Best Birthday Ever

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It shows the sun just rising on Academy Island as Dakota's parents and the others are decorating the cafeteria

It shows Joey and Kiaba putting up a banner

Kiaba: Careful with that banner Wheeler

Joey: Yeah, yeah I know dat rich boy

It then shows Mai and Mokuba in the kitchen with Mai making a cake

Mai: Mokuba can you be a sweetie and give me the sprinkles

Mokuba: Sure thing

It goes to show Yugi, Syrus, and Judy putting table covers on the tables

Yugi: Well that takes care of that

Judy: Phew hey you done yet Syrus

Syrus: Maybe if the cover was on the table instead of me

Judy then turned around and saw the table cloth on Syrus making him look like a decorated ghost

Judy: Here let me help

Judy then took off the cloth and Alexis came through the doors with Bastion and Zane

Judy: Hey Alexis I guess you just finished the notes

Alexis: Yeah just on more and it goes right here

Alexis then put the note in the middle of the cafeteria floor

Bastion: Pardon me for asking, but isn't this a little overboard for a party

Judy: Ha you kiddin Bastion Dakota's last birthday parties were even bigger than this

Mokuba: That's for sure

Zane: What did you do last year

Joey: Went to the Lazer dome

Syrus: That does sound fun

Judy: Well unless you count Dakota taunting you while he hides in the dark and catches you by surprise I guess it is fun

Joey: Shesh I still get the shivers when he laughs like that

Mai: Alright everyone it's to make sure everything is in order

All: Right!

It then just shows Dakota sleeping before his alarm startles him awake

Dakota: Aaaah

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

It shows Dakota slamming his fist down on his alarm turning it off

Dakota: *yawn* Man I haven't slept that well since all those nightmares started

Slifer: Well that's good to hear

Obelisk: Indeed you do seem to be more active then usual

Dakota: What's that supposed to mean

Ra: It means that you'll be able to duel better than ever

Dakota: Well that's good to hear

Dakota went to the fridge only to see two notes and read the first one

Dakota: Dear Dakota, We had to get some stuff for ingredients sorry Alexis Rhodes

Dakota: Well so much for breakfast

Dakota then grabbed the other note

Dakota: Around the island there will be notes like this one along with a hint to where it is

Dakota: Is the hint on the back then

Dakota then flipped over the note and saw the hint

Dakota: The first note is closer than you know instead of looking high look below

Dakota then started looking down and under stuff until he found it under the desk in the dorm room

Dakota: Haha alright let's see. The next one is outside, but look quickly or it will be swept by the tide

Dakota: Okay so it should be near the shore line

Dakota then ran out side near the ocean where he and Judy would usually duel for practice, but couldn't find it

Dakota: Argh come on it says swept by the tide where else could it be

Dakota thought for a while and realized

Dakota: Wait the docks

With that Dakota took off and arrived at the docks to find the note leaning off the edge

Dakota: Not on my watch

Dakota then ran towards the note and grabbed it right before it fell into the water

Dakota: Phew that was close anyways let's see. This one is where we met and inside is where the note is set

Dakota: Hmm okay well I know Alexis wrote these, so the note would be at the Duel Stadium

Dakota ran to the obelisk duel stadium and started looking high and low, but couldn't find it

Dakota: Okay this is a trick question then unless hold on a minute

Dakota looked at the note again and read it again as well

Dakota: Where we first met? Hmmm wait a minute me and Alexis first met was when me and Syrus put our places in the academy on the line so she could duel me, but that was in the middle of the water unless. Inside is where it's set

Dakota: That's it it's in the boats

Dakota then ran to where the boats were and started looking and found the next note

Dakota: Alright now tell me where the next one is. In the forest is where it is marked all you have to do is find the right bark

Dakota: Umm okay

Dakota searched through the forest and didn't understand until he hit a tree

Dakota: Ouch I guess this trees bark is actually worse than it's bite... wait that's it in the forest is where it is marked I just need to find the right bark

