A Not so Heart to Heart Duel

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As the slifer trio were asleep something else was going on in chancellor's office something Dakota's family didn't like especially Mai

Mai: There is no way in hell I'm giving him back to that freak

Joey: Yeah who knows what could of happened to him if he stayed there

Shepherd: I understand your concern, but it's what he wants

Yugi: Yeah and what they want isn't the greatest

Kiaba: If anything this should be Dakota's decision none of ours

Mai: Hmm fine, but you already know his decision right

Mokuba: Of course we do. We've been his family since he was 4

Joey: He won't leave us trust me

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As morning arrived Dakota was making pancakes again only in the shape of hearts while Syrus was sitting there

Dakota: Ah isn't Valentine's Day the greatest Sy love in the air, getting to spend time with the love of your life

Syrus: Easy for to say your basically the only slifer with a girlfriend

Dakota then realized that Syrus didn't have a girlfriend, but remembered something Alexis told him

Dakota: Well you might have a secret admire actually

Syrus: Wait seriously who is it

Dakota: That really defeats the purpose of it being secret, however I am also not one to start rumors or spread them, but I think Mindy might be crushing on you

After that Syrus was a little shocked as Dakota left to wake up Judy for breakfast

Dakota: Hey Judy it's time for breakfast

Judy was still asleep so Dakota did the only thing that could work he gave her a kiss which also caused her to open her eyes

Dakota: Happy Valentine's Day Judy

Judy: Aww you remembered

Dakota: Of course I did come on I made breakfast

They both walked in the kitchen and Judy saw that her stack of pancakes had syrup, whipped cream, and sprinkles which caused her to hug Dakota tightly and began eating breakfast

In the middle of breakfast Dakota got a call on his PDA and saw it was Mokuba and answered

Dakota: Yo talk to me

Mokuba: Dakota we have a situation here and it involves your past, so could you come over

Dakota: No problem just let me finish breakfast with Judy

After that the slifer trio head to shepherds office wondering what the problem was

Dakota: So what is it this time

Out of no where Dakota was tackled to the ground by someone who he was shocked to see, but honestly never wanted to again

???: Hi Dakota

Dakota: Rebecca what are you doing here?!

Rebecca: Well I heard you were here and I couldn't help,but not meet my favorite duelist

Dakota and Rebecca got off the ground and Dakota sensed a dark aura coming from Judy which scared the crap out of him

Dakota: So Rebecca why are you here to see me

Rebecca: Because remember our last duel you said if I could beat you in a duel you'll be my boyfriend

Just like that Dakota froze still remembering what he said

Dakota: Uh Rebecca I hope you realized I was joking right

Rebecca: Nope, but either way we're dueling

Dakota: Well then get fired up

Just then Rebecca left while the others were already walking to the obelisk arena as well as meeting Bastion, Alexis, and Zane on the way there

Zane: So Dakota got himself into a love situation

Bastion: Apparently so

Alexis: How are you getting out of this one

Dakota: Same way I've always gotten out of situations like this win a duel

Syrus: Yeah especially since you forgot to mention how you're already dating Judy

They all entered the arena with Dakota and Rebecca in the center and the others in the bleachers

Dakota: Let's get this over with Rebecca

Rebecca: Yeah with me as the winner

Both: DUEL

Dakota: 4000 LP
Rebecca: 4000 LP

Rebecca: I'll go first by setting a monster face down in defense mode and place one card face down that'll do it for now

Dakota: My move now

Dakota then looked at his hand and saw Kidmodo dragon, Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon, Red-Eyes Black Dragon, Red-Eyes Baby Dragon, polymerization, and drew pitch black dragon

Dakota: Alright I summon Kidmodo dragon in defense mode and end my turn

Rebecca: Fine by me I now flip my des koala and his ability activates meaning you take 400 points of damage for each card in your hand and since you have 5 you take 2000 damage

Dakota: 2000 LP

Rebecca: Now Des Koala attack his dragon

Dakota: Hah you just activated his ability when he's destroyed in battle I can summon another dragon to the field. Now come on out Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon

Rebecca: Well I can't do anything else so I end my turn

Dakota: My move and since Darkness Metal Dragon doesn't like being alone his ability allows me to summon another dragon, so give a warm welcome to Red-Eyes Black Dragon and now I summon Red-Eyes Baby dragon, now Red-Eyes Black Dragon attack Des Koala

