with Hiccup the Useless. And then we would tell Stoick and the council that both Hiccup and Astrid had not only befriended a dragon, but with a Night Fury.

No, Hiccup needed a warning... a clear warning to stay away from Astrid. He quietly tiptoed away from the bush and silently ran back to Dogsbreath and Tuffnut.

"Well, what did you see?" Tuffnut immediately asked. He really wanted to know so he could finally get some sleep after a long day.

"You really don't want to know." Was all Snotlout replied, walking away and back towards the village. Dogsbreath and Tuffnut looked at each other before catching up with Snotlout.

"What do you mean by that? What did you see?" Dogsbreath asked . "Was she even there?"

"Oh she was there alright. In her breast bindings and leggings on the grass."

"Wow! You saw that!? And you're angry?" Tuffnut asked, shooting him a disbelieving smile.

"I wouldn't be angry if Hiccup wasn't on top of her!" He shot back, not stopping his walk.

Dogsbreath and Tuffnut stopped in their tracks. Did they just hear him right. "What?" Dogsbreath spoke up first.

"You heard me! He was shirtless and on top of her... she was shirtless, in her breast bindings and leggings under him, moaning his name and laughing!"

"Are you sure you're not seeing things?" Tuffnut asked while raising an eyebrow.

"Since I'm not drunk, I'm completely sure of what I saw!" He repeated angrily, he then added. "And on top of that, those two befriended a dragon!!"


"And not just any dragon, but a Night Fury!!" Snotlout added, his face was flushed with rage and he looked bloodthirsty. "So what now? We're just going to let those two get away with treason?" Dogsbreath asked

"Like Hel we are! Hiccup and Astrid are going to pay dearly for this! We're going to Stoick and I'll tell him exactly what I saw." Snotlout said with malice in his voice, he then snarled out. "And we'll finally be rid of those two."

(Hiccup's pov)

"Why... are you sssooo... amazing... at this?" Asked the Valkyrie that happened to be my girlfriend, as she lay against the grass as I traced kisses along the skin of her stomach. I had ceased my soft kisses upon her lips, to which she made a small pout and a whimper but was quickly rewarded by my tongue leaving a trail of fire along her neck, over her breast bindings and down to where her skin met her leggings... and now came the return journey.

Except I was more urgent and ferocious.

I began to use my teeth now; the strong enamel creating sensations she's never experienced. Combined with how my tongue drew intricate patterns along her stomach; and even how my tongue tried to dig deeper into her naval. My hands carried their own attack on her legs, caressing them as if they were feathers that would wilt away at the wrong touch.

That was how she felt every time I touched her... like a feather. This I already know, because she tells me this many times, and I do my best to treat her with the upmost care and tenderness.

She couldn't suppress the pleasured yelp when I gently bit her skin, just above her naval. She propped herself on her elbows and brought her head up to see me grinning as I planted another hickey on her pristine stomach. I always knew what made her gasp, yelp, moan and knew how much was enough. How does one even know that? She knew I didn't have any other girl before her... then how did I know how to pleasure her so well? When we hadn't even had sex yet? Well... lets just say we like flirting with the taboo; testing boundaries almost the point where we'd throw caution to the wind and have sex like wild animals.

I look forward when that day arrives, but that day is not today.

Astrid too had the same thoughts as me, so I cut her thoughts short when my face came directly in front of hers and captured her lips. She gave no resistance as I laid her back down and let her hands roam my tunic covered chest.

She gently rolled them over, so she was now straddling him, running her hands over my covered scars, which I had my father to thank for, whenever he had gotten drunk? He'd pour out his anger and frustrations on me. Some of the scars were caused by the fire poker and the damage they inflicted left behind deep and ghastly scars. I remember Astrid literally carrying me to Gothi and it was there when we confessed our love for the first time and became a couple.

I would flinch each time she ran her hand over a newer scar inflicted by father when he was drunk out of his mind. She noticed that they were unintentional flinches; even my hands momentarily reaching up to stop her seemed second nature to me. She wanted me to feel safe with her and that she could comfort me every time nightmares of my past crop up.

She then peeled off my tunic, revealing my toned body to her, she guided her lips over each scar on my chest and stomach, feeling the hard, rough skin leave its imprint on her lips— at the same time imagining the pain I must have felt when the cold steel of the fire poker entered my body.

Her warm exhales brought a sense of comfort and security that I could only dream of. Watching her treat me like a delicate flower reminded me why I fell in love with her again. She was capable of displaying limitless amounts of compassion and care. People just didn't know it. Well, other than me and now Toothless.