Dakota started swinging in the trees looking for the note and found it

Dakota: Ha there it is

Dakota then jumped and grabbed it, but only to fall out of the tree

Dakota: Man that hurt oh well where's the next note. If you are a true dragon duelist then spread your wings and fly higher while taking the heat of a dragon's fire. Hmm if I'm not mistaken then she's telling me to get to the highest place on the island and it happens to be the Volcano

It then shows Dakota climbing the volcano while breathing heavily

Dakota: Phew there better be a good reason Alexis is sending me to get these notes

Dakota finally made it to the top and grabbed the note

Dakota: You are now at your hottest so come on down to be at your coolest

Dakota then sighed and walked down the volcano and found the note

Dakota: After being outside for so long come to the academy where you will be nearly done. Well I'm glad this is almost over

Dakota then walked to the entrance of duel academy and found another note too

Dakota: Your nearly finished and nearly done just walk down the hallway and prepare for fun. Well okay

Dakota walked inside and in the middle of the hallway was another note

Dakota: You always go here so you're not a bother, but it's also where you go when you always have hunger. Wow now there getting easier again

Dakota's stomach growls and Dakota takes off to the cafeteria where he sees another note at the doors

Dakota: The last note is inside this room just enter here and get ready to boom

Dakota: Umm okay that makes me nervous a little bit

Dakota walked in anyway and turned on his PDA light since it was completely dark

Dakota: Man I can't even see my own hand in my face

Dakota then notices the final note and crouches down to pick it up and read it

Dakota: Congratulations your search is now fin and now the party can finally begin

Dakota: What?

Just then all the lights came on and everyone surprised him

Everyone: Happy Birthday Dakota

Dakota was shocked to see everyone planned this and was actually speechless

Dakota: Is that what this note search was for

Mai: Duh sweetie you know how we like to surprise you

Dakota: I should've known this was your idea

Judy: Well now that we're all here let's party

Everyone was having fun eating cake and ice cream which Dakota scarfed down since he missed breakfast

Syrus: Umm Dakota you should calm down otherwise your going to chock

Dakota: *mouth full with cake* Not muh fullt you book all duh fuud in duh bridge

Syrus/Judy: Wat?

Dakota: *swallows cake* I said not my fault you took all the food in the fridge

Judy: Oh yeah sorry babe we need them for the cake

Dakota: Well lucky for you guys I'm rich and I can order us food

After everyone was done everyone went outside

Yugi: Is everyone here

Dakota: Yeah so why are we out here

Kiba: So you can see your present

Just then a chopper was landing in front of them

Dakota: Is the chopper my present

Kiaba: No it's what's inside the chopper

The chopper landed and opened revealing a red and black motorcycle

Dakota: No way is this really what I think it

Joey: You bet your dueling deck it is

Kiaba: Behold you very own customized duel runner with an extra gift

Dakota then looked on the side to see a new version of his Red-eyes duel disk

Dakota was shocked but was able to hug his family as they hugged him including Kiaba

Dakota: Now let's hear this bad boy

Dakota then started up his duel runner and did an entire lap around the island

Dakota: Purrs like a kitten, but roars like a dragon

Kiaba: Follow me because this was only the first part

They all took off until they stopped and saw some type of track

Dakota: What is this

Kiaba: I call it the Turbo Track

Dakota: Turbo Track?

Kiaba: When you specifically use your duel runner to duel they're known as Turbo Duels, so you want to give it a test drive

Dakota: Hell yeah!

Dakota started up his duel runner and drove to the track the others as well as Jasmine and Mindy were there watching and another duel runner appeared

Dakota: Let me guess some kind of AI my uncle made

AI: Affirmative

Dakota: Okay

Kiaba then appeared on a screen and announced the new rule

Kiaba: There is a new rule first duelist to take the lead goes first everything else applies to the average duel

Dakota: Got it

A timer started at 3 and counted down as soon as they heard a ding after 1 they speeded off with the AI in first

Dakota: Damnit

AI: I'll start off my playing polymerization and fusing the three blue-eyes I have to summon Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon I also put one card face down and end my turn

Dakota: WHAT?!