Rebecca: 3000 LP

Rebecca: Well now I activate my spell koala March this let's me bring back my des koala and allows me to summon another one from my deck, now I sacrifice them to summon Big Koala. Now attack his baby dragon

Dakota: Thanks Rebecca because now I can summon a red-eyes monster to the field and it's my second red-eyes black dragon and I can equip my baby dragon to red-eyes giving him 300 extra attack points, Now red-eyes attack Big Koala with Inferno Fire Blast

Rebecca: 2900 LP

Dakota: I'll place one card face down and end my turn

Rebecca: Okay my turn I play monster reborn bringing back my des koala and now I play polymerization and fuse my des koala and des kangaroo to summon Master of Oz

In the bleachers Syrus was worried because of master of oz attack points

Syrus: Oh man 4600 attack that means if she attacks Dakota's red-eyes he'll lose

Bastion: Actually Syrus I think he wants her to attack

Syrus: Why would he do that

Zane: To bait her is why Syrus because when a red-eyes is equipped with baby dragon, baby dragon takes the hit and Dakota's life points are safe

Rebecca: Now Master of Oz attack his red-eyes with 2700

Dakota: Ha that's what you think when you attack a monster with red-eyes baby dragon equipped to it baby dragon takes the hit and I don't lose life points

Rebecca: Fine, but that also means your red-eyes is back at 2400 attack points and none of your monsters can destroy master of oz

Dakota: We'll see about that I activate the spell card of sanctity which allows both of us to draw until we have six cards, now I summon Galaxy serpent and play the spell double summon and bring out curse of dragon now I use them both to summon the Dragon of Synchro Summoning

This got Bastion's attention and brought to everyone else

Bastion: Doesn't that sound familiar to you

Syrus: I think so... wait a minute


Dakota: I use polymerization to fuse red-eyes and pitch black dragon to summon the dragon of fusion summoning, the Starving Venom Fusion Dragon

Flashback end

Syrus: He said the same thing when he fusion summoned

Zane: Which means this must be his synchro dragon

Dakota then began to chant as his eyes were a sky blue and his voice was distorted

Dakota: Spread those wonderful and beautiful wings and strike down your enemies at the speed of light. I SYCHRO SUMMON come forth CLEAR WING SYNCHRO DRAGON

Dakota: That's not all I activate polymerization to fuse red-eyes black dragon and red-eyes darkness metal dragon to summon the Dragon of Fusion Summoning

One of Dakota's eyes went from blue to purple as he also chanted to summon his other dragon

Dakota: Two beautiful flowers with a deadly alluring fragrance join together and create a new terror from the hell that lies beneath your petals! I FUSION SUMMON arise poison dragon with hungering fangs STARVING VENOM FUSION DRAGON

Everyone started in shock and awe when they saw Dakota summon two summoning dragons

Dakota: This is over Rebecca

Rebecca: How my monster is still the strongest

Dakota: Not for long because Fusion dragon's ability activated giving him attack points equal to your monsters attack points now he has 7400 attack points, now Fusion dragon attack master of oz

Rebecca: 100 LP

Dakota: My attack isn't over yet though Clear Wing attack her life points directly

Rebecca: 0 LP

Dakota: The duel's over Rebecca and you lost

Rebecca: *sighs* Guess we can't be together then

Dakota: Even if I did lose Rebecca I already have a relationship with someone and she's up there in the bleachers

Rebecca: Well it is expected for someone like you

After the duel they all left for the docks giving a good farewell to Rebecca

Judy: Well that was weird

Dakota: Not completely because before me she was crushing on Yugi

Dakota: So shall we finish this Valentine's Day in a good ending

Judy: I think we can do that

The slifer couple then spent the rest of their day spending time together

Next time on Dragon Emperor it's Dakota's birthday, and it turns into a family competition to see who can get Dakota the best present. Not to mention it turns into a duel and a exciting one at that next time on Dragon Emperor: Birthday Blowout

Hi everyone I was going to post this closer to Valentine's, but honestly I couldn't wait also thank you for over 300 views I'm actually hoping to write all 3 seasons in this book and yes there will be a supreme queen ark though it's going to be a little different however be prepared at the end of season 1 because near that and around season 2 that's where things are planning to get dark

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