She let down her defenses when she was with me and only me. For her to have that much trust in me was nothing short of a miracle in my view.

She pulled back up, eyes landing at the monster of a scar over my heart and down to my abdomen, courtesy of drunk Stoick nearly killing me when he blamed me for getting my mother killed, he nearly ripped my torso in half with the fire poker and I barely survived the horrible experience.

Astrid couldn't even imagine how it looked when I sustained this ghastly would, she wasn't by my side to tend my fatal wound, I cauterized it myself and made healing herbs to quicken the healing process. When I told Astrid of how I received this wound? She could picture a pool blood growing in size underneath me, imagining my tunic becoming drenched in my own blood, probably even seeing a rib; she shook her head, casting the gruesome thought away quickly, even now. Not wanting to ruin the moment, she leaned back down, first laying her hand at the start of the massive wound on my chest, just above my heart, and then proceeding to slowly run it across the scar, trailed by her soft kisses.

I laid my head back down, closing my eyes and taking in her actions. Letting her warm, soft breaths and kisses take me into her world of safety and love. I smiled to myself when I felt her work her way back up the scar and to my lips; my arms moving to her thin petite waist, holding her down while her hands cupped my jaw.

"Thank you." I muttered as we broke apart for air.

"For what?" She asked, still cupping my face and looking into my forest green eyes.

"For everything... just... everything." I breathed out, shooting my signature grin. She just chuckled, shaking her head slightly. "You're such a dork sometimes." She said.


"But you're my dork." She said with a warm smile earning her another grin from me, we then embraced each other tightly and dreamed of the future we'd have together once we leave Berk. Turning to Toothless, I saw him watching us with curiosity and wonder.

::Why not simply mate with each other?::

His straightforward question caused both me and Astrid to blush deeply, burying her face in my neck out of embarrassment, I cleared my throat and answered Toothless. "Because we have rules among our culture, having sex outside of marriage is forbidden!" Toothless rolls his eyes and makes his way towards the tree line, causing me to cock my head in confusion. "Where're you going?"

::To go hunting, and giving you and Astrid privacy::

When Toothless disappeared in the evening darkness? I chuckled lightly and stroked Astrid's blond hair. "How about Milady? Should we just mate and get on with it?" I asked playfully, Astrid lightly slapped my chest, causing me to hiss in pain, regret instantly formed on her face. "Ooo, sorry babe." She then kissed where she had slapped my chest.

"One day though Astrid, we will have the freedom to indulge in our passions, and when that day comes? I want to drown in you." I said with love, causing Astrid to purr and peck my lips. "I can't wait." Was her response, we shared a warm smile and were once more entangled and kissed passionately, enjoying what little peace we had left before leaving Berk.

(Stoick's pov)

By the gods, if there's one thing I despise about the chieftain of the Hairy Hooligans? Its cleaning up after my people's stupidity. A group of men nearly tore each other to bits because of a dispute over land, rather than just talking and settling the matter in a peaceful manner.

Than again, we are Vikings.

Regardless, not only had to deal with that, but I heard reports of someone burning Mildew's cabbage field, causing the old man to throw quite a tantrum.

Currently, I was in the Great Hall sitting on my throne and creating repercussions for the damage my people have inflicted upon each other. The day had been agonizingly long and I released a heavy and labored sigh, after such a long day? I would always be looking forward to be welcomed home by Valka who had prepared a delicious meal or just her mere presence and just her being there when I needed her made me the happiest man in Midgard.

But the gods have been... most cruel to me and took not only Valka from me, but another unborn child that resided in my late wife's womb.

Some time later and I had finished my duty as chief for the day and made my way to the Hall's door, only to have it fly open itself, nearly smacking me in the head.


A strangled cry flooded into the room as Snotlout, Dogsbreath and Tuffnut came hurtling into the Hall, panting desperately. Eyebrows shot skyward as the trio came to a stop at my feet. "H-Hiccup... dragon!"

I reacted out of instinct, reaching for my war hammer strapped to my waist. "Is it a raid?" I barked out, also wondering why they haven't sounded the war horns.

"No, no!" Snotlout wheezed out, gasping for breath. He pointed a shaky hand to the open door, moonlight flooding through it. "Nuthin'... attacking."

"Slow down nephew." I said firmly. "One sentence at a time. What're you on about?"

Dogsbreath and Tuffnut remained silent while Snotlout shook his head in disbelief, staring wide eyed at me. My face twisted with confusion, though that was soon to change.

"H-Hiccup... As-Astrid... they've befriended a dragon. A Night Fury to be precise."