Dakota was actually shocked to see ultimate dragon out on the first turn, but also caused him to smirk

Dakota: Ha nice move, but it's my turn now I draw

Dakota looked at his hand and saw Dian Keto the cure master, draining shield, Nutrient Z, Dr-fusion, and a new one that shocked him

Dakota: *thoughts* Shit I can't do anything, but remember just one card can change the entire playing field

Dakota drew a card and it was just the one he hoped for

Dakota: Perfect I play Brain Control and use it to control your dragon

Dakota: 3200
AI: 4000

AI: Even so it comes back next turn

Dakota: That's what you think because now I play de-fusion which separates your blue eyes into the three original

As Dakota activated his spell the dragon split into three

Dakota: Now I sacrifice one of them to summon the magical lady of light, ladies and gentlemen please give a great warm welcome to the Blue-Eyes Magician Girl

Dakota: What's so special about her you might be wondering well she gets 300 extra attack points for every blue-eyes monster in either of our graveyards

BEMG: 2000-2600

Dakota: Hold on though because this is just the beginning because now I contact fuse the two blue-eyes on my field to summon the Blue-Eyes Twin Burst Dragon

Just then the two dragons combined into one

BEMG: 2600-3200

Dakota: Now I end my turn with 3 face downs

Everyone was shocked not just by what Dakota summoned but how he summoned them

Bastion: Incredible strategizing

Syrus: What do you Bastion

Zane: He means Dakota sacrificed his life points to summon two powerful monsters

Alexis: And because he's fighting an AI it won't dare to attack with those three face downs

Judy: True, but Kiaba built this AI

AI: My move I play monster reborn bringing back my Ultimate dragon which means your magician loses 300

BEMG: 2900

AI: Now dragon attack his lady

Dakota: That's what you think I activate my trap card Draining Shield which not only stops your battle phase, but I gain life points from the attacking monsters attack points

Dakota: 7700 LP

AI: I end my turn

Dakota: Great cause now I can start mine

Dakota drew from his deck and got the card he wanted

Dakota: I play card of sanctity letting both of us draw until we have six cards in our hand

Dakota: Now I summon Blue-Eyes White Chick and I'll use his effect to sacrifice him to summon Blue-Eyes White Dragon and now my Blue-Eyes Magician Girl gets another 300 attack meaning she's back at 3200 and I think I'll equip her with Bond Wand. This magic card increases her attack points by her level times 100 meaning she now has 3800 attack points

AI: It's still not enough to destroy my dragon

Dakota: Grr *thought* that AI is right my only option is to use dark hole and then use bond wand's effect to bring back Blue-Eyes Magician girl and hoping I draw the right card *sighs* *out loud* I end my turn

AI: Fine now I activate my trap Dodge attack

Dakota: What does that do

AI: It allows my monster to dodge from attacking your monsters and right at you

Dakota: Oh yeah well I don't think so

As the attack hit Dakota was still driving as his one face down activated

Dakota: Ha thanks to Nutrient Z I was able to gain 4000 extra life points

Dakota: 11000

AI: But you still loose 4500 of them

Dakota: 6500

AI: I end my turn your move

Dakota: Thanks

The others were watching to see what Dakota would do next

Jasmine: You think Dakota can win this

Mindy: No way he might be a great duelist, but no one can win against a dragon like that

Alexis: That's where your wrong Mindy

Mindy: What do you mean

Zane: She means bond wand has a little effect when the monster equipped with it is destroyed by battle or effect

Dakota: Now I activate Dark hole which destroys all of our monsters

AI: So you wanted a new start

Dakota: Wrong tin can I did that because when a monster equipped with bond wand is destroyed I can special summon that monster back, so Blue-Eyes Magician Girl returns even stronger because she has 4100 attack points

Dakota: Now I'm taking flight and getting fired up cause it's time to finish this Blue-Eyes Magician Girl attack that AI with WHITE LIGHTNING BLAST

The lady pointed her scepter directly at the AI as lightning shot out from hitting the duel runner

Dakota: 6500 LP

AI: 0 LP

After the duel both runners stopped with Dakota shouting how awesome it was while Judy took the three obelisk girls to her dorm room