(Astrid's pov)

Fifteen minutes later of passionate kissing, holding each other close and whispering words of love to each other, we got up and got dressed and Hiccup presented a satchel that was filled with dry foods— yak jerky, honeyed nuts, and a handful of other dried foods edible for consumption. He also had his book that told the chronicles of the Guardians, his sketchbook, journal and several bags of coin, as well as straps of throwing knives. He even had a bedroll too, once we leave Berk? We'd be more comfortable sleeping on that, rather than foreign and hostile terrain.

"Alright. Do you have everything you need?" Hiccup asked me, I hummed in confirmation and presented him my own satchel that held personal and necessary necessities. "Now all we need to do is find Toothless and get out of here." Hiccup said while running a hand through his hair, he then turned to me and extended a hand out in invitation. Smiling warmly at the love of my life, I took his hand and he pulled me close to him. "You nervous?" He murmured, I nodded at him. "We're about leave the world we've known or whole lives, so... yeah, I'm pretty nervous."

"Well, its a good thing we have each other. Because whatever is out there? We'll face it together." Hiccup said in a firm tone, I smiled at him and nodded, and was about to kiss him but a series of bolas came out of nowhere and wrapped themselves around Hiccup's torso and legs, dropping him to the ground. Before I could even reach a weapon, a blade pressed itself to my neck, turning to see who it was my eyes widened to see my enraged father.

Stoick and his bodyguards came into view and loomed over Hiccup, the chief looked... beyond enraged, as if he'd eat his son alive. Two bodyguards proceeded to pull Hiccup off the ground and faced him in front of Stoick.

"Where is it?"

Stoick asked in a cool tone, Hiccup shrugged in confusion. "What're tal—"


Stoick roared out, spittle flying out of his mouth and landing on Hiccup's face, causing him close his eyes and shook his head. "He left." Was his response, Stoick grabbed Hiccup's cheek in a iron like grip, causing Hiccup to whimper in pain. "How could you? Those... devils murdered your mother and unborn sibling. And you go off with your whore and BEFRIEND THE EMBODIMENT OF THE DEVILS WE FACE?!!" Standing firm, Hiccup seethed out. "Astrid is no whore."

"Not according to Snotlout boy!" My father snarled out, turning back to me, my father gave me a murderous glare and spat out. "You are no longer my daughter, you have shamed the Hofferson clan for the last time." I hissed slightly as I felt blood trickle down my neck. My father's words should've hurt me, but they didn't and instead relieved me of a burden dragging me down.

Shaking those thoughts aside, I return focus to Hiccup who is suffering the full wrath of Stoick the Vast. The two were screaming at each other, faces flushed with anger and rage, spittle flying out of their mouths and each Haddock gave each other murderous glares, if looks can kill? Both Hiccup and Stoick would be dead. Backing off from Hiccup, our chief huffed and puffed in rage while pacing side by side and running a through his braided red hair. "I'm going to ask you one more time to tell me where the Night Fury is." Stoick said in a firm tone, narrowing his eyes on Hiccup, the mountain of a man that was Stoick repeated himself. "Where is the Night Fury."

"Far from your grasp." Was Hiccup's answer, Stoick approached and then bore his teeth. "Tell me or I'll—"

"You'll what father? Hmm? Hiccup spat out, he then continued. "I'm not letting you or your dogs touch Toothless." Stoick let out an enraged cry and barked out. "They've killed hundreds of us!!!"

"And we've killed thousands of them!!" Hiccup countered, before continuing to speak. "You might as well kill me, because I'd rather die than sell out the last known Night Fury."

"And me!" I said firmly, Stoick looked to me and I nodded firmly at him and repeated. "And me." Stoick merely scoffed and then announced. "Then as chief of the Hairy Hooligans? I, Stoick the Vast condemn you both to one night in prison. Your fate will rest in the hands of the council and mine." Turning to bodyguards, Stoick ordered them to take us away, as we were being dragged to prison, I turned around and could see Toothless, but shook my head at him; silently telling him to stay out of sight.

::If they sentence you to death? I will rescue you before that happens::

Toothless promised, I nodded at him and responded back to him through my mind.

"I know you will. Just stay out of sight, and be safe."

Toothless nodded and silently followed us as we were being dragged to prison. Hiccup and I shared a look and accepted our fate for the time being, I however was praying that they'd simply banish us, rather than just kill us, but that was pretty doubtful. Regardless, the fate of Hiccup and myself now rested in the gods hands, all we could do was wait for a somewhat fair trial and pray that the gods will be merciful.

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