With Judy in the dorms

Judy: Umm are you girls sure about this

It shows Judy in a maid outfit while blushing

Mindy: Of course we are do you how many guys went crazy when they saw their girlfriend in a maid outfit

Jasmine: Besides it looks good on you

Alexis: Just try not to have too much fun

Judy's blush got bigger as the girls left and seeing Dakota

Dakota: Hey Alexis do you know where Judy is

Alexis: In the dorm where were you

Dakota: Just getting some new cards from my family

Alexis: Oh okay

Dakota: Well I need to see Judy cya guys later

Dakota then took off to the dorms and went inside

Dakota: Yo Judy you here

Dakota then saw Judy slowly coming out into view and got a bloody nose and his jaw was dropped until Judy asked a question

Judy: there something you need

(Like this)

Dakota: Well someone looks rather sexy today

Judy: Enjoy it while it lasts master~

Dakota suddenly clicked and cornered Judy against the wall

Dakota: Well if you insist

Dakota and Judy both kissed each other which got heated really quick, but then separated due to the need for oxygen

Judy: Are you ready for your real present master~

Dakota: More then you think baby~

Lemon Start

Judy had Dakota sit down and she took off his pants and boxers to reveal his full erect member

Judy: Someone's excited

Dakota: How couldn't I be

Judy began to give Dakota a blowjob to which he loved

Dakota: Oh fuck your really good at this Judy~

Judy: Heh you haven't seen nothing yet

Judy then stripped herself naked and used her boobs to stroke Dakota's cock along with sucking it too making Dakota feel more pleasure

Dakota: Holy shit no wonder why you wanted popsicles so much this is the best birthday blowjob ever

Judy: This is your only birthday blowjob though

Dakota then shoved Judy's head down on his cock

Dakota: Keep on sucking babe I'm almost there

Judy continued her bj on Dakota as he was at his limit

Dakota: Oh fuck~ Judy I'm going to argh

Dakota released his cream in her mouth which she gladly swallowed

Judy: Mmmh Dakota that was delicious

Dakota's pervertedness got the better of him and he put Judy on the bed and started eating her out causing her to moan more louder than usual

Judy: *moan* D-Dakota your so good at this~
Please don't stop~

Dakota decided to stick his tongue deeper cause Judy to moan into her pillow to muffle her moans

Dakota kept doing this until she came as well causing Dakota to back away

Dakota: Now we can both make each other feel good

Dakota then shoved his cock into her pussy causing her to arch her back

Judy: Fuck~ How does it feel better than before

Dakota started thrusting in and out causing her to moan more

Dakota: You like it when we have time to do this don't you

Judy: Y-yes *moan* just keep fucking m-me master~

Dakota: Well if I'm your master than your master wants you to take every last drop of my cum~

Judy: Yes please do I want every drop of it fill me up master~

Dakota went faster causing Judy to moan loudly until Dakota picked her up and kept thrusting in her with her against the wall

Dakota: Judy I'm cumming

Judy: Yes master *moan* please cum inside me baby~

Dakota finally released inside her causing both of them to moan in ecstasy, but they didn't know that Dakota's PDA was on speakerphone while his family was listening

Kiaba: Well with those two sharing a room it was bound to happen

Mai: Oh I can't wait to see my adorable grand babies

Yugi: Well I would say I was expecting this, but that would be a lie

Mokuba: Well I'm traumatized now more than ever before

Joey: One of them better of had protection

It then shows Dakota and Judy laying in bed

Dakota: Heh this is the best birthday ever

Judy: I'm glad you enjoyed it sweetie

Next time on Dragon Emperor it comes between four first year duelist to see who gets to represent Duel Academy for the school duel. So kiaba decides to hold a free for all duel against Alexis, Bastion, Judy, and Dakota. While Dakota has dueled two of them separately he never had to duel all of them at once. Now he has to burn up brighter and hotter then ever before. Next time on Dragon Emperor: Duel Off and A New Deck

Hello everyone I'm back alive and well next will be as you know a four way duel will be happening and new cards will be shown so until then guys, gals, and non-binary pals bye

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